Topic: Introducing your kids | |
How soon after dating someone you should introduce your kids ?
Hmm.. right before you walk down the aisle again...
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I am going to say, it depends on how old, mentally mature, and if they accept that their parents are not getting back together.
If you can trust that the new fella or gal is not going to vanish in a month, I would say after that month or two. Longer if you feel the situation warrants a longer time period. It is really up to you. You know your kids best. Never let anyone pressure to do an intro to the kids sooner than your heart believes is right. |
How soon after dating someone you should introduce your kids ? |
Edited by
Fri 03/20/15 04:02 PM
Judging by the answers, I believe the question is being received ambiguously by this audience.
There are age appropriate answers as well as answers pertinent to whether your child suffers from separation anxiety. This is a common occurrence when the birth parents separate. I do not believe it is important for any child of any age to be 'introduced' to people I am dating. It will be an age appropriate choice to introduce a person with whom I am in a long term relationship to my child. I do not equate a long term relationship with dating. The difference between the two is subjective. I also believe that for an older child (teenage perhaps), it can be important to demonstrate healthy adult relationships. Letting the child know you are dating or seeking other relationships is important for development. |
With my children I wait a few months then if I feel the relationship is going somewhere I introduce my children. My son has anxiety issues and issues with abandonment above other things so I have to be careful. Although I do tell someone on the first date I have my children living with me and that my son is special needs.
You cannot establish a fixed rule for this, there are too many things that differ from one situation to another, every child is different, with different needs and different background, every family has its specific dynamics. Use your feelings, your intuition and your common sense and put your kids interest first and I am sure you will find your answer :)