Topic: Should Obama have marched in Paris? | |
do let me ask you this what's the biggest difference between repub and dems? repblicans policies seem to forget anyone but the rich democratic policies seem to try to include everyone republican spokespersons seem to spew bigotry and bougeise attitudes democratic spokespersons seem to promote equality and inclusive attitudes,, and republicans seem to get the most government support,,lol ,,but other than that,, republicans at large (the whole population of repubs not just their reps) are just as diverse as democrats at large quite the slant, huh... republicans want people to be able to stand on their own, without paying other peoples bills for them... you can feed a man a dinner, but he has to eat agian soon... teach the same man to fish, he can feed his family as long as he fishes... democrats just want to keep giving the man dinners, and say vote for me, and you'll keep getting these dinners... don't vote for me, and the dinners will stop... republicans do have a tendancy to be a little biggoted, but everyone is in their own way, not always a bad thing... democrats think that everyone should be treated the same, a view that has never worked and never will, because there are always people that will take advantage of it... republicans think the rich should hold special favors, democrats are the same, but cover it up better than the repubs... minoities, immagrants, poor people tend to drift to the democrats because of the freebies, policies that actually hurt america in their favor... they found a way not to work for what they get, but have it given to them... i will say i know lots of hard working immagrants, they are the exclusion here... |
spin in an opinion forum is a belittling term to acknowledge different perspectives
I shared mine, you shared yours mission accomplished ![]() |
do let me ask you this what's the biggest difference between repub and dems? repblicans policies seem to forget anyone but the rich democratic policies seem to try to include everyone republican spokespersons seem to spew bigotry and bougeise attitudes democratic spokespersons seem to promote equality and inclusive attitudes,, and republicans seem to get the most government support,,lol ,,but other than that,, republicans at large (the whole population of repubs not just their reps) are just as diverse as democrats at large Now, what about the difference between Republicans and Democrats in this universe? ![]() |
another perspective,,,,thanks Dodo
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Edited by
Sat 01/17/15 04:37 PM
Repulsicons are crooks, Dems too, but one thing about the Repulsicons.... They want everyone to have a job, make money, and spend because then there is a bigger piece of the pie to loot. Dems just steal it as they go, even from the poorest among us, while taking from everyone else in the process until there is nothing left to take.....or give without going further into debt as a nation and taxpayer A national debt of almost $20T, almost 1/2 of America on foodstamps or other freebies, businesses closed and people out of work, with fewer jobs, and most jobs are minimum wage and suplimented by freebies, after 6 years of Demoncrap leadership, kinda bears that out. I don't like the Repulsicons any better, a bunch of warmongers and crooks, but when there is a chicken in every pot there is always more leftovers to steal from |
another perspective,,,,thanks Dodo ![]() now you have 2 perspectives, not including yours.. davids don't count, since he seems not to be part of this universe, nor did he actually post one... |
The only difference between 'all politicians' regardless of party affiliation is their concept of liberty...
The only difference between 'all politicians' regardless of party affiliation is their concept of liberty... new pic? ![]() ![]() |
The only difference between 'all politicians' regardless of party affiliation is their concept of liberty... new pic? ![]() ![]() Nice concept.... ![]() |
I am in agreement with Tweety.
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I've been hearing a lot of complaints because president Obama didn't attend unity march in Paris like other world leaders. I disagree. The president of the United States is not like other heads of state. It would've have been a security nightmare and a terrorists dream come true if he matched down the streets of Paris. President Obama shows his unity with France by leading the war against Islamic jihadist in Syria and Iraq. this is absolutely true, its easy to share a spotlight, its harder to actually wORK,,, they have admitted someone should have been there, unfortunately image is the God of modern world but I don't feel his presence or lack of is really significant to the goal of fighting 'terror' He was playing spades during part of the Osama Bin Laden raid....... |
I think it was foolish to put any of the Heads of States out there. Its a big security risk and getting yourself killed just to prove a point is not the smartest move. JMO Cowering to terrorists barbarism is even less smart in my opinion... I agree cowering isn't smart but there is a thing as acceptable risk. Our world leaders also have been under strict security even before terrorism was a threat. Its not just the terrorists that we have to worry about as we have local fanatics. You point is taken...and respected, but he or our Secretary of State should have been there ...This administration has spent millions of tax payer dollars to beef up security and those world leaders you see marching in the front lines were photo shopped...They did not march, but they understood the need to be counted...Obama sucks... Well our Prime Minister also did not go to the demonstration and I commend him for doing it. I guess having to live with Terrorists threats in the 80s; I have a different perspective from those who have never had to deal with it on a personal basis. I recall climbing underneath vehicles checking for bombs, ensuring all vehicles were locked, checking baggage from anyone trying to come on to our base, and even dealing with the aftermath of a bomb going off at our base. I'm sure you have a different perspective, but that does not make yours anymore valid than mine or others who feel as I do....Once again, MY president failed to present a united front...Maybe, big maybe, if this was the first time he flipped off our allies, I would not be as disgusted with him as I am, but it is not the first time and likely won't be the last... I am not saying your opinion is not valid; I am just saying I see it from the perspective of being surrounded by terrorism; dealing with it face to face so to speak but its pointless trying to explain it to you so I will just drop the subject. Like MSHarmony says; Obama's presence wouldn't have made an impact on fighting Terror. The point of Obama attending the rally was NOT to make an impact on fighting terror ![]() Oh incidentally; there is group called NATO and another called the UN. You might want to look these up and see that these groups already represent standing behind our allies; at least that is what my NATO medal represents. How about you Leigh? Have any medals from the UN or NATO? Did you ever serve even as a civilian? Why do you ask?...Do I have to have a medal or have served, even as a civilian ![]() ![]() ![]() You are right its none of my business and its not about disagreeing so please don't put words in my mouth as this is now the second time you have done this. I just asked to to see if you actually understood that NATO and the UN are the ways we support our allies which is another form of solidarity. Common sense would suggest that we support our allies. We need not attend a rally that could have resulted in many more deaths had it got out of hand or had the terrorists decided to attack. However; its your president and you are certainly entitled to think of him in any way you want. I don't keep up with American politics but it sounds like he isn't very popular these days. depends upon who you speak to ethnics and the poor and democrats seem to like him just fine,,, That's why the voters OVERWHELMINGLY slapped him and his agenda across the face so hard this past election cycle that his children's children will feel it? ![]() |
I think it was foolish to put any of the Heads of States out there. Its a big security risk and getting yourself killed just to prove a point is not the smartest move. JMO Not as big of a security risk as Mandela's funeral when just about every head of state was there, or attending the UN general assembly again with many heads of state there. They were clearly able to secure the area especially with targets like the leadership of Israel in attendance, and no one got hurt. Imagine that. Terrorists win if you cower to them. |