Topic: Genesis...
mysticalview21's photo
Sun 01/11/15 06:16 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sun 01/11/15 06:18 PM
I am a very long time fan of Genesis ... saw them in concert when young... blew me away ...freakin Ohmygoodness ...
I just watched a show of them from the very beginning of the band ...
when they came to the US ... had no idea of the earlier songs where they dressed up ...Peter Gabriel did anyway ...then later the others I guess ...

I was in watching this show going yuck lmao very happy I might have been to young to hear them back then ... and did like lambs lie down on Broadway ... and guess Peter left ..then and Phil started singing... which both had a large fan base by then as separate musicians.. they where doing and both just supreme musicians in their own right ...

but now who was a fan from their beginning... here in the states while they wore their costumes... tonight is the first... I ever heard of them in costumes ...

DonnyRover's photo
Mon 01/12/15 03:55 AM
Never got into Genesis in the early days though I know Peter Gabriel has a daffodil costume on, on the front of an early live album. I did have duke and abacab on vinyl and I did like Mama when it came out. I saw peter Gabriel live last December in Sheffield and he was awesome. They went through the So album track by track, his backing musicians were top draw. From what I have read Phil Collins can't drum anymore because of arthritis, can’t stand his solo stuff, very commercial and boring!!. Also don’t forget Mike and the Mechanics, quite liked looking back over my shoulder.

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 01/12/15 04:58 PM

Never got into Genesis in the early days though I know Peter Gabriel has a daffodil costume on, on the front of an early live album. I did have duke and abacab on vinyl and I did like Mama when it came out. I saw peter Gabriel live last December in Sheffield and he was awesome. They went through the So album track by track, his backing musicians were top draw. From what I have read Phil Collins can't drum anymore because of arthritis, can’t stand his solo stuff, very commercial and boring!!. Also don’t forget Mike and the Mechanics, quite liked looking back over my shoulder.

well the others did well but not as well as Phil and Peter ... and did not see that costume on Peter ... though he was the one who started that ... thought about it more today he looked a lot like Marylynne Manson and seemed a far cry from the Bowie look ... I know

really sucks about Phil can do what he loved to do anymore maybe he is writing for others now... and Gabriel is still awesome ... Mama was one of my fav vocals ... Phil got that from someone laughing on their song and just pick that up and made his own kinda sinister laugh ... but what was the coolest things about Genius Phil was the one who got them to laugh a bit at them selves and other things ... I new he was the coolest ... :heart:

DonnyRover's photo
Tue 01/13/15 04:24 AM
Collins is too establishment for me. Peter Gabriel is a bit more edgy and a lot more political. Only my opinion of course.

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 01/13/15 09:05 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 01/13/15 09:09 AM

Collins is too establishment for me. Peter Gabriel is a bit more edgy and a lot more political. Only my opinion of course.

do you know out of all of them ...when young Collins was the smartest and most talented & had brought that band where it was even after Gabrila leaving ... now when u say political what about ...
Genesis - Land Of Confusion Phil sang that song not Gabriel...which was pretty political to me ... don't get me wrong Gabriel is awesome in his own right ... love most of what he did later ... when he did Solsbury Hill that was when he started getting a lot more recognition
for his music and loved shock the monkey and in your eyes ... Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers some where political ... their really is no Competition between them ... even today Gabriel said Genesis grew to their height with out him... both out standing entertainers ... which turned out very good for the both and all of them musically ... I really enjoy seeing them all together ...for the interview becouse had no idea of their youth and an how the music did grow for them all ...

DonnyRover's photo
Wed 01/14/15 02:29 AM
I prefer Disturbed's version of land of confusion if i'm honest. It is political i grant you but it was by genesis not Collins on his own. Games without frontiers is about aan english game show that was on TV in the 1970's called it's a knockoutor or "je sans frontier" in French. He sings both titles within the song.

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Wed 01/14/15 02:35 AM
Genesis are shite! Liked only by old social workers, teachers and Jeremy Clarkson, from Top Gear! Ha ha

DonnyRover's photo
Thu 01/15/15 05:48 AM
Now now messi,we all go through phases. Must admit I only went to see Peter Gabriel last year cos my brother likes him and seeing he was going through the album "So"I was hoping that a certain Miss Bush would turn up even though I knew she wouldn't but the two backing singers were worth the admission fee and it was an awesome show!!Most of the sixth formers usually carried a Genesis or Yes album around when I was a first year at Comp. Must have been part of the uniform, lol

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 01/18/15 12:59 PM

I prefer Disturbed's version of land of confusion if i'm honest. It is political i grant you but it was by genesis not Collins on his own. Games without frontiers is about aan english game show that was on TV in the 1970's called it's a knockoutor or "je sans frontier" in French. He sings both titles within the song.

did I get that wrong... right Genesis but Phil Collins sang it...
is what I meant ... Gabrila was not in Geneses then... when you talked of... who got a little political ... but will give you that Gabrila came in to his own ... and different but good too...

I might have heard disturbed version and I really like them as a group also ... sometimes I think some try to hard to be like them copy ...when it only can be disturbed music and sound ...

DonnyRover's photo
Fri 01/23/15 07:08 AM
I have heard more Genesis with collins singing more than I have heard peter Gabriel and they werer ok with either as frontman.. My point is Collins solo stuff is bland, boring and too commercial for me where Gabriel is self indulgent and dosent seem to bothered about selling records or whatever they come out on these days,lol. I saw korn and Slipknot last week, now that was something else. I didn't enjoy it anymore than Peter Gabriels gig, they were both awesome but in different ways!!

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 02/22/15 02:00 PM

I have heard more Genesis with collins singing more than I have heard peter Gabriel and they werer ok with either as frontman.. My point is Collins solo stuff is bland, boring and too commercial for me where Gabriel is self indulgent and dosent seem to bothered about selling records or whatever they come out on these days,lol. I saw korn and Slipknot last week, now that was something else. I didn't enjoy it anymore than Peter Gabriels gig, they were both awesome but in different ways!!

I don't believe you can put them in the same kind of category as Peter

I consider Korn and SlipKnot to be metal ... that's just me ...

DonnyRover's photo
Mon 02/23/15 04:41 AM

I have heard more Genesis with collins singing more than I have heard peter Gabriel and they werer ok with either as frontman.. My point is Collins solo stuff is bland, boring and too commercial for me where Gabriel is self indulgent and dosent seem to bothered about selling records or whatever they come out on these days,lol. I saw korn and Slipknot last week, now that was something else. I didn't enjoy it anymore than Peter Gabriels gig, they were both awesome but in different ways!!

I don't believe you can put them in the same kind of category as Peter

I consider Korn and SlipKnot to be metal ... that's just me ...

I didn't put them in the same category, that's my point people can be excellent in their own genre, peter Gabriel was brilliant at what he does, Korn and Slipknot were brilliant at what they do, all musicaly talented in their own fieldl

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 02/23/15 09:17 AM
I must have misunderstood ..and yes many in their own music can be different an good at the same time ...

DonnyRover's photo
Thu 02/26/15 03:05 AM

I must have misunderstood ..and yes many in their own music can be different an good at the same time ...

Yes, I put Mike Oldfield in that category,not everyone's cup of tea but brilliant at what he does!