Topic: A simple "story" about the big G.. | |
Lol...anyone who reads this please keep in mind it's just a make believe story...I was bored...and like many I wonder about "God"... The who what why...
Once upon a time God got home from school..his parents sat in the living room waiting for his arrival he entered they asked him to sit as they had to talk..they explained to him that it was his time to all Gods he had a job to do...he needed to be a creator so he could advance to be an elder God..they walked him to the edge of nothing said their goodbyes and watched as he disappeared into the nothingness... God walked and walked in the darkness till he could not go any further..the darkness was maddening and he longed for light...with a mighty clap of his hands a giant ball of fire appeared filling the space with light as far as he could see...billions of sparkly rocks were every where...and all sorts of floating dust...he liked the sparkles and called them stars...he looked at his fireball and named it sun...same thing his father called him...he stood there looking at the dust..grabbed a handful, packed it like a snowball and held it to his sun..the little ball surprised him by popping out of his hand and began circling his thought and made more...after a few he made one that did a strange turned all wet...strange...he made more..smaller then bigger but none of the others did it... When he ran out of dust he was pleased with his time went on he became bored and lonely...he missed his home, family and friends..but he still needed to create...hmmm...he swirled his finger around in the light and pulled and toyed with it forming a being with that resembled he said are angel...the two of them frolicked around like best friends...his angel even had a personality and talked with him...the two of them played with the light making hundreds of angels...his first was his favorite and they enjoyed their creations..hopped around on the planets and loved their existence... As time went on, even though God had his best friend and all the angels he still felt as something was missing..he told his now named friend Lucifer he needed to be alone for a bit and walked away into the darkness to think... Placing his hand against his heart feeling it's beating he pressed even harder...his hand went deep into his he pulled it away something happened...a new friend...from within his own image stared up at him...he reached in again and again...pulling many of these beautiful creatures out of himself...after he could find no more he looked at his little new friends...they played and laughed..his first..of course staying at his side... Lucifer walked up behind him, curious...God was startled and held the hand of his new friend...Lucifer looked around at these new little "things"... God kinda shrugged at him and explained what he did...Still holding the hand of his first..."I call them souls...and I named this one Jesus...pretty cool..huh.?"... Lucifer was not as impressed...and went back to where the angels were...God went back with his "souls" and tried to get the angels to like didn't work....and a war began between the two... God knew he had to split them up...he knew the angels liked earth and sent them there...keeping the souls with him...after a while he noticed the souls no longer appreciated him and he came up with a plan...he called the angels back..and worked out a plan that would allow the souls to live as humans on earth and find their way back to him... This angered Lucifer...God and Lucifer got mad at eachother and parted company...... Lol...I could go on and I'm just making it up as I go...hence the lack of punctuation and writing skill...if you made it this apologies if I left you with a giant WTF!!!... I was bored... Tee hee... ![]() |
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It was a nice WTF
And as always,with the added humour of the saintly Blondey and her 'holly' ghost butt plug ? ![]() |
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I've often entertained the very beginning of existence of all that there is, and I've got a slightly different story.
Because, I'm fairly well acquainted with both the Bible and the Quran, I've often entertained this hypothetical story. ********************************************************************* Once long ago, before there was anything called time, there was an awareness that was, initially, preoccupied with its own self-awareness and all it was capable of doing, with its own thoughts. This awareness decided it would give itself increments of what we'd call distance and the lapsing of time, respectively, also came into existence, subsequently. The awareness now was capable of perceiving itself as an Entity and was now capable of separating its own-self from all that it merely had to entertain the thought of as being its creation. Thus, the Entity called itself the Creator and all that it merely entertained the thought of, it called a creation. The Entity was so preoccupied with all its dynamic ability, that it longed for the company of another entity not too unlike itself. So, the Creative Entity, created another 'self-aware Being' or Entity that would be preoccupied with all that the Creator was uttering. For lack of a better name, initially, this 'New Entity' was called Wisdom because it hung on every Word that came from the Creator. (Please Refer To Proverbs 8: 12-36 From The Bible) The Creator loved the new Entity so much that it proceeded to create countless other entities, not too unlike this, first, self-aware being. Designations now had to be given to all of the new 'Self-Aware' entities. (Essentially Names) The Creative Entity would eventually come to be known by many names, but at first, this Creator called itself Jehovah, which means, 'The One Who's Promises Come To Be.' The very first of Jehovah's self-aware creations was later to be called Jesus. The rest of the other self-aware entities that we commonly call Angels, also had names as well. Now, these separate Entities, being self-aware, we commonly call Souls, as well. A 'Soul' being self-aware, as opposed to things that aren't self-aware. Remember, the Almighty Creator Jehovah had already made increments, of which both things self-aware and not self-aware would be made of. (What We Would Call, Matter And Energy) Now, the earliest of Angels were made from Light, and a second cast of Angels were made from Fire. (Please Refer To Surah 15: 27 From The Quran), This second cast of Souls was called the Jinn, and the most infamous of all the Angelic-Jinn was Iblis, whom we call Satin today. Iblis, seemed to resent the fact, possibly, that he wasn't in the same chronologic-order as was the other Angels and brewed about it. ![]() The Almighty knew of Iblis' discontent and sought a way to show him just how unfair and unreasonable his thinking was. So, the Almighty Creator decided to make 'yet another' cast of Souls after the Jinn. But Jehovah wasn't going to let Iblis be, without being accountable for his unfounded resentment. So, the Almighty Jehovah made a simple test. Yes, a third cast of entities were to be made, and this one was to be made of mere mud. That's right, Man was made of clay, and there was nothing at-all that glamorous about him. You see, up till now, only the Almighty Creator Allah Jehovah had designated all rightful reverence to Himself, but NOW he directed veneration to the mere mud-Soul, Man. (Again, Please Read Surah 15: 28-39 From The Quran) Iblis, who is Satin the Devil wouldn't comply with his Creator's request, and so, he was banished from the True God's favor till a day of later judgment. Satin, has taken full advantage of the time he was allotted, and he has duped humanity ever since getting that first Man-of-mud, Adam and his wife Eve to eat of that which the Almighty God said they ought not to eat of. That is to say, the 'Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.' The Saga has continued down to this day. ********************************************************************* I hope You've all enjoyed my, some-what conjectured, story of old. Again, it's just my own theory! |
Lol...anyone who reads this please keep in mind it's just a make believe story...I was bored...and like many I wonder about "God"... The who what why... Once upon a time God got home from school..his parents sat in the living room waiting for his arrival he entered they asked him to sit as they had to talk..they explained to him that it was his time to all Gods he had a job to do...he needed to be a creator so he could advance to be an elder God..they walked him to the edge of nothing said their goodbyes and watched as he disappeared into the nothingness... God walked and walked in the darkness till he could not go any further..the darkness was maddening and he longed for light...with a mighty clap of his hands a giant ball of fire appeared filling the space with light as far as he could see...billions of sparkly rocks were every where...and all sorts of floating dust...he liked the sparkles and called them stars...he looked at his fireball and named it sun...same thing his father called him...he stood there looking at the dust..grabbed a handful, packed it like a snowball and held it to his sun..the little ball surprised him by popping out of his hand and began circling his thought and made more...after a few he made one that did a strange turned all wet...strange...he made more..smaller then bigger but none of the others did it... When he ran out of dust he was pleased with his time went on he became bored and lonely...he missed his home, family and friends..but he still needed to create...hmmm...he swirled his finger around in the light and pulled and toyed with it forming a being with that resembled he said are angel...the two of them frolicked around like best friends...his angel even had a personality and talked with him...the two of them played with the light making hundreds of angels...his first was his favorite and they enjoyed their creations..hopped around on the planets and loved their existence... As time went on, even though God had his best friend and all the angels he still felt as something was missing..he told his now named friend Lucifer he needed to be alone for a bit and walked away into the darkness to think... Placing his hand against his heart feeling it's beating he pressed even harder...his hand went deep into his he pulled it away something happened...a new friend...from within his own image stared up at him...he reached in again and again...pulling many of these beautiful creatures out of himself...after he could find no more he looked at his little new friends...they played and laughed..his first..of course staying at his side... Lucifer walked up behind him, curious...God was startled and held the hand of his new friend...Lucifer looked around at these new little "things"... God kinda shrugged at him and explained what he did...Still holding the hand of his first..."I call them souls...and I named this one Jesus...pretty cool..huh.?"... Lucifer was not as impressed...and went back to where the angels were...God went back with his "souls" and tried to get the angels to like didn't work....and a war began between the two... God knew he had to split them up...he knew the angels liked earth and sent them there...keeping the souls with him...after a while he noticed the souls no longer appreciated him and he came up with a plan...he called the angels back..and worked out a plan that would allow the souls to live as humans on earth and find their way back to him... This angered Lucifer...God and Lucifer got mad at eachother and parted company...... Lol...I could go on and I'm just making it up as I go...hence the lack of punctuation and writing skill...if you made it this apologies if I left you with a giant WTF!!!... I was bored... Tee hee... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How about 'my' story Tim?
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How about 'my' story Tim? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If I ever get to Scotland, I'll take You up on that!
(InSha Allah) (God Willing) |
If I ever get to Scotland, I'll take You up on that! (InSha Allah) (God Willing) ![]() ![]() |
Tim... Is that the Jedi talking or the Stout?
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Tim... Is that the Jedi talking or the Stout? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Okay, thought You'd of had a head-start on the weekend, over there.
The Misses ----> ![]() |
Okay, thought You'd of had a head-start on the weekend, over there. The Misses ----> ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Aye, and just how 'Wee' is this Wee-Man?
My sons always had free-access to whatever was in the fridge. |
Aye, and just how 'Wee' is this Wee-Man? My sons always had free-access to whatever was in the fridge. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 01/30/15 02:05 PM
Well, in that case, the 23 year old can buy his own beer.
As for the six week old, one... He best stay sucking on Mom! |
You've got a new baby, only 6 weeks old, Tim?
I guess, congratulations are due! ![]() |
You've got a new baby, only 6 weeks old, Tim? I guess, congratulations are due! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 01/31/15 09:45 PM
Happy thoughts and big hugs to everyone..
![]() ![]() ![]() ..and Blondey..tee hee..know a lot of peeps that could use your |