Topic: When was Christianity invented? | |
I've tried searching online but couldn't find the answer. Also, when was Islam invented? Thanks Before men were born with brains. |
Well BC = Before Christ AD = After Death. So Christianity started at 0AD or they might consider it 1AD. Not sure if the "years" start at 0 or 1. While B.C. does stand for 'Before Christ.' A.D. is Latin for Anno Domini, which implies from the assumed date of the birth of Jesus on Earth. Islam's format introduced to Mohammad starts in the early part of the 7th century. Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord,[1] and as in the Year of Our Lord.[2][3]:782 It is sometimes specified more fully as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ"). This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.[4] Epoch - particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events So regardless if it actually means "after death" AD doesn't start till after Jesus' crucifiction, so it's just easier to remember "After death" lol There's still a margin of time from Jesus' birth to his death that would be unaccounted for. Jesus physically died at age 33 and a half years. |
Well BC = Before Christ AD = After Death. So Christianity started at 0AD or they might consider it 1AD. Not sure if the "years" start at 0 or 1. While B.C. does stand for 'Before Christ.' A.D. is Latin for Anno Domini, which implies from the assumed date of the birth of Jesus on Earth. Islam's format introduced to Mohammad starts in the early part of the 7th century. Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord,[1] and as in the Year of Our Lord.[2][3]:782 It is sometimes specified more fully as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ"). This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.[4] Epoch - particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events So regardless if it actually means "after death" AD doesn't start till after Jesus' crucifiction, so it's just easier to remember "After death" lol There's still a margin of time from Jesus' birth to his death that would be unaccounted for. Jesus physically died at age 33 and a half years. Yep, and there's a large portion of Jesus' life that isn't recorded. The bible isn't a diary of God's. It only contains the information needed along the lines of salvation. You would need a fork lift to move the bible if it contrained a copy of all the scriptures we have. Plus would be that much more if none essential things were included that did not pertain to salvation as that is namely what the bible is for. |
I'm not certain we'd need a fork-lift to move all that there is in authentic scriptural texts. (One Copy Or Scroll Each)
But, the Quran does confirm some of the Bible has been abrogated. (Then Again, I've Known That Before Reading The Quran) |
I'm not certain we'd need a fork-lift to move all that there is in authentic scriptural texts. (One Copy Or Scroll Each) But, the Quran does confirm some of the Bible has been abrogated. (Then Again, I've Known That Before Reading The Quran) The quran is part of the bible, it is the old testament. Not all the quran is the old testament, but that's where they got the scriptures for it. Only problem is people didn't believe Jesus to be who he claimed to be, so therefore they are still waiting for the prophecied savior when he's already came but was no recognized. John 1:11 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. And thus the biggest deciding line between muslim and Christians. Who are now known as Christians are the one's that did receive Jesus and did believe him to be who he claimed to be. |
While the Quran does reiterate many parts of the Bible, both Hebrew texts and Greek texts, it is not a mere compilation of hodgepodge reference from both.
The Quran is a divine recitation articulated from the Angel Gabriel. To the absolute opposite of Your assumption, Cowboy GH, it is God's own mercy extended to humanity to reiterate the original format of clean worship. Namely, the worship of the One True God who is the Owner and the Creator and the Resurrector of Jesus, whom You worship in degradation to the Almighty God who sent him. As for the reference at John 1: 11 "'He came to his own home, but his own people did not take him in.'" My reply, 'Was any prophet ever accepted in his own town?' |
Edited by
Tue 02/24/15 01:02 PM
Christianity was formed to control that part of the population not willing to follow the control of the hierarchy or belief of the time. Early man needed a god or gods to believe in with the power to rise them above the bonds of servitude to the human slave masters. A hope..... or faith. Christianity is one of over 2000 religions that have been tried in the world. As man has spread his wings over the years and become continental in his travels religions have either grown or fallen to conquest. Most "christian" religions stem from the teachings of the Catholic church while Islam stemmed from the Moors, both big on conquest and gaining new power, wealth, and lands. The Crusades were a game changer. The mixing and building of nations under the rule of kings and Warlords. The Euro Christians, under the "Divine" guidance of the Catholic church, had the wealth and advantage of the conquests. Some would say they were more greedy than the scattered hordes of the Moors..... a desert and plains people, not prone to over population in centralized cultural centers, or bond by one teaching. They acquired ship builders, scholars, engineers, siege engines, metal technologies, and then gained gun powder from trade and conquest of the Asian territories. It was the Christian King, King James, who ordered the "Bible" transcribed from scrolls (the popular bible transcription). It was carried by such groups as the Knights Templar, the Free Masons who built the temples, and the slaves of conquest who erected them the world over. However, it is said that only a portion was allowed to be printed and there is controversy over "books" left from the printed text..... the book of Enoch, Noah's father, for instance. The Catholic church has long horded and concealed the wealth and knowledge of the world, gaining the power of the Vatican, gifted by Kings and Queens, to become a nation unto itself, set above even governments the world over. I have no belief any longer in religion teachings, but history I do. I was raised with a firm belief in the bible, read and studied, my parents were missionaries of a form and even started a couple of churches in towns we lived in. I don't recommend anyone quote me on this, or even agree or believe. Faith is a personal issue, and it works for some, but all throughout history there is enough evidence to show what has transpired in the name of christianity...... and Islam..... I'll take my chances with science You seem to have the facts on point as far as I understand. You can see the difference between religion (putting faith in an institution of human making and reason which goes against the very doctrine they claim to believe), and faith (establishing a personal relationship with a higher conciseness and allowing it to motivate and guide) I don't get how, if you understand this you can put belief in history? - which is manipulated and retold by whoever is in power, or by whatever nation is telling it, to control and motive people to believe whatever version they want and then used to justify patriotic murder of others? The internet has proven that, with the mountain of untold histories/top secret info that had been supressed, and later released. (and I don't mean conspiracy theories) AND science? which has, and is doing much of the same, producing some of the most hideously destructive, and poisonous inventions to humankind and our planet? How is history and science any better than religion? science is real, history texts can differ just as much as future texts... history is written by the winners, so history, like religion, can be altered to make it easier for the rulers to control better... religion is mostly parables and myths, the people are easier to control when they have fear... fear of god, death, hell and not going to heaven... they do what they have to do to get to heaven, no questions need to be asked... Science is not real. It is only current. The theories today. Tomorrow they will discover that it was not what they believed because we are dissolving new fact about everything, all the time. The arrogance of human knowledge or understanding blows my mind. The parables are not real. They are parables, stories to teach a principal or idea. We don't put faith in the people of myths, it is an account of an oral history like All ancient histories Hell is not real and not biblically expressed in the way the church teaches, but an analogy of the state one could be in, cut off, permanently, without God, which the religion/church uses to control, Not God. God gave us all free choice, death or life. Eternal torment is not death. Hell is not real and not biblically expressed in the way the church teaches, but an analogy of the state one could be in, cut off, permanently, without God, which the religion/church uses to control, Not God. God gave us all free choice, death or life. Eternal torment is not death It is real, but not expressed as most Christians think of it and or most churches preach about it as. Hell is the grave. It's not a big huge firey cave under the ground where Satan hangs out. Hell is a temporary holding place awaiting judgement. That's why hell will gave up it's dead come judgement and why it refers to Jesus as going to hell after he was crucified. Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Matthew 12:40 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The word 'hell' comes from 'Hades' meaning grave. The concept of people being tortured forever is from Greek mythology, which believed in a place called 'Tartarus' which does seem to fit a place where the wicked go and its a prison for the Titans. I understand that when the word 'Hades' was translated into Greek, the mythology associated with Tartarus came with it. Then Christian leaders and churches used it to scare people into believing. It is 'hellish' enough that we already live in a world of torment Existence with God, after this is done away with, is so amazing that we cannot even perceive it full. The bible does give examples of a place where Satan, his followers and some false prophet/preaches and I would imagine those who knowingly lead millions to their death with lies, its called the abyss. But this concept that all those not meeting Christ will be burning, conscious of this, in pain for ever IS A LIE, as far as I can see |
There's still a margin of time from Jesus' birth to his death that would be unaccounted for. Jesus physically died at age 33 and a half years. Yep, and there's a large portion of Jesus' life that isn't recorded. The bible isn't a diary of God's. It only contains the information needed along the lines of salvation. You would need a fork lift to move the bible if it contrained a copy of all the scriptures we have. Plus would be that much more if none essential things were included that did not pertain to salvation as that is namely what the bible is for. I totally agree cowboygh |
Well BC = Before Christ AD = After Death. So Christianity started at 0AD or they might consider it 1AD. Not sure if the "years" start at 0 or 1. While B.C. does stand for 'Before Christ.' A.D. is Latin for Anno Domini, which implies from the assumed date of the birth of Jesus on Earth. Islam's format introduced to Mohammad starts in the early part of the 7th century. Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord,[1] and as in the Year of Our Lord.[2][3]:782 It is sometimes specified more fully as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ"). This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.[4] Epoch - particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events So regardless if it actually means "after death" AD doesn't start till after Jesus' crucifiction, so it's just easier to remember "After death" lol There's still a margin of time from Jesus' birth to his death that would be unaccounted for. Jesus physically died at age 33 and a half years. |
Dear JaUKNz,
While the words Hell and Hades were gradually put into the Greek texts, the original word that Jesus used was, Gehenna. I believe it maybe an attempt to translate the Aramaic or Arabic word, Jinnhenna. |
most scholars believe that Christianity started about 1700 years ago, when Constantin rewrote the bible to better serve his rule... So whose bible did he rewrite? i'm sure you can take a guess at that one... |
well it started one night..
when Joseph and Mary went out for dinner.. and had a little too much wine to drink... . and on the way back to Joseph's.. hut ..he stopped at the drugstore.. but they were closed... .... so when they arrived back to Joseph hut.... he convinced Mary of the benefits of the.... pull out system..... well long story short we all know how well that one .. oh yeah 9 months.. later Jesus was born... so on and so . |
Christianity was formed to control that part of the population not willing to follow the control of the hierarchy or belief of the time. Early man needed a god or gods to believe in with the power to rise them above the bonds of servitude to the human slave masters. A hope..... or faith. Christianity is one of over 2000 religions that have been tried in the world. As man has spread his wings over the years and become continental in his travels religions have either grown or fallen to conquest. Most "christian" religions stem from the teachings of the Catholic church while Islam stemmed from the Moors, both big on conquest and gaining new power, wealth, and lands. The Crusades were a game changer. The mixing and building of nations under the rule of kings and Warlords. The Euro Christians, under the "Divine" guidance of the Catholic church, had the wealth and advantage of the conquests. Some would say they were more greedy than the scattered hordes of the Moors..... a desert and plains people, not prone to over population in centralized cultural centers, or bond by one teaching. They acquired ship builders, scholars, engineers, siege engines, metal technologies, and then gained gun powder from trade and conquest of the Asian territories. It was the Christian King, King James, who ordered the "Bible" transcribed from scrolls (the popular bible transcription). It was carried by such groups as the Knights Templar, the Free Masons who built the temples, and the slaves of conquest who erected them the world over. However, it is said that only a portion was allowed to be printed and there is controversy over "books" left from the printed text..... the book of Enoch, Noah's father, for instance. The Catholic church has long horded and concealed the wealth and knowledge of the world, gaining the power of the Vatican, gifted by Kings and Queens, to become a nation unto itself, set above even governments the world over. I have no belief any longer in religion teachings, but history I do. I was raised with a firm belief in the bible, read and studied, my parents were missionaries of a form and even started a couple of churches in towns we lived in. I don't recommend anyone quote me on this, or even agree or believe. Faith is a personal issue, and it works for some, but all throughout history there is enough evidence to show what has transpired in the name of christianity...... and Islam..... I'll take my chances with science You seem to have the facts on point as far as I understand. You can see the difference between religion (putting faith in an institution of human making and reason which goes against the very doctrine they claim to believe), and faith (establishing a personal relationship with a higher conciseness and allowing it to motivate and guide) I don't get how, if you understand this you can put belief in history? - which is manipulated and retold by whoever is in power, or by whatever nation is telling it, to control and motive people to believe whatever version they want and then used to justify patriotic murder of others? The internet has proven that, with the mountain of untold histories/top secret info that had been supressed, and later released. (and I don't mean conspiracy theories) AND science? which has, and is doing much of the same, producing some of the most hideously destructive, and poisonous inventions to humankind and our planet? How is history and science any better than religion? science is real, history texts can differ just as much as future texts... history is written by the winners, so history, like religion, can be altered to make it easier for the rulers to control better... religion is mostly parables and myths, the people are easier to control when they have fear... fear of god, death, hell and not going to heaven... they do what they have to do to get to heaven, no questions need to be asked... Science is not real. It is only current. The theories today. Tomorrow they will discover that it was not what they believed because we are dissolving new fact about everything, all the time. The arrogance of human knowledge or understanding blows my mind. The parables are not real. They are parables, stories to teach a principal or idea. We don't put faith in the people of myths, it is an account of an oral history like All ancient histories Hell is not real and not biblically expressed in the way the church teaches, but an analogy of the state one could be in, cut off, permanently, without God, which the religion/church uses to control, Not God. God gave us all free choice, death or life. Eternal torment is not death. now you know why i say [organized] religion is just used as a control factor for idiots... i will say, for a bible thumper, you have a better grasp than most... |
17 hundred years ago, there wasn't the Bible as You'd see it today.
It was a compilation of over 50 scrolls and more than a dozen letters. The idea of compiling 66 works into the one book wasn't undertaken till after about 380 A.D. |
17 hundred years ago, there wasn't the Bible as You'd see it today. It was a compilation of over 50 scrolls and more than a dozen letters. The idea of compiling 66 works into the one book wasn't undertaken till after about 380 A.D. yes, emperor Constantin rewrote/assembled to make his rule more constricting... and that would be 1635 years ago?... ![]() ![]() |
well it started one night.. when Joseph and Mary went out for dinner.. and had a little too much wine to drink... . and on the way back to Joseph's.. hut ..he stopped at the drugstore.. but they were closed... .... so when they arrived back to Joseph hut.... he convinced Mary of the benefits of the.... pull out system..... well long story short we all know how well that one .. oh yeah 9 months.. later Jesus was born... so on and so . If you go with this story, I think poor Joseph was done before he really got started. No need to pull out. Close but no! |
You would need a fork lift to move the bible if it contrained a copy of all the scriptures we have.
Because bull s**t is heavy... |
Well BC = Before Christ AD = After Death. So Christianity started at 0AD or they might consider it 1AD. Not sure if the "years" start at 0 or 1. actually,AD means Anno Domini,Latin for 'Year Of Our Lord'(roughly) The year of the supposed Birth of your Jesus,that is the year Zero! Anno Domini and Before Christ are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord, and as in the Year of Our Lord. Wikipedia |
well it started one night.. when Joseph and Mary went out for dinner.. and had a little too much wine to drink... . and on the way back to Joseph's.. hut ..he stopped at the drugstore.. but they were closed... .... so when they arrived back to Joseph hut.... he convinced Mary of the benefits of the.... pull out system..... well long story short we all know how well that one .. oh yeah 9 months.. later Jesus was born... so on and so . If you go with this story, I think poor Joseph was done before he really got started. No need to pull out. Close but no! maybe ole joe had a little tallywhacker? |
I've tried searching online but couldn't find the answer. Also, when was Islam invented? Thanks This is a great question. My understanding is that it can be very hard to nails questions like this down with concrete answers, as all of human history is basically one massive exercise in cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the norm, and always has been. What makes Christianity what it is? Almost everything that you see in modern christianity was taken from sources which would originally not have been considered christian. |