Topic: A Religion Of Peace Or Pure Evil? | |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. In Australia mate that'd be peanut paste n jam ![]() not that we put peanut paste with jam , yuk , but our vegemite is yuk to ... |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. In Australia mate that'd be peanut paste n jam ![]() not that we put peanut paste with jam , yuk , but our vegemite is yuk to ... I once read about a guy who was refused entry into Australia on account of his criminal record, and I thought, how ironic ![]() |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. In Australia mate that'd be peanut paste n jam ![]() not that we put peanut paste with jam , yuk , but our vegemite is yuk to ... I once read about a guy who was refused entry into Australia on account of his criminal record, and I thought, how ironic ![]() Har Har |
I actually like Vegemite...
![]() But then again, I like all kinds of fermented crap! |
religion only appeals to those who have a motive to prove them self superior over their own fellow human siblings.
hence, the only reason it was created, as a dragnet to deceive the unholy, the self superior. who actually think god shall rescue them, and cast those they see as less good than them self, into hell... sad to sea so many gullible children. |
Keep yer religion, i'm becoming a Jedi knight!
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Keep yer religion, i'm becoming a Jedi knight! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is the fastest growing religion in Britain Doctrine of the Order Category: Information Written by Temple Of The Jedi Order Jediism is a religion based on the observance of the Force, a ubiquitous and metaphysical power that a Jedi (a follower of Jediism) believes to be the underlying, fundamental nature of the universe. Jediism finds its roots in philosophies similar to those presented in an epic space opera called “Star Wars”. It is a religion in and of itself. The Jedi religion is an inspiration and a way of life for many people throughout the world who take on the mantle of Jedi. Jedi apply the principles, ideals, philosophies and teachings of Jediism in a practical manner within their lives. Real Jedi do not worship George Lucas or Star Wars or anything of the sort. Jediism is not based in fiction, but we accept myth as a sometimes more practical mean of conveying philosophies applicable to real life. Jedi Believe In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it. In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty. In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice. In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin. In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time. In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society. In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures. In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression. The Three Tenets • Focus • Knowledge • Wisdom When used correctly, the Jedi Tenets allow us to better ourselves and overcome any obstacle. They help us improve the world around us and fulfil our purpose in life as a Jedi. Wisdom is the sound application of accrued knowledge and experience through patient, good judgment. Knowledge can be acquired by focusing on the task at hand. Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing. The Code The Jedi Code comes in two versions which are different ways of understanding the same teaching. Emotion, yet Peace. There is no Emotion, there is Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. Chaos, yet Harmony. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony. Death, yet the Force. There is no Death, there is the Force. The Creed I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace; Where there is hatred I shall bring love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. I am a Jedi. I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi. The 16 Teachings 1. Jedi are in touch with the Force. We are open to spiritual awareness and keep our minds in tune with the beauty of the world. We are forever learning and open our minds to experiences and knowledge of ourselves and others. 2. Jedi maintain a clear mind; which can be achieved through meditation and contemplation. Our minds can become unduly troubled and concerned with the happenings of the world. We must work on overcoming our individual issues through training and diligence. 3. Jedi are aware of the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now. We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us. We embrace the ever changing and fluid world, adapting and changing as it does. 4. Jedi are wary of attachments, both material and personal. The obsession over possessions and people creates the fear of losing those possessions and relationships which can cause ourselves to be trapped in a state of depression and loss. 5. Jedi understand that well-being consists in the physical, the mental and the spiritual. A Jedi trains each to ensure they remain capable of performing their duties to the best of their ability. All of these are interconnected and essential parts of our training in becoming more harmonious with the Force. 6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility. 7. Jedi understand their limitations. We recognise, and take responsibility, for our failures and develop a level of modesty about them. We respect the right for others to disagree and understand that they themselves are not perfect. 8. Jedi are patient. We work on training ourselves not to precipitate events around us. We know that becoming a Jedi is long and hard and requires rigorous dedication and commitment. Jedi train to act with a conscientious state of calmness. 9. Jedi have integrity. We are authentic to what we believe and are open, honest and true to our purpose and our minds. We remove all masks to reveal ourselves as courageous and noble of heart. We do not hide from fear of damage to our image because we know that our image cannot be blemished from the words and actions of others. 10. Jedi serve in many ways. Each action performed, no matter the scale, influences the world. With this in mind Jedi perform each action with peace, caring, love, compassion and humility. So it is that each Jedi improves the world with each deed they perform. 11. Jedi are mindful of their thoughts. We recognise the beauty in others and we provide help to those who come seeking it. Through our benevolent actions we strengthen not only ourselves but also our communities. Jedi act without prejudice. 12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope. 13. Jedi cultivate empathy. We try to view things from another’s perspective making us sensitive listeners. We provide the confidence people need when talking through their difficulties and we share our learning with those who would benefit. We do this to help create a more harmonious society. 14. Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognise that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony. 15. Jedi believe in eternal life through the Force. We do not become obsessed in mourning those who pass. We may grieve at their passing but we are content, knowing that they will forever be a part of the Force and so always a part of us. 16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions. The 21 Maxims Prowess: To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a Jedi. A Jedi strives to acquire greater skill and expertise in what they do at all times so that it may be used in the service of the greater good, and not for personal profit. This requires discipline, patience and perfect practice. Justice: To always seek the path of ‘right’. A Jedi is unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Justice is a double-edged sword, one that protects the weak, yet also passes judgements according to a set of values. A Jedi tolerates that which is not Jedi and does not pass judgement on that which causes no harm for it is just. Loyalty: To have faith in your Jedi brothers and sisters. A Jedi remains true to what they have learned and to their own teachings. A Jedi always serves those who wish to learn more of the ways of the Force and in doing so, remain loyal to the way of Jediism and their Order. Defense: To defend the way of Jediism. A Jedi is sworn by oath to defend their faith and all it encompasses. Courage: To have the will. To be a Jedi sometimes means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. A Jedi knows they must make the right choice, take the right side and that the weak they have sworn to defend often stand alone. A Jedi puts aside fear, regret, and uncertainty yet know the difference between courage and sheer stupidity. Faith: To trust in the ways of the Force. Although the ways of the Force may seem strange at times, a Jedi always knows their place and their role within it. Humility: To accept the ego for what it is. A Jedi does not boast of their accomplishments and knows that their accomplishment is its own reward. Fearlessness: To have no self-imposed limits. Fear is that which prevents a Jedi from accomplishing their duty. A Jedi learns to let go of their fears through their faith in the Force and has no shame in admitting their shortfalls when they occur. Nobility: To act with honour. A Jedi does not engage in petty, mean or otherwise dubious activities. Acting with stature and distinction influences others, offering a compelling example of what can be achieved by those who follow Jediism. Honesty: To avoid lies. A Jedi is honest with themselves and seeks to always go beyond appearances. There can be no honest self without the knowledge and wisdom to see truth. Pure Motive: To act with motive and purpose. Without a sound motive and purpose, action has no meaning, no destination and lacks a foundation. A Jedi moves with the Force, trusts in its ways. A Jedi’s actions are firmly based upon a deep motivation to be as their path dictates. Discipline: To let the self be sole master of the self. A Jedi’s mind is structured, peaceful, unencumbered by emotions, physical state or external stimuli. Focus: To select what matters most. A Jedi focuses in the task at hand. Although a Jedi is aware of the past, and wary of the present's impact on the future, through discipline they know how to select and concentrate on priorities. Discretion: To become invisible. A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations. Meditation: To exercise the mind. Through regular meditation a Jedi examines their motivations, and are certain that they are not allowing emotion, ignorance, or passion to intrude upon them. Meditation can be used by a Jedi to improve their mindfulness, focus, or patience. Training: To know one's ignorance. A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day. Integrity: To be consistent. A Jedi lives as a Jedi at all times. Hypocrisy is their worst enemy. Morality: To know the danger of belief. A Jedi knows how contradicting beliefs of what is right and wrong can lead to devastating crimes and conflicts. A Jedi takes a step away from the subjectivity of opinion in favour of the peace of objectivity. A Jedi does not force their values upon others. Conflict: To know when to fight. A Jedi knows the conflicting nature of the Force but they also know its peace and serenity. A Jedi never blindly enters conflict and always does so for the greater good. Intervention: To know when not to act. A Jedi knows how inaction can have as great an impact as action and how some of the greatest lessons are self-taught. To be a victor is also taking that victory from those you protect. A Jedi intervenes only when a Jedi's intervention is required. Harmony: To be connected to the Force. |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. the brits taught me how to insult someone, and then try to get them to agree with it... wouldn't you agree? ![]() ugh, had a scone when i was in Seattle, like eating a soft rock... ![]() |
Hey Jolly Swagman, Th3Dv8... Mightymoe and myself aren't 'Yanks.' Mightymoe is from Texas... And I'm from Canada. we are all yanks to aussies and brits... they don't understand what a yankee really is, not like we do anyway.. A Yankee is someone who eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol I had one in Florida, well I had a bite of one, disgusting, unlike our very own tea and scones, did us Brits not teach you anything. But seriously, the Sheik restores my hope for humanity somewhat. In Australia mate that'd be peanut paste n jam ![]() not that we put peanut paste with jam , yuk , but our vegemite is yuk to ... someone was talking about vegemite pizza here... not sure what vegemite is, but it doesn't sound very good... |
An Australian and New Zealand trademark name for a savoury spread made from concentrated yeast extract. Originating in the 1920s from vegetable on the pattern of Marmite. Like I Said, "It's Delicious Fermented Crap!" |
Vegemite: An Australian and New Zealand trademark name for a savoury spread made from concentrated yeast extract. Originating in the 1920s from vegetable on the pattern of Marmite. Like I Said, "It's Delicious Fermented Crap!" "delicious" and "crap" in the same sentence... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Do or do not, there is no try."------ Jedi, Yoda ------
Matthew 14: 24-31 <------ You, could've said the same to Peter. |
Edited by
Thu 01/29/15 12:54 PM
I agree with the sheik there a little.... you can find many version on the web and was once told we make out somethings so different... then the bible really meant it that way ... this -> koran 8:65 The unbelievers are stupid;urge the Muslims to fight them.
did they really use stupid ...that makes you think... now wait a min here ... stupid... you want some things... they are saying now about Jesus... was not born in a stable in the bitter cold... women did not walk long distances like that when pregnant over there and he was born in a basement... like a wine rm of a Inn ... one reason the Inns where full... other the basement had a consistent temperature ... there are so many perspectives on religion most believe what they want to ... and most wars based on ...have this in it... has to be their own view ... come on who really thinks ...when they die their going to heaven to meet with virgins ... well some do... but that one gets me ever time lmao and maybe if they believe that long enough they will ... ![]() |
some call it religion...
since some follow a book, to decide what is good... some call it immorality, those who don't... but to make what self think as the only true facts, come first from human's them self... and such become's a religion of the self... that how self feel, see, do, like, know, is the bar of what all other "truth's, doings, actions, words, like's, dislikes", that be good... and there is no doubt... such be just as devious, devastating, and blind, to others as equal in validity, as any "christian, muslim, or jew", religious belief's... smiles&peace |
Vegemite: An Australian and New Zealand trademark name for a savoury spread made from concentrated yeast extract. Originating in the 1920s from vegetable on the pattern of Marmite. Like I Said, "It's Delicious Fermented Crap!" Vegemite is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922. Wikipedia sold here in Switzerland under the name of CENOVIS. The company presents the following story behind Cenovis: "In 1931, a brewer recycled the yeast used for the fermentation of beer: vegetal substances very rich in vitamin B1. After several tests, the product was perfected and a group of Swiss brewers launched Cenovis; the product was an immediate success and the famous spread was so good that from 1955 it was included in the rations for Swiss soldiers... ![]() |
Religion is not evil it's just people use religion to justify their own evil actions
Edited by
Thu 01/29/15 02:08 PM
I agree with the sheik there a little.... you can find many version on the web and was once told we make out somethings so different... then the bible really meant it that way ... this -> koran 8:65 The unbelievers are stupid;urge the Muslims to fight them. did they really use stupid ...that makes you think... now wait a min here ... stupid... you want some things... they are saying now about Jesus... was not born in a stable in the bitter cold... women did not walk long distances like that when pregnant over there and he was born in a basement... like a wine rm of a Inn ... one reason the Inns where full... other the basement had a consistent temperature ... there are so many perspectives on religion most believe what they want to ... and most wars based on ...have this in it... has to be their own view ... come on who really thinks ...when they die their going to heaven to meet with virgins ... well some do... but that one gets me ever time lmao and maybe if they believe that long enough they will ... ![]() Interesting quote from the Quran, You have there... Is the reference to 'stupid unbelievers' more-so a people without understanding? Surah 8: 65 Oh Messenger, rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amougst You, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred... If a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers, for they are a people without understanding. With reference to 'where' Jesus was actually born... The Quran says he was actually born under a palm-tree while in route to Bethlehem. It's important to note; Because Jesus has a pre-existence, he is able to speak from the moment of birth, onward. Surah 19: 22-34 |
people use any and all data, including so called religious data, to make them self feel "better", about them self, and what they do, are, and say.
but they would never have done so, from the beginning, lest they had a monitor within, of what self does as good, excellent, or not good, not excellent... those who don't listen or heed this monitor of self, wanting to find data to disavow such within as valid, cling to religious notions, to make one self feel more secure and confident, but scientist as well, use data to feel better about them self, their own past, and current self choices. for all are in the human condition, and inner truth of self apply to all... it is just different personalities, social upbringings, self exposure to external stimuli, and what was taught as from environment, as BETTER, that create which data shall be chosen by each to prove it self as good, than soon, as BETTER, than others, soon all others, not like one self. |
I agree with the sheik there a little.... you can find many version on the web and was once told we make out somethings so different... then the bible really meant it that way ... this -> koran 8:65 The unbelievers are stupid;urge the Muslims to fight them. did they really use stupid ...that makes you think... now wait a min here ... stupid... you want some things... they are saying now about Jesus... was not born in a stable in the bitter cold... women did not walk long distances like that when pregnant over there and he was born in a basement... like a wine rm of a Inn ... one reason the Inns where full... other the basement had a consistent temperature ... there are so many perspectives on religion most believe what they want to ... and most wars based on ...have this in it... has to be their own view ... come on who really thinks ...when they die their going to heaven to meet with virgins ... well some do... but that one gets me ever time lmao and maybe if they believe that long enough they will ... ![]() Interesting quote from the Quran, You have there... Is the reference to 'stupid unbelievers' more-so a people without understanding? Surah 8: 65 Oh Messenger, rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amougst You, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred... If a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers, for they are a people without understanding. With reference to 'where' Jesus was actually born... The Quran says he was actually born under a palm-tree while in route to Bethlehem. It's important to note; Because Jesus has a pre-existence, he is able to speak from the moment of birth, onward. Surah 19: 22-34 ______________________________________________________________ I find this hard to believe ...It's important to note; Because Jesus has a pre-existence, he is able to speak from the moment of birth, onward. and they are still arguing over where he was born ... and I still or find it hard to believe... Mary was a virgin ... and Jesus had other family but know one talks about them ... I don't know but he was a great prophet ... and they even said there where others like him around that time ... I guess that is why when people are asked ...who would you want to talk to ...dead or alive... Jesus is at the top of the list...and has anyone mentioned to you that you look like a comedian we have here in the states ... Bill Maher ... is a top and very good comedian ... ever get asked that ... |