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Topic: Very thin line between love and hate
SitkaRains's photo
Thu 04/02/15 03:32 PM
Edited by SitkaRains on Thu 04/02/15 03:33 PM

You can't love someone 75 percent and they only love you 25 percent and you think it's gonna work it because it's not. Either you both you go 100 or don't go at all. #Facts

If we are talking about loving someone there is no way to tell what the percentages really are. Since how one person loves is going to be different than the other. You either love them completely, not liking some of the things they do, say, or think in the end you still love them.

I personally don't think about what percentage a person loves me. It has to be freely given. Then if they are giving all they are capable of, it is my choice whether I can accept that or not.

Hate I don't bother takes way to much energy and time to hate someone or something.

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