Topic: sorry if its been done before, but has anyone actually met u | |
Only met one person from this site. We are still pals. IT was just not there. Met some off another site. Made some good friends (guys and gals) along the way.
Did the Race for the Cure with my boy and a new friend (from another site) and his boy this morning. Got rained on and had a blast! Don't know if this one is a keeper, but he will be a forever friend. He is as big a dork as I am. |
dorks are always fun. but what about crazy, half tripped out looneys that are very overgrown and weird??
I met one person I'd talked to online--not this site. I'm sorry to report that he had the personality of a fence post in real life.
I had a wonderful summer through a meeting from an online site did not amount to a whole lot but the few months it did were great
Yep....met somebody online...met in person....we now live together and are very happy.
Yes of course, I met my girl online. She is fantastic, it can be done. It helps to have positive attitude online and not waste your life away in the online battles that always happen.
I think people are afraid of me!!!
Hey welcome littlewriter...Yep I met a special someone from England in September...It went great...He is a great guy and just as looney tunes in person as he was while we talked on Im and the phone.......In fact it went so greaaaaaaattttttt he is coming back to see me in November!!!!!!!
ohhhhhhhhhhh wow Im so happy for you!!!
AWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE...Thanks Gypsy...That's why I have been so scarce these days!!!!!!!!!
I Have Met My Very Special Sweety This Weekend!
We Both are having a wonderful time, we have everything in person that we had together on-line and so much more.... ((still together right now & hate having to go back home)) |
and i have met the most wonderful man this weekend. Not sure if you all can tell but we are very happy together. I love you s2h
havent met anyone yet. hahaha it's hard considering im halfway around the world from most of you :)