Topic: Electric Autos | |
Man I'm tellin' ya, I am so tired of having to put way over priced fuel in my van. Every time I fill up, my mind goes to Sept.11th 2001, and what those "Ala" lovin' Whores have done to this Country,and this World. I don't mean that all Muslums are terrorists,but so far all tarroerists have been Muslum...pretty much speaks for itself. Anyway, I'm not going to start that debate right now. I do want to do SOMETHING about our dependancy on the Eveil Oil Empire....Right now it's our only defence that wont involve killing our soliders. Our country (government) needs to ut up a challenge to OUR nations car makers to build a car that runs on nothing but electric,not this "Hybrid" crap but a full electric car. One that can run on the freeway at 55 mph for a period of 8 - 12 hours before recharging and that recharge could be done overnight or better,and at a price of $15,000 or less,so that millions can obtain them....there goes the dependancy on oil.. I know that I would buy one. we need to be the leader in the auto business again,and the goverment needs to offer to the first company to achive this goal to subsidise the conversion from gas auto production cars to fully electric cars. Oh and not to achive this by the year 2039 but to be up for sale buy messin' around Just Do it!!!!!! We all Win, Oh and even the Green peoplr will be happy...and we also put the screws to the Arab Oil Market...that in and of itself is worth it!!!
Just put an alternator on all 4 axles and the batteries would stay charged AlpineRocks (ASE Certified Technician)
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obviously you have not read about record breaking profits of the oil companies