Topic: The Beauty
Vitsec's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:31 AM
The beauty of

What lies above

The ugly in between

You .. and your other self

The troll and the queen

The heir apparent sweetness

Of one who has been harmed in life

And yet .. dives headlong

Into even more misery

Your devil takes you as your wife

And abuses you

In your own special way

Until you can't resist

It feels good for the time being

But every cancer has a cysr.


no photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:33 AM
You rang?

Vitsec's photo
Sat 02/21/15 01:01 AM
All I have to offer you is .. The Liberty Bell .. and .. yes .. I do Ring.

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 01:16 AM
Vicious cycle....

Vitsec's photo
Sat 02/21/15 01:31 AM
You .. may call me .. Sid. :-)

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 02:24 AM
Hi Sid waving

Vitsec's photo
Sat 02/21/15 02:43 AM
I will be Vicious to you .. later.

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 03:00 AM

Be kind to animals :laughing: :laughing:

elle_rose's photo
Sat 02/21/15 03:21 AM

The beauty of

What lies above

The ugly in between

You .. and your other self

The troll and the queen

The heir apparent sweetness

Of one who has been harmed in life

And yet .. dives headlong

Into even more misery

Your devil takes you as your wife

And abuses you

In your own special way

Until you can't resist

It feels good for the time being

But every cancer has a cysr.



Vitsec's photo
Sat 02/21/15 09:42 AM
Is it OK to feed you ?

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 02:03 PM
