Topic: place where u go alone always??
regularfeller's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:01 PM

Topic: place where u go alone always??

:laughing: Unfortunately these days - EVERYWHERE!

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:04 PM
I go out in my art studio. That place is off limits to everyone but me. I go there when I want to seriously create something.

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:08 PM

I go out in my art studio. That place is off limits to everyone but me. I go there when I want to seriously create something.

:thumbsup: That sounds awesome!flowers

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:18 PM

I go out in my art studio. That place is off limits to everyone but me. I go there when I want to seriously create something.

:thumbsup: That sounds awesome!flowers

LOL Sometimes and then sometimes it is just a hot mess.

Recently I am trying to make a cabinet for my embroidery thread boxes. Going to match it to a carved Buddist shrine for the top. I have to find some Asian brass hinges. But I have the a lock set and silk tassel. Been inlaying abalone pieces in a floral mosaic for the doors.

Sorry OP offtopic

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:21 PM

I go out in my art studio. That place is off limits to everyone but me. I go there when I want to seriously create something.

:thumbsup: That sounds awesome!flowers

LOL Sometimes and then sometimes it is just a hot mess.

Recently I am trying to make a cabinet for my embroidery thread boxes. Going to match it to a carved Buddist shrine for the top. I have to find some Asian brass hinges. But I have the a lock set and silk tassel. Been inlaying abalone pieces in a floral mosaic for the doors.

Sorry OP offtopic

Just one last thing OP....

Hope you post some piccy's when it's done Star!!...Sounds lovely!love

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:38 PM

Everybdy tell about the place where u always go alone...nobdy is with u there....u hv to go alone only???
Put ur views...

to bed...grumble

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:40 PM

Everybdy tell about the place where u always go alone...nobdy is with u there....u hv to go alone only???
Put ur views...

to bed...grumble

laugh Bet there are a few ladies on here who would love to change that for you Moe!:wink:

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:55 PM

Everybdy tell about the place where u always go alone...nobdy is with u there....u hv to go alone only???
Put ur views...

to bed...grumble

laugh Bet there are a few ladies on here who would love to change that for you Moe!:wink:

don't bet your life savings on that...:wink:

mcarr91's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:57 PM
I used to have a garage with a makeshift wood shop that was my sanctuary. Now I have to settle for my car and anywhere it takes me.

nigellr's photo
Tue 06/16/15 04:15 PM
Sailing on my boat. It's where I find sort of peace, but it can be lonely too.

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 06:48 PM
Into the night.

no photo
Wed 06/17/15 08:46 AM
To Anne Summers parties. :banana:.

In my dreams. laugh.

There's a home that I used to live at, just eleven doors away from my flat. They took me in, as part of my rehabilitation programme. They went that extra mile, and kept me for longer than they were supposed to, because we all became good friends. I still visit those people, about three times a week. I never thought that I'd get attached to the rehab place. The people even moreso. It's the people living there, that make it an important part of my life. I think about them every day.

1twoC's photo
Wed 06/17/15 11:43 AM
The Bathroom!

msharmony's photo
Wed 06/17/15 11:50 AM
Im only alone in my car when I go to work or run errands,. otherwise, always with family in one way or another

nigellr's photo
Thu 06/18/15 12:35 AM
If you are alone, can anybody hear you fall over?

spopo57's photo
Thu 06/18/15 02:24 AM
The Woods.

driftingLuke's photo
Sun 06/21/15 07:35 AM
Lets see hw much different things come out....but i'm waiting for some more exact answers....other than toilet n meditation...where u r all alone...ALWAYS..Mostly

I go hunting and fishing alone usually. Especially fishing. 30 miles out cell-phone signal ceases to exist, and I occasionally even commit the cardinal sin of switching off the VHF because I get tired of the charter boat chatter. I relish the solitude. Sometimes I don't even really fish, just kill the engines, turn off the VHF, and drift in the current. Usually the only sound is the slapping of waves against the hull.

mikeyspace4691's photo
Sun 06/21/15 07:56 AM

Lets see hw much different things come out....but i'm waiting for some more exact answers....other than toilet n meditation...where u r all alone...ALWAYS..Mostly

I go hunting and fishing alone usually. Especially fishing. 30 miles out cell-phone signal ceases to exist, and I occasionally even commit the cardinal sin of switching off the VHF because I get tired of the charter boat chatter. I relish the solitude. Sometimes I don't even really fish, just kill the engines, turn off the VHF, and drift in the current. Usually the only sound is the slapping of waves against the hull.

You're gonna end up on Gilligans Island.

no1phD's photo
Sun 06/21/15 09:14 AM
.. the principal's office..

.. bathroom..
.. to the grave..
.. the inside of my own mind..
.. a phone booth..
.. driver seat of a car..
.. up a ladder..
.... through a door..
.. a peep
... prison..

no photo
Sun 06/28/15 12:58 PM
MY spot on the couch. When nobody else is around.