Topic: (Don't Worry) If There's A Hell Below We're All Going To Go! | |
seems Elvis has left the Building! ![]() he's back ... I'll have a blue 'Christmas with out you... ![]() |
Don't just listen. Pay attention as well. I'm just saying. erieartist Pay attention to what, a mediocre artist that were it not for the movie "Shaft" would have passed in obscurity. And as for the title, just slave talk used by the religious sect to keep the masses in line. If you don't mind the "master" qualified to interpret the "good" word, then you will "rot" in hell for all eternity. But "hell", relax, you're already there. |
Thars why satan doesn't want to be cast alone in it and will take as many with him ![]() ![]() indeed indeed... so who or what be manifesting satanic mentality... for to answer that expose then truly the only "satan" that exist. fear for self. self protect. versus whole group protect. if self protect mechanism kicks in, such will create any human into one totally ok with others suffering so long as one self can, or thinks it can, escape suffering for it self... the only satan only being this mentality that exist in human beings. Sort of like that "New World Order" thing, a world where you never have to look out for yourself as everyone else has that covered. "In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own." -Alexis de Tocqueville |
My kind of woman ;) What, unattainable? A dream? |
My dad wanted me to know my great grand daddy on my mom side an took me to meet him in texas when I was like 11yr. So when my dad told him I was his great grand son an he ask to shake my hand. I said hella no an went outside an set on the porch late night. My dad came outside an ask me what was wrong? I said you told me that he is my great grand daddy right. My dad said yes he is. I said but hes a ***** a white patty. Before you go to calling him out his name an all that. Remember he is your great grand dad son. Funny my great grand dad an I became good friends. Again please don't tell me something about the humman race I already know. Tell me something I don't know. If theres a hella below. Trust me we all going to go. |
seems OP is correct!
Look what I found at another Site! There is also a place known as Hell. You see, we are living on the earth crust. It is about 60 km deep. There are two more layers underneath the earth's crust. Both have a temperature of around 5000 Celsius. This is where Hell is. When a good person dies, he is escorted all the way to Heaven. For the bad people, they are also escorted to the underworld. I hope I have clarified this issue for the time being.
well,ain't that special? ![]() |
Lol....I won't be in hell too long if I go there....The devil would get tired of me telling everyone to have a beautiful day and handing out flowers...tee hee...
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seems OP is correct! Look what I found at another Site! There is also a place known as Hell. You see, we are living on the earth crust. It is about 60 km deep. There are two more layers underneath the earth's crust. Both have a temperature of around 5000 Celsius. This is where Hell is. When a good person dies, he is escorted all the way to Heaven. For the bad people, they are also escorted to the underworld. I hope I have clarified this issue for the time being.
well,ain't that special? ![]() ![]() |
..."because hell, hell is for children."
seems OP is correct! Look what I found at another Site! There is also a place known as Hell. You see, we are living on the earth crust. It is about 60 km deep. There are two more layers underneath the earth's crust. Both have a temperature of around 5000 Celsius. This is where Hell is. When a good person dies, he is escorted all the way to Heaven. For the bad people, they are also escorted to the underworld. I hope I have clarified this issue for the time being.
well,ain't that special? ![]() Well I guess I'm going to " sub crust" |
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Edited by
Mon 12/15/14 04:05 PM
Thars why satan doesn't want to be cast alone in it and will take as many with him ![]() ![]() indeed indeed... so who or what be manifesting satanic mentality... for to answer that expose then truly the only "satan" that exist. fear for self. self protect. versus whole group protect. if self protect mechanism kicks in, such will create any human into one totally ok with others suffering so long as one self can, or thinks it can, escape suffering for it self... the only satan only being this mentality that exist in human beings. Sort of like that "New World Order" thing, a world where you never have to look out for yourself as everyone else has that covered. "In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own." -Alexis de Tocqueville quite the contrare... it is what we have NOW, an "old world order", that is based upon the "good ole boy" network, on dynastic families passing power only to those interconnected, which be much more an oligarch rule, cloaked as democracy for those who can't follow the money trail which be the chain of command trail, which be the chain of power. religious wouldbee dictators and dynastic family oligarchs maintaining rule by supplying the choices based upon the biggest money sacks, be the actual rule we have had for 238 years. and since your quoting another opinion, AGAIN, that means you are doing exactly what the quote you posted said. but you don't realize all the data be the hand fed data. such is the data of any self interest agenda, that convince's one that it ever had a true DEMOCRACY even from the beginning. a true democracy would be direct vote, no electoral, of each head alive over voting age, all contenders on all ballots by direct vote, in a direct vote by the people... no different than a NFL play off elimination. And one is but a wee too late for an old system, since the last six presidents explicitly called for a new world order... not to mention Putin and and most other heads of states of all the G7 and Brics... so it is coming... at this stage world leaders are just hashing out who shall sit atop, and how power will be delegated... so it simply seems a matter of being pro-active in shaping a larger power structure into something as positve as possible... and not trying to go backwards, as nothing in the world shall succeed in that... no different than trying to eliminate cd going back to 8-tracks... shape the future, not recreate a failed past. it ain't gonna happen. |
seems OP is correct! Look what I found at another Site! There is also a place known as Hell. You see, we are living on the earth crust. It is about 60 km deep. There are two more layers underneath the earth's crust. Both have a temperature of around 5000 Celsius. This is where Hell is. When a good person dies, he is escorted all the way to Heaven. For the bad people, they are also escorted to the underworld. I hope I have clarified this issue for the time being.
well,ain't that special? ![]() lol... i wonder who went there to carry back this incredible evidence for the world... some would believe purple dragons patrol the galaxy if they were told so. |
seems OP is correct! Look what I found at another Site! There is also a place known as Hell. You see, we are living on the earth crust. It is about 60 km deep. There are two more layers underneath the earth's crust. Both have a temperature of around 5000 Celsius. This is where Hell is. When a good person dies, he is escorted all the way to Heaven. For the bad people, they are also escorted to the underworld. I hope I have clarified this issue for the time being.
well,ain't that special? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sort of like that "New World Order" thing, a world where you never have to look out for yourself as everyone else has that covered. "In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own." -Alexis de Tocqueville quite the contrare... it is what we have NOW, an "old world order", that is based upon the "good ole boy" network, on dynastic families passing power only to those interconnected, which be much more an oligarch rule, cloaked as democracy for those who can't follow the money trail which be the chain of command trail, which be the chain of power. religious wouldbee dictators and dynastic family oligarchs maintaining rule by supplying the choices based upon the biggest money sacks, be the actual rule we have had for 238 years. and since your quoting another opinion, AGAIN, that means you are doing exactly what the quote you posted said. but you don't realize all the data be the hand fed data. such is the data of any self interest agenda, that convince's one that it ever had a true DEMOCRACY even from the beginning. a true democracy would be direct vote, no electoral, of each head alive over voting age, all contenders on all ballots by direct vote, in a direct vote by the people... no different than a NFL play off elimination. And one is but a wee too late for an old system, since the last six presidents explicitly called for a new world order... not to mention Putin and and most other heads of states of all the G7 and Brics... so it is coming... at this stage world leaders are just hashing out who shall sit atop, and how power will be delegated... so it simply seems a matter of being pro-active in shaping a larger power structure into something as positve as possible... and not trying to go backwards, as nothing in the world shall succeed in that... no different than trying to eliminate cd going back to 8-tracks... shape the future, not recreate a failed past. it ain't gonna happen. The correct usage is au contraire, mid-14c., from Anglo-French contrarie, from Latin contrarius "opposite, opposed," from contra "against". If you must use the English derivitive, then it would be quite contrary, which would apply to my opinion of your reply. There is nothing "new" within this universe, just the constant repeat of things past because of the base trait of man to little pay attention to what is going on around them. But current times, they are not of the "old world order" as you so aptly call it, they are but the failed attempts at the manifestation of the supposed "new world order", the total slavery of the masses. And you really should keep your day job as you seem to have little knowledge of psychology nor it seems the acquisition of knowledge without using personal experience. Those that fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. Personally I prefer to accept the manifested causation of those before me. Ah, Democracy, rule of the mob, that which is doomed to chaos and oligarchy, the rule of the psychopaths that believe they are god and destined to rule. You want "Direct" democracy, then go on over to Switzerland but I doubt they would let you in. Good old direct vote, just look at where that has got us, how's that working out for you? To those that have actually taken the time to understand the electoral college and other manifestations of freedom, we would rather restore the republic. It is but a matter of time before this misconception of "New World Order" goes the way it has gone many times in the past and anarchy reins. Oh, and it's going to happen. The only question is how many pieces will remain with which to structure the future. I would suggest one learn the value of sticks and stones and practice archery. |
![]() I think that would be beyond the cost scope of Odumbocare, more like: ![]() |
believe as you wish Al...
and do you think i give a crap about the proper use of contrary... hehehe... only those that seek knowledge to prove to them self they are wise would give two cents about that in this context. well, i can feel one would say ya nothing new in the universe... but each day be new, for those who pay attention. nothing is repeat. it be only those who sea through eye's of self validation emotions that believe such illusions. we have never been totally populated, nearing 8 billion, up 6 billion in about 80 years! we have NEVER BEEN HERE. Before the 20th century, no human had lived through a doubling of the human population, but there are people alive today who have seen it triple. we are in exponential territory... if one look into the mathematics of the matter, one would sea we are in totally new waters... exponential is critical mass... where each 10th year, the consumption of ALL commodities, food, energy, waste, etc, etc, be greater than the entire previous nine years added together... our current systems cannot sustain that. and many many many know this, who surround them self with the greatest scientific brains alive, to chart the course of world management. we have never had all continents totally instantly interconnected, creating instant exponential emotional transfer across the entire globe. what you deem be but repeats is as original as anything can be. but this topic is supposed to be about hell, and i am not going to hi-jack it... start a new thread if ya wanna hash it out some more. your not convincing me and i'm not convincing you. like we agreed. may the widest, longest, most adaptive and exhaustive unbiased insight toward any individual or certain group succeed. |
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believe as you wish Al... and do you think i give a crap about the proper use of contrary... Obviously not but it gave me some perverse joy and now to get even greater returns..... hehehe... only those that seek knowledge to prove to them self they are wise would give two cents about that in this context. Ah, but another twist on reality, those that need to somehow prove to any they are wise would be a contradiction in terms and to those that do not seek knowledge for the pure sake of knowledge would be very unwise indeed. well, i can feel one would say ya nothing new in the universe... but each day be new, for those who pay attention. nothing is repeat. it be only those who sea through eye's of self validation emotions that believe such illusions. Illusions, a disease of those that cannot fathom reality. And each passing day is not new, just a repeat of those that have past. Each day just a minute scrap in the scheme of time. And this earth from a hunk of molten rock to the present and on into oblivion, nothing new, just a repeat of past and portend of the future for all the universe. we have never been totally populated, nearing 8 billion, up 6 billion in about 80 years! we have NEVER BEEN HERE. Before the 20th century, no human had lived through a doubling of the human population, but there are people alive today who have seen it triple. Sure have, but drop the "we". That is the misnomer, trying to define infinity by the lifespan of a being. Throughout time, different species have seen much larger explosions of populations, insects by multiples of thousands within a life span that could be measured in days. When one fails to understand the larger perspective, they get caught in a rut which is but a grave with the ends kicked out. There are two very large perspectives within the larger picture of this planet: 1) earth by nature is self healing; 2) humans are not required for the planet to continue to evolve. There are times of feast and times of famine. Population is a self curing trait which this planet will soon get to learn by experience. we are in exponential territory... if one look into the mathematics of the matter, one would sea we are in totally new waters... exponential is critical mass... where each 10th year, the consumption of ALL commodities, food, energy, waste, etc, etc, be greater than the entire previous nine years added together... our current systems cannot sustain that. and many many many know this, who surround them self with the greatest scientific brains alive, to chart the course of world management. Ah, the fallacy of the millennium, thinking man can somehow chart a course using these so called "scientific" brains. Just how do you think we have gotten to this point in time? we have never had all continents totally instantly interconnected, creating instant exponential emotional transfer across the entire globe. what you deem be but repeats is as original as anything can be. but this topic is supposed to be about hell, and i am not going to hi-jack it... Too late to be concerned about hi-jacking a topic wouldn't you say? But relax, it's not a hi-jack. You are describing a pure hell right here on this earth. Something one need not go to, it has come to them. But the picture is not complete, the "New World Order" wants to complete that picture for them. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson. start a new thread if ya wanna hash it out some more. your not convincing me and i'm not convincing you. like we agreed. may the widest, longest, most adaptive and exhaustive unbiased insight toward any individual or certain group succeed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm starting to get from this post. All low lifes are going to heaven an all good people going to hella.
People have a way of twisting stuff to fit there needs. I don't know much about life but I do know. What goes around will always come back around. The meek shall inherit the earth. The Meek will become masters over the earth or the aggressive people will no longer be winners. Or something like this. smiling |