Topic: Has anyone had a near death experience | |
Your experiences are easily explained thru neuroscience
I had surgery at age 11 to remove a tumor. Had a bad reaction to anesthesia and flatlined for some time. I was revived and I never even knew it happened. My mother never told me the story until I was in my twenties. Just my experience:) Wanted to share. |
"Has anyone had a near death experience" Well, there was that time when I was married to my ex. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hi Debbie ![]() I was 17.. I had just finished another round of chemo, and was finally home in my own bed after an 8 day hospital stay.. I remember it as clear as if it were just yesterday.. I was laying in my bed and my mom had just quietly closed my bedroom door after a soft 'good-nite'.. I turned onto my side and exhaled, knowing I was safe at home, comfy, and in for what I thought, was going to be an awesome nights sleep (no matter what anyone says, you never really "REST" in a hospital...) sometime later during the night, my mom had gotten up.. she later said she had had a strong urge to check on me after she was abruptly woken from a deep sleep.. I remember vividly watching her open the door to let the kitchen light in.. as she stood frozen, with an expression quickly turning to fright, I had the strangest feeling of warmth overcome me.. there was a soft pale yellowish green light slowly descending to engulf me.. I felt pinned, like I couldn't move, but I was not at all afraid.. I distinctly heard the sound of my hair crackle as the weight of my head was being lifted off the pillow.. for an all too brief moment I glanced at the doorway and the figure of my mom, statue-like, with her mouth open and eyes wide and staring.. then she and the world, were no more.. there was no tunnel only warmth, and that eerie glow surrounding me.. what felt like seconds later, I found myself on a mountain plateau.. there were people milling about.. far off, the landscape was that of majestic mountains and lush thick forests of green.. it was peaceful, serene.. the plateau was about several hundred feet wide and long, aside from the small group of people that gave the appearance of waiting (like that at a train station, waiting for an arrival), sat a lone tree, full in bloom, emanating a sense of contentment, peace and all things good. As I took my first steps down the dirt path, I noticed a man approaching me.. his arms were relaxed at his sides and his palms were facing towards me.. I felt an immediate inner calm.. I knew this man, but I'd never met or seen him before.. he smiled, a smile that could melt even the most solid of icebergs, in a single heartbeat.. continuing to approach me he said "this is not your time.. there is still much you need to do" tilting his head gently to one side as he spoke.. the next thing I knew I was in an emergency room, looking down from the ceiling at my lifeless body laying on a gurney, surrounded by doctors and nurses.. one of the nurses was slowly reaching beside her, moving to switch off a machine.. the doctor was straitening from his hunched over position, hands going limp on the table, shoulders slumping.. another nurse was removing a long tube from my throat.. the doctor was turning away when I felt myself gasp deeply for breath, and sensed life returning to my limbs.. I was now laying on my back, on the gurney, looking up at a very astonished nurse and doctor.. then the noise of the world came rushing back to my ears... I felt pain.. I was alive. I was later told that when I had stopped breathing, my mom had seen the glow and had watched in horror at what she believed were my final moments on earth.. she had screamed, awoken my dad doing so, and he had rushed to get me into the car and off to the hospital.. for all intents and purposes, I was pronounced DOA at the hospital (they didn't call 911 because the hospital was mere minutes away from our home, and he felt he'd save time by his actions, which he did).. the doctors & team had worked on me for 7 mins and were calling Time Of Death at the very moment I took my next breath.. since that day.. my outlook has changed dramatically, in many ways.. I can't explain the gift I received that day.. I don't recall my parents, the car ride, arriving at the hospital, or anything else that happened on 'earth' during the time I was gone.. but I know, that every step I've taken since, I'm never truly, alone! And that 'gift', has carried me through the trials and tribulations of life.. and given me the courage to achieve the impossible, against all odds, many times more, than I can count! wow - glad you made it back - I wonder are our 'out of body' experiences kind of prepared in our brains by our religious teachings - even if only from very limited input? |
Glad you are back with us now. I have died twice and one time had a peaceful feeling and felt lifted above my body into the heavens after drowning in a river as a child. I heard the most beautiful music and heard then Jesus say IT IS NOT YOUR TIME. And my friend Wally, who is in his 60's also he died and told me he got up in the morgue and freaked out the guys there as at first one said of, it is just nerves, sometimes the bodies move. He also said he heard a voice say: IT IS NOT YOUR TIME and that his mother who also came back from the dead also told him she had such an experience. again, glad you are with us again! Blessings!
is not a joking matter i had a nde when i was about 6-7yrs old i didnt know how to swim and we were at a camp area where there was a lake i was told not to go into the deep end as everyone else went back to the camp area of course i didnt listen and i went into the deep end not realizing it and all i could and still see is bubbles i have no clu on how i got out for i didnt know how to swim my uncle drowned at that very same lake before i was born so i belive he was protecting me so yes i truly belive he is one of my guides |
my son is a special needs child
he also went through nde about 6-7yrs ago he was sick a week before xmas and a few days after my mom took him to the doc he was admited in the hospitol with severe case of pneumonia and he was rushed into icu where he went into cardiac arreat he was in the hospitol total of 3weeks not only did he have pneumonia issue with his lungs but also his only kidney so hes also on dialyis when he was released from the hospitol 3weeks later my mom and sister told him he scared us he said yea i know, i had a heart attack we didnt tell him but any how he told my mom he saw my mom mom( my grandmother) and she told him to go back and live with your grandma he also saw my sister neighbor grandmother god and the light and i ask him a yr later who else he saw and he said the big guy and i didnt understand who he was refering to he was refering as the big guy was a old bf of mine that died alot of people dont understand nde, nor do they understand pastlife or the spiritual connections of psychics or people with disabilities |
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I did in 1986 while giving birth to my second child. I could see myself on the table while they are reviving me and my grandfathers native spirit telling me I have to go back as it's not my time.
The stories I've read are very sad, a.just thank god everyone made it.
Thanks to everyone who posted on here, and sharing your stories. God bless you all
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People come back from being dead all the time... Thanks to CPR. As a firefighter I saw this happen often and some talked about it after. It has nothing to do with Allah or Islam... Why even go there...!!! You wanna see Islam check out ISIL .... A bunch of lawless bandits is all they are!
If so what did you experience? November last year, my mom walked up the stairs and heard me take my last breath, when she came in i was dead, all extremities sionised, Which means I had barley any oxygen for a long time, luckily 3 emergency responde paramedics were here within a few minutes, and after a hour of resuscitation they got me back, they said it was a miracle I survived. I felt this amazing undescribeable peace but I didn't see a tunnel with a light our anything like that, I would be interested to hear your stories and what did you experience? Thankyou. ![]() Have seen that tunnel of light several times, but it was always when they used ether to put me out for operations. Mine was more like dropping into a whirlpool of light as it was spinning and either getting smaller or bigger, not sure whether falling into it or being sucked up into it like a tornado, but it happened every time they gave it to me. Think maybe it is the mind totally shutting down, do not see it going to sleep as the mind still functions then. |
People come back from being dead all the time... Thanks to CPR. As a firefighter I saw this happen often and some talked about it after. It has nothing to do with Allah or Islam... Why even go there...!!! You wanna see Islam check out ISIL .... A bunch of lawless bandits is all they are! Not all Muslims are like ISIS. When in Iraq I met a few good ones, and when I returned from that deployment I used to get drunk alongside a guy from Saudi Arabia who refused to return home because American women were too wild to abandon. |
ARE you kidding. I race dirt stock cars for a living. had a few. dont like talking about them but it was scary.