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Topic: Your opinion.....
davidben1's photo
Mon 01/12/15 07:35 PM
i hope all, who live here in America, and abroad, do know and receive as real life exact truth, that each word spoken from you, about America, will cause either her greater success, or demise...

and for those who relish in our demise...

with stifled lack of insight, of what we truly do for the worlds...

i only say unto thee...

what shall we be able to shine for, and help you with, and extend to you personally in good will and peace, if you actively seek to hasten our demise and failures.

no photo
Mon 01/12/15 07:36 PM

well, depends upon the factors viewed

from investopedia.com

The gross domestic product (GDP) is one the primary indicators used to gauge the health of a country's economy. It represents the total dollar value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period - you can think of it as the size of the economy.

from this chart,


the GDP has been growing since 2009

i prefer Germany's GDP smokin

no photo
Mon 01/12/15 07:46 PM

It is interesting the Amerikan perspective I might just argue that sentiment a bit, I have been in Mexico, Oaxaca to be specific now for 3 months and I have had my eyes opened to a few things that I have taken for granted as an Amerikan, here I see no poverty/homelessness like I see in the states and I always thought we were the leaders of freedom of speech yet the Mexicans also own this privilege ,look into the 43, unlike we do. I think sometimes Amerikans believe the world revolves around them, and I understand that it does infact not!

I agree with this ^^^^,1000%!!

The only people who have not set foot outside US are the only people who hold that notion-( other similar notions) that US is all that and more- I dont!!

no photo
Mon 01/12/15 07:46 PM
Edited by CremeBrulee on Mon 01/12/15 08:17 PM

tamitateo's photo
Mon 01/12/15 08:14 PM

It is interesting the Amerikan perspective I might just argue that sentiment a bit, I have been in Mexico, Oaxaca to be specific now for 3 months and I have had my eyes opened to a few things that I have taken for granted as an Amerikan, here I see no poverty/homelessness like I see in the states and I always thought we were the leaders of freedom of speech yet the Mexicans also own this privilege ,look into the 43, unlike we do. I think sometimes Amerikans believe the world revolves around them, and I understand that it does infact not!

I agree with this ^^^^,1000%!!

The only people who have not set foot outside US are the only people who hold that notion-( other similar notions) that US is all that and more- I dont!!

it was a true awakening

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 01/12/15 09:47 PM
America still has potential...far from what she used to be...it's really sad cause unless the people drop their trivial differences...it's going to be a while before it gets better...but anymore that's all people here do...blame this,..blame that...but one small handful of Americans feeds the hatred between the people and does what ever they want..and the media dishes it out..lies and lies and a few promises but nothing gets better for the people .... Going to take a dang miracle to move this country upward again...when ya dream dream big...cause that's about all a lot of the American people have...just dreams..hmmmm..

no photo
Mon 01/12/15 10:27 PM

America still has potential...far from what she used to be...it's really sad cause unless the people drop their trivial differences...it's going to be a while before it gets better...but anymore that's all people here do...blame this,..blame that...but one small handful of Americans feeds the hatred between the people and does what ever they want..and the media dishes it out..lies and lies and a few promises but nothing gets better for the people .... Going to take a dang miracle to move this country upward again...when ya dream dream big...cause that's about all a lot of the American people have...just dreams..hmmmm..

And they sure do enjoy dreamland!! Maybe one day they/you will wake up??? I hope,before it all gets worse than it is??

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 01/12/15 10:34 PM

America still has potential...far from what she used to be...it's really sad cause unless the people drop their trivial differences...it's going to be a while before it gets better...but anymore that's all people here do...blame this,..blame that...but one small handful of Americans feeds the hatred between the people and does what ever they want..and the media dishes it out..lies and lies and a few promises but nothing gets better for the people .... Going to take a dang miracle to move this country upward again...when ya dream dream big...cause that's about all a lot of the American people have...just dreams..hmmmm..

And they sure do enjoy dreamland!! Maybe one day they/you will wake up??? I hope,before it all gets worse than it is??
...a lot easier said than done...everyone is to scared to lose what ever they have...and like I mentioned..everyone is to divided...it's going to take something big to get us to get together..maybe someone will dream something up...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/13/15 11:58 AM
america is great in some ways and not so great in others

always has been so, always will be so

in the ways I have GROWN ACCUSTOMED to, I am grateful to live in such a place,, without feeling like there arent other places I would be just as grateful to live in,,,


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