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Topic: Note to self
no1phD's photo
Tue 04/07/15 06:44 PM
note to self try not to look up.
don't look up..
Nooo.. I looked up..:angel: :smile:

no photo
Tue 04/07/15 07:10 PM
You naughty, naughty boy!!! *slap*

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/08/15 07:08 AM

no photo
Wed 04/08/15 07:36 AM
nts...Be gracious.

MadDog1974's photo
Wed 04/08/15 07:43 AM
Note to self:

Destroy the evidence!

no photo
Wed 04/08/15 07:50 AM
Edited by WonderWoman48 on Wed 04/08/15 08:11 AM

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/08/15 08:03 AM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 04/08/15 08:33 AM
My my..i see...hmm... it looks like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar..ohh.... okay maybe not a cookie jar..:angel: ..ohh nts..lol

no photo
Wed 04/08/15 08:06 AM

hummmmmm, what kind of cookies to make today?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/08/15 03:57 PM
Nts...pick your battles

no photo
Wed 04/08/15 04:12 PM

nts you can always start again

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:20 PM
Nts...don't let anyone suck the life out of you

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:21 PM
nt to self remember what day it isfrustrated

dreamerana's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:42 PM
idiots aren't worth your time.

theseacoast's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:42 PM
nts: please, don�t talk

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:56 PM
Nts...watch SitkaRains posts...I think she is copying from my paper biggrin

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/08/15 06:04 PM
NTS.. the leaf vacuum.. is not meant to suck up sticks.. big no no..
. clunk whisss zipp. bang bang..
zzzing...... bang bang clunk clunk..
.. Ooo ohhh noooooo

MadDog1974's photo
Wed 04/08/15 09:46 PM
Note To Self

You'll always regret what you don't do more than what you do, so even if you think you'll regret it, do it.

dreamerana's photo
Wed 04/08/15 09:49 PM

Note To Self

You'll always regret what you don't do more than what you do, so even if you think you'll regret it, do it.

I heard this often when I worked with the elderly.

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/08/15 10:05 PM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 04/08/15 10:06 PM
NTS.. you are out of hard boiled eggs..
... so don't crack that egg.. thinking its hard boiled..into the bowl of mayonnaise..

.. son of a box of raisins.....
. I knew I should have read the note.
you posted on the refrigerator..slaphead

JustScribbles's photo
Wed 04/08/15 10:08 PM

idiots aren't worth your time.

nts: Well, that's not ENTIRELY true. Your particular brand of idiocy grows on folks.

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