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Topic: Desktop CPU wont start
no photo
Mon 02/09/15 08:16 AM
huh 1% I understood everything you said to be pure BS. laugh

Glad you got the cord back in the spider pulled out Vern. :wink:

Noa41's photo
Mon 02/09/15 09:43 AM

huh 1% I understood everything you said to be pure BS. laugh

Glad you got the cord back in the spider pulled out Vern. :wink:

Don't forget the Hornswaggler's and wallpaper you have to lick before you even know what's going on! Ugh........ What a chore.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 02/09/15 10:23 AM

1st of all, your desktop is a mini mainframe. You are only capible of a syntax! Not the Matrax! You are on someone elses window-liquid chrystal display. You must syncronise with the m�ster remote &, syntax because it's compatable notebook-laptop is running you. Hope it's not a tainted thermodynamic infiltration issue.

you forgot to make sure the Capacitive Stroking Card is securely plugged into the Superfast Hyperspeed HDD!

Noa41's photo
Mon 02/09/15 11:00 AM
Let's stop this. The guy was having fun.

Sorry Pilgrim.

screaminvern's photo
Mon 02/09/15 09:35 PM
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! It's all good everyone LOL!!!! I'm just glad the damn cord plopped out when it did. The older CPU i have as backup has a Linux OS which I like, but the cpu is very outdated and a little slow for me.

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