Topic: What qualities/characters do you find important
needsum12luv's photo
Sat 04/11/15 11:01 AM
Edited by needsum12luv on Sat 04/11/15 11:03 AM
"We all have certain people in our lives that we hold in highest
regard because of a certain quality, or combination of qualities
that they have. What quality is it about the people in your life
that causes you to hold that person in such high esteem. Be
specific in who those people are such as Spouse, family member,
friend etc. and what qualities they possess.

Example: Brother/Sense of humor, devoted
List as many as you like

no photo
Sat 04/11/15 11:23 AM
My Son, so proud of him

Bright, quiet, well mannered, honest, hard working.

no photo
Sat 04/11/15 12:47 PM
My grandmother because she is the biggest fighter I have ever met. She has been through so much, but yet she keeps fitghing everyday living life to the fullest with her enormous amount of faith and love.:heart:

needsum12luv's photo
Sat 04/11/15 12:55 PM
in order of their ranking of my esteem

My Mother/Loved me no matter what (unconditionally)
Brother/Friend, understanding, compassionate and caring
My Dad/Devoted, loving and nurturing
My 1st Stepfather/Integrity, mild mannerism, taught by example not admonition
My 1st wife/Loving, caring, understanding and devoted. (my bad)
My Friends in CA/supportive, forgiving and devoted

theseacoast's photo
Sat 04/11/15 01:14 PM
My parents: loving, caring, nurturing, who showed me by their example how to respect everybody, to help where it is possible, who had a very deep sense for honour and rightness

My brother: quiet, very introvert, but also very loving, devoted and unselfish

My cousins here in Czech: loving and caring, who accepted me as their own daughter when I came here after the war. Just the same qualities as my parents.

My friends: supportive under any circumstances, in good and bad, warm with big hearts

I can be just so very grateful that I know so many angels walking on Earth

regularfeller's photo
Sat 04/11/15 04:12 PM
No one I've met yet/Loyalty...if you have that quality/character trait everything else - respect, nurturing, unconditional love, etc., are automatic.

tman_62's photo
Sun 04/12/15 04:30 AM
My parents. Married for 56 years. Raised 5 kids.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 04/12/15 10:50 PM
I have too many to list instead I am going to list the key qualities they all have these aren't in any particular order.
I have been so blessed to have this type of people in my life.
The greatest people I have ever known my grandparents married 75 years. I use them as the bar for the men I have ever had in my life.
1. integrity
2. honour
3. respect
4. steadfastness.
5 humour
6. loyalty
7. wisdom
8. commitment.
9. the knowledge of how to love

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 04/12/15 11:00 PM
Integrity and passion.
Not saying