Topic: Favorite Animal? Give 3 reasons why you chose that animal..
NorCalSwe's photo
Fri 08/07/15 03:30 AM
My Budgies (Parakeets)

They're absolutely adorable
They have interesting social behaviour
They make me smile

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 07:21 AM
Edited by debbie1980 on Fri 08/07/15 07:21 AM
my cats

sooooo cute
sooooo fluffy
sooooo adorable. :heart: :heart:

it started with one stray cat, who dropped her babies on us. I couldn't turn my back like everyone else in the street did. snobby shites grumble

well actually im glad because they are very loyal they wont go near anyone else.

their my little babies.

dumpy, blue, puddles, chucky, tabatha I :heart: you.

and socks, where did you go? brokenheart

NorCalSwe's photo
Fri 08/07/15 08:37 AM

my cats

sooooo cute
sooooo fluffy
sooooo adorable. :heart: :heart:

it started with one stray cat, who dropped her babies on us. I couldn't turn my back like everyone else in the street did. snobby shites grumble

well actually im glad because they are very loyal they wont go near anyone else.

their my little babies.

dumpy, blue, puddles, chucky, tabatha I :heart: you.

and socks, where did you go? brokenheart

Yes...aren't they just lovely......but would you kindly keep your cats away from my birds.

I'm worried for your cats, I have secret Scottish attack word from me and they will attack

Haggis.....haggis....oh stop preening you daft bird and attack.

ujGearhead's photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:00 AM
Rubber chickens.

1. They don't make a mess.
2. They don't eat much.
3. You can let them free range and they wont wander off.
4. They always open the opportunity to make c*ck and pecker jokes.
5. They're stretchy.
6. They don't mind if you accidentally step on them.
7. They're good for swatting flies.
8. They're much more interesting than a pet rock.
9. They don't need much room.
10. They always seem interested in what you say to them.

Yeah, I know. We're only suppose to give 3 reasons, but with 10, they're clearly the most awesomest pet!

NorCalSwe's photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:01 AM

Rubber chickens.

1. They don't make a mess.
2. They don't eat much.
3. You can let them free range and they wont wander off.
4. They always open the opportunity to make c*ck and pecker jokes.
5. They're stretchy.
6. They don't mind if you accidentally step on them.
7. They're good for swatting flies.
8. They're much more interesting than a pet rock.
9. They don't need much room.
10. They always seem interested in what you say to them.

Yeah, I know. We're only suppose to give 3 reasons, but with 10, they're clearly the most awesomest pet!

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:05 AM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:06 AM

Rubber chickens.

1. They don't make a mess.
2. They don't eat much.
3. You can let them free range and they wont wander off.
4. They always open the opportunity to make c*ck and pecker jokes.
5. They're stretchy.
6. They don't mind if you accidentally step on them.
7. They're good for swatting flies.
8. They're much more interesting than a pet rock.
9. They don't need much room.
10. They always seem interested in what you say to them.

Yeah, I know. We're only suppose to give 3 reasons, but with 10, they're clearly the most awesomest pet!


nts...get rubber chicken

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:11 AM

my cats

sooooo cute
sooooo fluffy
sooooo adorable. :heart: :heart:

it started with one stray cat, who dropped her babies on us. I couldn't turn my back like everyone else in the street did. snobby shites grumble

well actually im glad because they are very loyal they wont go near anyone else.

their my little babies.

dumpy, blue, puddles, chucky, tabatha I :heart: you.

and socks, where did you go? brokenheart

Yes...aren't they just lovely......but would you kindly keep your cats away from my birds.

I'm worried for your cats, I have secret Scottish attack word from me and they will attack

Haggis.....haggis....oh stop preening you daft bird and attack.

my cats bring me lovely presents. little birdies. pitchfork

they especially like birds owned by professors. awwwwww so sweet.

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:13 AM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

they are the only animal who make love the same way has humans?

all depending how humans do the deed. noway noway noway

NorCalSwe's photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:16 AM

my cats

sooooo cute
sooooo fluffy
sooooo adorable. :heart: :heart:

it started with one stray cat, who dropped her babies on us. I couldn't turn my back like everyone else in the street did. snobby shites grumble

well actually im glad because they are very loyal they wont go near anyone else.

their my little babies.

dumpy, blue, puddles, chucky, tabatha I :heart: you.

and socks, where did you go? brokenheart

Yes...aren't they just lovely......but would you kindly keep your cats away from my birds.

I'm worried for your cats, I have secret Scottish attack word from me and they will attack

Haggis.....haggis....oh stop preening you daft bird and attack.

my cats bring me lovely presents. little birdies. pitchfork

they especially like birds owned by professors. awwwwww so sweet.

There's no way your wee English cats will oppress me Scottish budgies!!!!

That's it we're holding a referendum, I'm calling Alex personally lassie.

O flower of Scotland
When will we see
Your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

Hm...too much?happy

no photo
Fri 08/07/15 09:23 AM

my cats

sooooo cute
sooooo fluffy
sooooo adorable. :heart: :heart:

it started with one stray cat, who dropped her babies on us. I couldn't turn my back like everyone else in the street did. snobby shites grumble

well actually im glad because they are very loyal they wont go near anyone else.

their my little babies.

dumpy, blue, puddles, chucky, tabatha I :heart: you.

and socks, where did you go? brokenheart

Yes...aren't they just lovely......but would you kindly keep your cats away from my birds.

I'm worried for your cats, I have secret Scottish attack word from me and they will attack

Haggis.....haggis....oh stop preening you daft bird and attack.

my cats bring me lovely presents. little birdies. pitchfork

they especially like birds owned by professors. awwwwww so sweet.

There's no way your wee English cats will oppress me Scottish budgies!!!!

That's it we're holding a referendum, I'm calling Alex personally lassie.

O flower of Scotland
When will we see
Your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

Hm...too much?happy

ive taught them well their little tigers, watch out. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Annierooroo's photo
Fri 08/07/15 11:18 AM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

No I didn't
We see them swimming in the ocean and i have seen docos on them
They are amazing how they work together as a family
No one misses out

amor0224's photo
Sat 08/08/15 07:45 AM
dogs. I have 3 dogs namely beauty, pretty and sexy

1. they make me happy
2. sweet, protective and cuddly
3. my bestfriends

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 07:49 AM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

No I didn't
We see them swimming in the ocean and i have seen docos on them
They are amazing how they work together as a family
No one misses out

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 12:45 PM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

No I didn't
We see them swimming in the ocean and i have seen docos on them
They are amazing how they work together as a family
No one misses out

I haven't looked at the link, but was my post correct?

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 12:47 PM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

they are the only animal who make love the same way has humans?

all depending how humans do the deed. noway noway noway

this post pansy ^^^^

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 03:42 PM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

they are the only animal who make love the same way has humans?

all depending how humans do the deed. noway noway noway

this post pansy ^^^^


no photo
Sat 08/08/15 03:43 PM

Beautiful, gracefully and protective
Friendly. Family

annie...did you know that dolphins are known for something else entirely..?

No I didn't
We see them swimming in the ocean and i have seen docos on them
They are amazing how they work together as a family
No one misses out

Wth!!! what think Zoophiles???!!! slaphead slaphead

From the article:

1. Humans and dolphins do have some romantic history

Sexual acts between dolphins and humans isn't anything new.

American author Malcolm Brenner wrote a book 'Wet Goddess' based on his nine-month sexual relationship living at the Floridaland amusement park in 1970.

Research by Dr Mark Griffiths, of Nottingham Trent University, found that a small number of 'delphinophiles' - humans sexually attracted to dolphins - do exist.

In fact, seven per cent of zoophiles (humans sexually attracted to animals) named dolphins as their preferred choice of mate.

Some studies have also found evidence male dolphins are sexually attracted to women as they give off similar pheromones to female dolphins.

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 03:57 PM
what's the sad ending?

did the dolphin try to pork her? noway noway

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 04:25 PM
:cry: brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart:cry: