Topic: aliens?
Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/13/15 10:29 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 05/13/15 10:31 AM

I personally do believe that aliens exist. Earth is a back water planet really. The book of Genesis partly ripped off of Sumerian text. The Sumerian version is much longer and goes into great depth. Enki, son of Anu is the one that told the story to a Sumerian scribe. To me at least you can mix science and religion to a point to where they compliment each other. Also understand that theories like the earth is flat or hollow is made up nonsense. Sadly most of the original Bible is probably lost. Especially after the Catholic church got ahold of it. I do enjoy watching Ancient Aliens. I was researching this stuff long before that show. About 20 years now give or take. Humans were made in "their" image. As in polytheist, not Monotheistic like Christians, Jews etc think they are. Read the Hebrew text. Even now most, if not all modern bibles dont even say the same thing as they did a few hundred years ago.
I'm not putting down Christianity by any means. Just saying its completely different from the way it started. As for Darwin. I think he made some good points but it still doesn't take away the fact that he was a hack that couldn't understand DNA. If he did then he wouldnt of practiced inbreeding with Dalton and Galton. They were all for Eugenics which as we know was the basis for the Nazis exterminating most of the Jewish population. Weird thing is that Obama's mother was a director of Eugenics. Makes you think huh. Interesting conversations im seeing here. Sadly I do believe that the Nibiru-ki are probably all dead. Enki warned us what not to do because he already seen what happened to Nibiru. So far, we humans aren't listening. Good day all.

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS 12 February 1809 -19 April 1882)

yep,DNA was definitely well known in his Time!:laughing: slaphead

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/13/15 10:39 AM

The space ship heaven hovered over the planet Earth...Captain God and his first mate Jesus contemplated the human species...?....still

slaphead Don't tell Cowboy GH this... He'll Freak-Out !

You know what??? All of us will freak out one day ...when we face the CREATOR and discover that our sinful jokes about HIM and our disrespect (if we have indulged in them)for HIM can't help us in any way...that moment will come some day! It will also be a moment when ALL truth will come to our consciousness....a moment to be judged by the Creator and it will be too late to undo what we would have wanted to undo!!!

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/13/15 10:46 AM

I personally do believe that aliens exist. Earth is a back water planet really. The book of Genesis partly ripped off of Sumerian text. The Sumerian version is much longer and goes into great depth. Enki, son of Anu is the one that told the story to a Sumerian scribe. To me at least you can mix science and religion to a point to where they compliment each other. Also understand that theories like the earth is flat or hollow is made up nonsense. Sadly most of the original Bible is probably lost. Especially after the Catholic church got ahold of it. I do enjoy watching Ancient Aliens. I was researching this stuff long before that show. About 20 years now give or take. Humans were made in "their" image. As in polytheist, not Monotheistic like Christians, Jews etc think they are. Read the Hebrew text. Even now most, if not all modern bibles dont even say the same thing as they did a few hundred years ago.
I'm not putting down Christianity by any means. Just saying its completely different from the way it started. As for Darwin. I think he made some good points but it still doesn't take away the fact that he was a hack that couldn't understand DNA. If he did then he wouldnt of practiced inbreeding with Dalton and Galton. They were all for Eugenics which as we know was the basis for the Nazis exterminating most of the Jewish population. Weird thing is that Obama's mother was a director of Eugenics. Makes you think huh. Interesting conversations im seeing here. Sadly I do believe that the Nibiru-ki are probably all dead. Enki warned us what not to do because he already seen what happened to Nibiru. So far, we humans aren't listening. Good day all.

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS 12 February 1809 -19 April 1882)

yep,DNA was definitely well known in his Time!:laughing: slaphead

lol, DNA confused him in his incestuous journeys...whoa

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/13/15 11:15 AM

The space ship heaven hovered over the planet Earth...Captain God and his first mate Jesus contemplated the human species...?....still

slaphead Don't tell Cowboy GH this... He'll Freak-Out !

You know what??? All of us will freak out one day ...when we face the CREATOR and discover that our sinful jokes about HIM and our disrespect (if we have indulged in them)for HIM can't help us in any way...that moment will come some day! It will also be a moment when ALL truth will come to our consciousness....a moment to be judged by the Creator and it will be too late to undo what we would have wanted to undo!!!

lol, the "creator" ... trillions and trillions of stars out there, and even more planets... and this one "being" created everything? sorry, that's just to hard to swallow..

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/13/15 11:56 AM
I believe God didnt create a seperate life form, but I believe humans could have,,,,,

and they could have even 'evolved' into something totally different through constant experimentation and trying to control everything from gender to hair color,,,,,

my best guess at aliens is that mankind evolved itself out of existence as the humans we know,, that at some point it learned to 'control' time,, and has been traveling around as 'aliens' trying to fix its own mess,,,

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/13/15 12:55 PM

Just curious,so many people talking about aliens and seeing UFOs.what does the bible says about this? Is there any creatures out there that God created beside us?

Satan's greatest trick... convincing humans, that he (& his legion) does not exist. :angel:

A really great trick indeed!

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/13/15 01:19 PM

I believe God didnt create a seperate life form, but I believe humans could have,,,,,

and they could have even 'evolved' into something totally different through constant experimentation and trying to control everything from gender to hair color,,,,,

my best guess at aliens is that mankind evolved itself out of existence as the humans we know,, that at some point it learned to 'control' time,, and has been traveling around as 'aliens' trying to fix its own mess,,,

they talk about that a lot in the movie "Jupiter Ascending", with Mila Kunis...

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/13/15 01:34 PM

I personally do believe that aliens exist. Earth is a back water planet really. The book of Genesis partly ripped off of Sumerian text. The Sumerian version is much longer and goes into great depth. Enki, son of Anu is the one that told the story to a Sumerian scribe. To me at least you can mix science and religion to a point to where they compliment each other. Also understand that theories like the earth is flat or hollow is made up nonsense. Sadly most of the original Bible is probably lost. Especially after the Catholic church got ahold of it. I do enjoy watching Ancient Aliens. I was researching this stuff long before that show. About 20 years now give or take. Humans were made in "their" image. As in polytheist, not Monotheistic like Christians, Jews etc think they are. Read the Hebrew text. Even now most, if not all modern bibles dont even say the same thing as they did a few hundred years ago.
I'm not putting down Christianity by any means. Just saying its completely different from the way it started. As for Darwin. I think he made some good points but it still doesn't take away the fact that he was a hack that couldn't understand DNA. If he did then he wouldnt of practiced inbreeding with Dalton and Galton. They were all for Eugenics which as we know was the basis for the Nazis exterminating most of the Jewish population. Weird thing is that Obama's mother was a director of Eugenics. Makes you think huh. Interesting conversations im seeing here. Sadly I do believe that the Nibiru-ki are probably all dead. Enki warned us what not to do because he already seen what happened to Nibiru. So far, we humans aren't listening. Good day all.

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS 12 February 1809 -19 April 1882)

yep,DNA was definitely well known in his Time!:laughing: slaphead

lol, DNA confused him in his incestuous journeys...whoa

heck,when Darwin died,DNA-research was barely in its Infancy!laugh

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/13/15 01:41 PM

I personally do believe that aliens exist. Earth is a back water planet really. The book of Genesis partly ripped off of Sumerian text. The Sumerian version is much longer and goes into great depth. Enki, son of Anu is the one that told the story to a Sumerian scribe. To me at least you can mix science and religion to a point to where they compliment each other. Also understand that theories like the earth is flat or hollow is made up nonsense. Sadly most of the original Bible is probably lost. Especially after the Catholic church got ahold of it. I do enjoy watching Ancient Aliens. I was researching this stuff long before that show. About 20 years now give or take. Humans were made in "their" image. As in polytheist, not Monotheistic like Christians, Jews etc think they are. Read the Hebrew text. Even now most, if not all modern bibles dont even say the same thing as they did a few hundred years ago.
I'm not putting down Christianity by any means. Just saying its completely different from the way it started. As for Darwin. I think he made some good points but it still doesn't take away the fact that he was a hack that couldn't understand DNA. If he did then he wouldnt of practiced inbreeding with Dalton and Galton. They were all for Eugenics which as we know was the basis for the Nazis exterminating most of the Jewish population. Weird thing is that Obama's mother was a director of Eugenics. Makes you think huh. Interesting conversations im seeing here. Sadly I do believe that the Nibiru-ki are probably all dead. Enki warned us what not to do because he already seen what happened to Nibiru. So far, we humans aren't listening. Good day all.

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS 12 February 1809 -19 April 1882)

yep,DNA was definitely well known in his Time!:laughing: slaphead

lol, DNA confused him in his incestuous journeys...whoa

heck,when Darwin died,DNA-research was barely in its Infancy!laugh

DNA wasn't even a notion when Darwin Died... DNA has done nothing but help darwins cause anyway...

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 05/13/15 08:52 PM
You Humans just look at this pretty flashing light, and aliens will no longer be on your minds.

zabsMan's photo
Wed 05/13/15 09:21 PM
I am sorry to say unless somebody isn't a hardcore "Gin&Tonic" drinker they shouldn't post under this topic. Because all there posts will read a bit like the old Hindu text describing alien crafts in Sanskrit with having much prior knowledge of science or theology.

Sheik come out of hiding and lend me your support. Do remember to bring the bottle of "gin" along. There is more then enough tonic here all ready.

no photo
Wed 05/13/15 11:17 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Wed 05/13/15 11:19 PM

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the Arch-Angel found him on the seventh day, resting. He inquired of God, "Where have you been?"

God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds ....

"i have created Earth, the oceans and seas, and many large land masses"

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a smaller land mass and said "What's that one?"

"Ah", said God. "That's New Zealand, the most glorious place on Earth.

There are beautiful lakes, rivers, streams and hills.

The people from New Zealand are going to be modest, intelligent , gorgeous , humorous and they're going to be found travelling the world. They'll be extremely sociable, hard-working , high-achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as diplomats and carriers of peace."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed,

"What about balance, God ? You said there will be BALANCE

God replied wisely,

"Wait until you see what I'm putting next to them. I call them Australians

rofl rofl

With a sense of humour like that .. Likely earthlings are just another balance and aliens are laughing at us :-)

rofl you might say aliens will be travelling to new zealand... :thumbsup:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/14/15 01:52 AM

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/14/15 04:20 AM

Likely earthlings are just another balance and aliens are laughing at us :-)

Of course we aliens are laughing at you Humans.
You are reason why planet Earth is known as the trailer park of the Milky Way Galaxy.

* * *

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regularfeller's photo
Thu 05/14/15 08:49 PM
Maybe "aliens" do exist and know about us here on earth and they just aren't interested in us.

As for this biblical stuff, the firmament separating the earth from the this the ozone layer? If so, humans have crossed the firmament and there was no host of angels flapping about in space.

And why would "heavenly beings" have to descend to earth instead of just materializing on the ground?

We might find that the men "seeded" the earth in order to make it habitable for colonization when their previous planet suffered some calamity or their star collapsed. Might have to do it again...might be what all the mars hoopla is about.

Or maybe it's all BS...:laughing:

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/15/15 10:58 AM

Maybe "aliens" do exist and know about us here on earth and they just aren't interested in us.

As for this biblical stuff, the firmament separating the earth from the this the ozone layer? If so, humans have crossed the firmament and there was no host of angels flapping about in space.

And why would "heavenly beings" have to descend to earth instead of just materializing on the ground?

We might find that the men "seeded" the earth in order to make it habitable for colonization when their previous planet suffered some calamity or their star collapsed. Might have to do it again...might be what all the mars hoopla is about.

Or maybe it's all BS...:laughing:

maybe the sky is the most logical place for "gods" to come from back then...

no photo
Fri 05/15/15 11:14 AM
Makes me wonder if the firmament is the very edge of our universe...
And alien beings come from a different universe from ours...
Aren't there suppose to be more than one level of heaven, anyway?
Hmm.......kind of reminds me of norse mythology...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/15/15 11:24 AM

Makes me wonder if the firmament is the very edge of our universe...
And alien beings come from a different universe from ours...
Aren't there suppose to be more than one level of heaven, anyway?
Hmm.......kind of reminds me of norse mythology...

i kind of like the Buddhist way of thinking, about doing good in a previous life and coming back as something better, or moving on to the next step... makes more sense than one god that created everything from nothing...

no photo
Fri 05/15/15 11:27 AM

Makes me wonder if the firmament is the very edge of our universe...
And alien beings come from a different universe from ours...
Aren't there suppose to be more than one level of heaven, anyway?
Hmm.......kind of reminds me of norse mythology...

i kind of like the Buddhist way of thinking, about doing good in a previous life and coming back as something better, or moving on to the next step... makes more sense than one god that created everything from nothing...

In a different universe, maybe... Recycled to make another universe from nothing...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/15/15 11:31 AM

Makes me wonder if the firmament is the very edge of our universe...
And alien beings come from a different universe from ours...
Aren't there suppose to be more than one level of heaven, anyway?
Hmm.......kind of reminds me of norse mythology...

i kind of like the Buddhist way of thinking, about doing good in a previous life and coming back as something better, or moving on to the next step... makes more sense than one god that created everything from nothing...

In a different universe, maybe... Recycled to make another universe from nothing...

maybe, but i personally think the universe is eternal, with no beginning or any ending, just a big recycling pit that destroys and creates at the same time...