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Topic: Leave an ANONYMOUS or NOT SO ANONYMOUS MSG - part 30
m3k4y's photo
Sat 02/14/15 03:58 PM

hummmmmm,..........................thank you.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

m3k4y's photo
Sat 02/14/15 03:59 PM

I am grinning . Happy valentines day to you miss naughtiness .. Hope you found something to make you smile xx
hi beautiful. .waving happy Valentinesflowerforyou flowerforyou

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:07 PM

I am grinning . Happy valentines day to you miss naughtiness .. Hope you found something to make you smile xx

Nothing is better than hearing a British kiwi accent in Valentine's day .
:heart: bigsmile

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:09 PM
I quoted the wrong post ... LOL , I believe I drank too much tonight

no photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:18 PM
And fun was had by all...:heart: laugh

Happy Valentines drinks

no photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:34 PM
I am an idiot slaphead ....should have realized I was being played, yet again.....I give up....love is not for menoway brokenheart

1j9b6c5's photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:51 PM
Stick with me kiddo. I'm for kicking cupid in the nads.

smartwithsparks's photo
Sat 02/14/15 05:53 PM
Thank You For A Wonderful Day:heart:

kissablekiss's photo
Sat 02/14/15 08:38 PM
This one long day lol

1j9b6c5's photo
Sun 02/15/15 05:01 AM
Thanks for perving my profile. You have a fifty mile restriction on who can email you so that beautiful "good morning" message I tried to send is lost forever.

no photo
Sun 02/15/15 05:26 AM
Oh wow... You're kidding... I hope you're kidding, coz if you're serious... whoa

panchovanilla's photo
Sun 02/15/15 05:34 AM
Dr. Kevorkian
Paging Dr. Kevorkian.
Call on line 1.

no photo
Sun 02/15/15 05:38 AM
Oh you're a sly one, you are.... shades

no photo
Sun 02/15/15 05:39 AM
I know smokin

1j9b6c5's photo
Sun 02/15/15 06:15 AM
I never kid about such things, although I do miscommunicate from time to time.
<<<in his best Joey (from friends)
"How u doin?"

smartwithsparks's photo
Sun 02/15/15 07:48 AM
actions speak louder than words
and thanks for the action...:banana: blushing :heart:

no photo
Sun 02/15/15 07:57 AM
trust is a fragile thing, that once destroyed may be very difficult to repair....

no photo
Sun 02/15/15 07:59 AM

trust is a fragile thing, that once destroyed may be very difficult to repair....

True DAT! whoa

tanyaann's photo
Sun 02/15/15 10:08 AM
Can I please curl up under a rock? Stress sucks!

no1phD's photo
Sun 02/15/15 10:15 AM

Thanks for perving my profile. You have a fifty mile restriction on who can email you so that beautiful "good morning" message I tried to send is lost forever.
.. yeah don't you hate that..
you put all this time and thought into composing a message.. I mean you pour your very soul into this message..... and right when you think you have polished it to perfection...
it is dripping with sentiment...
. it literally brings a tear to your eye..
after proof reading it for the third time.... now the time has come to hit the send button.... you think to yourself one last time.... I hope they take this message the way I intended them to... of course they will this is perfect this is just what I wanted to say to them.... it is my very heart poured out on LCD.... then you hit send..... and then message not received restrictions apply...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....WTF..

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