Topic: Babysteps, National Bar takes its place | |
correction, I don't defend thugs, I defend 'victims' who are not restricted to just the perfect law abiding citizens I felt it just as wrong for them to shoot the white boy who answered his fathers door and was shot I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER robbers had run from his house to shoot and kill one I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER being instructed that police were coming and not to pursue, to follow his neighbors robbers outside and kill them so, no , its not about racism, its about LIFE MATTERING, even if that life has stolen, or bullied, or trespassed,,,,,, the THUGS, in my opinion, are those that keep promoting the idea that it somehow shouldn't matter,,,, Really, shall we name names? Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown come to mind, but then how can they be thugs, they are black. And if you live by violence and are black, I guess that changes the meaning of a thug. And you felt so wrong I'm sure you made a banner and immediately ran into the street to protest. no, by definition of anyone breaking a law (which is most people , though they wont admit, in this land of laws),, they were both 'thugs one because he engaged in smoking weed(which is illegal) and the other because he stole (Which is illegal) and bullied what that had to do with their being killed is irrelevant, being that Treyvon was not killed in the act of smoking weed and smoking weed is not a death penalty offense and Brown was not killed IN THE ACT of a robbery, and robbery is not a death penalty offense and Brown was not killed IN THE ACT of an altercation with police, which WOULD be a potential death penalty offense therefore, as imperfect as their young lives and choices were, yes, I DO FEEL upset by their being gunned down,,,,, as I do with any of the young lives I hear about, as I posted back with the example of the white robbers who were killed running away and the Mexican robbers who were killed trying to get away but perhaps its only worth addressing or noticing if I happen to be commenting about black folks? perhaps the problem shouldn't be seen as whether I get upset about young black lives (and others) that are lost but that others don't find any need to get upset about ANY of their lives, and least of all those who are black,,, What law is it that most people break? I never break laws but I totally ignore statutes. Is that what you are referring? You do know what a law is, don't you? Trayvon and Brown broke laws. They instigated violence and paid the price. The victims are the ones persecuted by the public for justifiable actions. One had to go through a trial that could have resulted in being caged for most of his life, why? To please some repressed slaves that can't accept reality. Wilson at least was spared that travesty but still has had his life ruined. Read all about it, he has resigned because he is worthless as an officer for the wrong reason. |
Edited by
Sun 11/30/14 06:28 PM
It is against the law to not cross at a cross walk. It is against the law to drive without a seatbelt or drive while using a cell phone just to name a few qualifies most as law breaking "thugs" I won't rehash Trays narrative as it will continue to be justified with him as assailant instead of victim.
The cop found another job when his whole department was shut down for corruption and he obviously has plenty of supporters. I feel little empathy and no doubt life for him will continue just fine as if he never ended someone's life. Until the day he overreacts in the wrong situation without a blue wall to protect him. |
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER). There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant. While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset. correction noted,, police can restrain and arrest those who have KILLED, but not black males who have 'hurt' I don't know about evil, but I do know that killers with GUNS who definitely should be feared based upon their very RECENT harmful behavior seem to be killed less often than black males who are unarmed and have 'hurt' someone seems the danger a black male might do with sheer brut strength is more of a threat than bullets,,,,something is wrong with THAT picture,,, something is also wrong if a police officers mindset that a hit from a black male might 'kill' him even though , despite all the 'leaked' reports of his mass beating and 'orbital blowout' he came away with not a scar besides some spot that could easily match the hives my daughter gets around pets ,, police will walk all over people who think that's a reasonable level of 'fear' for a trained cop,,,, When you commit violence against an armed individual, you should expect to be shot. But then you do defend every little thug in the news, so long as they are black. Would this be racist tendencies? I would think so. So your take is that justice is not blind and should be slanted to the color of the skin. If your white, any transgression should be punished but if you're black all transgression should be forgiven regardless of the facts. And if you daughter give marks like the officer, then I would suggest that perhaps child protective services needs to investigate as that would be a beating. But then what do the doctors know (Officer Wilson’s medical records released) they were there but what are they to argue with your conjecture? you didn't read the report did ya? like I said, my suffers more visible skin 'contusions' (also called 'bruises') in everyday play,,,,, this 'life threatening' beating didn't really have much evidence supporting that it happened,,, especially his own statement of being hit 'a couple)(that's two) times),,,lol e975 is used so public servants can be PAID as is e000 and e8499 basically what it says is officer said he was injured in duty and we see a bruise so please compensate us for this visit,,lol I haven't said there was no injury,, injuries happen all day everyday I haven't said he was NEVER struck I said the story of a 'life threatening' beating are quite off from his actual injury as is most of his excuse for his actions,, all seeking as many reasons as possible to paint a 'fearful' scenario,, from claiming the hits had been so hard a third would kill him, to claiming that this huge man reached over him and reached for his gun with his LEFT ARM , and then after running away seemed to 'reach towards his side' and then had a facial expression 'like an animal' ,,,,yeah,, he doesn't need to be a cop,, but he still will be,,, |
Edited by
Mon 12/01/14 07:44 AM
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER). There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant. While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset. correction noted,, police can restrain and arrest those who have KILLED, but not black males who have 'hurt' I don't know about evil, but I do know that killers with GUNS who definitely should be feared based upon their very RECENT harmful behavior seem to be killed less often than black males who are unarmed and have 'hurt' someone seems the danger a black male might do with sheer brut strength is more of a threat than bullets,,,,something is wrong with THAT picture,,, something is also wrong if a police officers mindset that a hit from a black male might 'kill' him even though , despite all the 'leaked' reports of his mass beating and 'orbital blowout' he came away with not a scar besides some spot that could easily match the hives my daughter gets around pets ,, police will walk all over people who think that's a reasonable level of 'fear' for a trained cop,,,, Escalation of force is based on threat levels. When police apprehend a criminal that is armed and considered dangerous, the criminal is compliant. Once the criminal pulls his/her weapons and/or becomes threatening, he/she becomes a physical threat and is killed. What you describe for this incident is not the desire for "responsible levels of fear" but the desire for prohibiting police from using deadly force to protect themselves or others. As I mentioned earlier, I can describe recent accounts in which police have blatantly overreacted, and those officers need to be held accountable. When a cooperative man gets shot for reaching into his pocket or glove box when asked to provide identification for example, or when a child is seen with a toy (I will not get into reasons). There is a certain degree of danger to one's life a police officer must accept when putting on a uniform. But we cannot expect them, or anyone, to allow themselves to be beaten to death any time someone tries to do so. |
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, That is but your twist and contains no truth. Once you attack an officer and touch his gun, you should expect to die. And this is absolute racism at it's finest. lol,, and your 'truth' is based upon what,, were you the sole eyewitness in the car? did he 'touch' the gun, or go for the gun or try to keep the officer from going for his gun? so touching a police officers gun is grounds for death, period,, with no time frame,,,,,good to know and IM sure, by extension, shooting people with a gun is grounds for death too and there need be no explanation why those 'grounds' can be overlooked for the sake of preserving the life of some and not others,,,? perhaps police can summarily execute civilians now and claim that at some point previously that person 'touched their gun' You twist words here. No, "touching" an officer's gun is not grounds for death. However, attacking an officer, and during the attack reaching for, and/or grabbing said weapon, displays intent to kill. THAT is grounds for death. As a civilian, if I were attacked I would assume my life were threatened, warranting deadly force. If that person went for my gun I would find it only responsible to use deadly force as this person could use my gun against others after killing me. If this person were to run away, the threat would be diminished, but the second he turned around and started running at me again, the threat of being killed comes back full force and I would not hesitate to put that threat down. This is escalation of force. If good people do not use this, evil people will inherit the world. |
correction, I don't defend thugs, I defend 'victims' who are not restricted to just the perfect law abiding citizens I felt it just as wrong for them to shoot the white boy who answered his fathers door and was shot I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER robbers had run from his house to shoot and kill one I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER being instructed that police were coming and not to pursue, to follow his neighbors robbers outside and kill them so, no , its not about racism, its about LIFE MATTERING, even impoverished lives, even minority lives, even non law abiding lives even if that life has stolen, or bullied, or trespassed,,,,,, its a life that matters, particularly a young and still developing life,,,, the THUGS, in my opinion, are those that keep promoting the idea that it somehow shouldn't matter,,,, Agree with all examples (for the most part). But I can't even BEGIN to comprehend how Brown is a victim here... |
I don't declare or agree that he was a 'gentle giant' and I really don't care as that is not the point. He wasn't required to be 'gentle' and his size is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT Actually, Brown's size is absolutely relevant, because it played a role in his decision to assault a police officer. based on what is that proven? do we know for a fact who assaulted whom? the officer had a mark that could have been a rash , and Brown had several bullets,,, apparently his SIZE didn't make him too strong since a virtual life threatening array of punches only left a 1 and one half inch RASH on the officers face,,, like I said, his SIZE (when he has run over a hundred yards away from an Initial confrontation) became irrelevant (once that altercation evolved into an attempted escape) Several issues here. Evidence of struggle over officer's gun from gunshot residue an point-blank injury on Brown's hand. Officer also had injury to collaborate the story. Also, If Brown ran over a hundred yards away he was out of effective, lethal range for officer's pistol (ballistics would reflect this). This means that Brown (or the officer) must have closed the distance somehow, or that officer is a ridiculously good shot to strike that many hits. If the officer closed the distance, his running should also have effected his aim, even after stopping. Generally speaking, police officers aren't allowed to use overpowered ammo. Maximum effective range for most 9mm pistols on a point-target (which is a single person) is 50 meters. You can hit targets farther out, but ballistics drops dramatically. Note: this is assuming officer was carrying the standard issue police caliber pistol. |
where do you get the information that they 'sponsored' him Knowing that he has his own net worth and his own ORGANIZATION specializing in this type of work, I would imagine he wouldn't need anyone elses sponsorship and I hope they stay there,, just like Nancy Grace and Justice Scalia who cant be dismissed as having some 'racial' angle though Im sure they will be discredited with some other association trick,, liberals are wrong blacks are overemotional tv personalities just want publicity,,,, etc Twist, twist, twist, spin, spin, spin. Will the truth ever be let in? Now if you would have left out... blacks are overemotional then your point may have been taken a little more seriously ... I understand the news and certain shows and how left or right wings ...they can go or not enough liberal to be a true liberal ...But I agree with ops post there where to many inaccuracy in this court ... for the grand jury to make a fair decision ... I don't hate officers but some can be corrupt and I don't think that all blacks are thugs... and I heard some of the legal aspects to this case and I made my conclusion about it ... and now others will make theirs ... |
As a civilian, if I were attacked I would assume my life were threatened, warranting deadly force. If that person went for my gun I would find it only responsible to use deadly force as this person could use my gun against others after killing me. If this person were to run away, the threat would be diminished, but the second he turned around and started running at me again, the threat of being killed comes back full force and I would not hesitate to put that threat down. This is escalation of force. If good people do not use this, evil people will inherit the world.
Yes, emphatically yes. The anti-racist crowd and anti-police-brutality crowd have chosen, again, the *wrong* situation to rally around. Brown basically threw his own life away when he went after the cop's gun, and again when he started moving back towards the police officer. |
quote: Quote: where do you get the information that they 'sponsored' him Knowing that he has his own net worth and his own ORGANIZATION specializing in this type of work, I would imagine he wouldn't need anyone else's sponsorship. What about that little back tax & lien thing.. ( unpaid taxes,rent & ect.) to the tune of $4.3 million dollars ( N.Y Times 11-14) and other publications.... Sharpton ( personally) and his organizations. I would have a great net worth too.. if I didn't pay my taxes...must be nice. |
quote: Quote: where do you get the information that they 'sponsored' him Knowing that he has his own net worth and his own ORGANIZATION specializing in this type of work, I would imagine he wouldn't need anyone else's sponsorship. What about that little back tax & lien thing.. ( unpaid taxes,rent & ect.) to the tune of $4.3 million dollars ( N.Y Times 11-14) and other publications.... Sharpton ( personally) and his organizations. I would have a great net worth too.. if I didn't pay my taxes...must be nice. maybe not exactly "sponsored",but sure helped to stir the Poop-pot since August! Hope they get to lick the Spoon when everything is said and done! |
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, That is but your twist and contains no truth. Once you attack an officer and touch his gun, you should expect to die. And this is absolute racism at it's finest. lol,, and your 'truth' is based upon what,, were you the sole eyewitness in the car? did he 'touch' the gun, or go for the gun or try to keep the officer from going for his gun? so touching a police officers gun is grounds for death, period,, with no time frame,,,,,good to know and IM sure, by extension, shooting people with a gun is grounds for death too and there need be no explanation why those 'grounds' can be overlooked for the sake of preserving the life of some and not others,,,? perhaps police can summarily execute civilians now and claim that at some point previously that person 'touched their gun' You twist words here. No, "touching" an officer's gun is not grounds for death. However, attacking an officer, and during the attack reaching for, and/or grabbing said weapon, displays intent to kill. THAT is grounds for death. As a civilian, if I were attacked I would assume my life were threatened, warranting deadly force. If that person went for my gun I would find it only responsible to use deadly force as this person could use my gun against others after killing me. If this person were to run away, the threat would be diminished, but the second he turned around and started running at me again, the threat of being killed comes back full force and I would not hesitate to put that threat down. This is escalation of force. If good people do not use this, evil people will inherit the world. this only works for those able to believe the story that one who had RUN from being shot decided to turn around and charge the shots instead,,, many of us don't believe that narrative ,,,, |
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER). There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant. While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset. correction noted,, police can restrain and arrest those who have KILLED, but not black males who have 'hurt' I don't know about evil, but I do know that killers with GUNS who definitely should be feared based upon their very RECENT harmful behavior seem to be killed less often than black males who are unarmed and have 'hurt' someone seems the danger a black male might do with sheer brut strength is more of a threat than bullets,,,,something is wrong with THAT picture,,, something is also wrong if a police officers mindset that a hit from a black male might 'kill' him even though , despite all the 'leaked' reports of his mass beating and 'orbital blowout' he came away with not a scar besides some spot that could easily match the hives my daughter gets around pets ,, police will walk all over people who think that's a reasonable level of 'fear' for a trained cop,,,, Escalation of force is based on threat levels. When police apprehend a criminal that is armed and considered dangerous, the criminal is compliant. Once the criminal pulls his/her weapons and/or becomes threatening, he/she becomes a physical threat and is killed. What you describe for this incident is not the desire for "responsible levels of fear" but the desire for prohibiting police from using deadly force to protect themselves or others. As I mentioned earlier, I can describe recent accounts in which police have blatantly overreacted, and those officers need to be held accountable. When a cooperative man gets shot for reaching into his pocket or glove box when asked to provide identification for example, or when a child is seen with a toy (I will not get into reasons). There is a certain degree of danger to one's life a police officer must accept when putting on a uniform. But we cannot expect them, or anyone, to allow themselves to be beaten to death any time someone tries to do so. so after armed people have actually KILLED with the weapon,, what constitutes compliance? would it be non compliant to stop running and turn around? |
where do you get the information that they 'sponsored' him Knowing that he has his own net worth and his own ORGANIZATION specializing in this type of work, I would imagine he wouldn't need anyone elses sponsorship and I hope they stay there,, just like Nancy Grace and Justice Scalia who cant be dismissed as having some 'racial' angle though Im sure they will be discredited with some other association trick,, liberals are wrong blacks are overemotional tv personalities just want publicity,,,, etc Twist, twist, twist, spin, spin, spin. Will the truth ever be let in? Now if you would have left out... blacks are overemotional then your point may have been taken a little more seriously ... I understand the news and certain shows and how left or right wings ...they can go or not enough liberal to be a true liberal ...But I agree with ops post there where to many inaccuracy in this court ... for the grand jury to make a fair decision ... I don't hate officers but some can be corrupt and I don't think that all blacks are thugs... and I heard some of the legal aspects to this case and I made my conclusion about it ... and now others will make theirs ... in perfect agreement peoples personal experiences and histories impact what they perceive as probably or improbable this comes down to what happened after Brown Ran from the cop for those who believe he posed a threat , unarmed, after turning around and 'charging the officer,, the force seems reasonable to the 'level of fear' for those who believe that is a bunch of BS,,,,the force and the fear seem unreasonable,,, and for those who acknowledge the natural tendency for a black male to be seen as exceptionally strong and dangerous,, its very concerning that 'fear' justifies death,,, |
As a civilian, if I were attacked I would assume my life were threatened, warranting deadly force. If that person went for my gun I would find it only responsible to use deadly force as this person could use my gun against others after killing me. If this person were to run away, the threat would be diminished, but the second he turned around and started running at me again, the threat of being killed comes back full force and I would not hesitate to put that threat down. This is escalation of force. If good people do not use this, evil people will inherit the world.
Yes, emphatically yes. The anti-racist crowd and anti-police-brutality crowd have chosen, again, the *wrong* situation to rally around. Brown basically threw his own life away when he went after the cop's gun, and again when he started moving back towards the police officer. if rallying is needed (and in the case of police getting away with taking life, it is),, it really doesn't matter which incident finally produces it,,, |
...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black... Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"? perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,, racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,, I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER). There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant. While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset. correction noted,, police can restrain and arrest those who have KILLED, but not black males who have 'hurt' I don't know about evil, but I do know that killers with GUNS who definitely should be feared based upon their very RECENT harmful behavior seem to be killed less often than black males who are unarmed and have 'hurt' someone seems the danger a black male might do with sheer brut strength is more of a threat than bullets,,,,something is wrong with THAT picture,,, something is also wrong if a police officers mindset that a hit from a black male might 'kill' him even though , despite all the 'leaked' reports of his mass beating and 'orbital blowout' he came away with not a scar besides some spot that could easily match the hives my daughter gets around pets ,, police will walk all over people who think that's a reasonable level of 'fear' for a trained cop,,,, Escalation of force is based on threat levels. When police apprehend a criminal that is armed and considered dangerous, the criminal is compliant. Once the criminal pulls his/her weapons and/or becomes threatening, he/she becomes a physical threat and is killed. What you describe for this incident is not the desire for "responsible levels of fear" but the desire for prohibiting police from using deadly force to protect themselves or others. As I mentioned earlier, I can describe recent accounts in which police have blatantly overreacted, and those officers need to be held accountable. When a cooperative man gets shot for reaching into his pocket or glove box when asked to provide identification for example, or when a child is seen with a toy (I will not get into reasons). There is a certain degree of danger to one's life a police officer must accept when putting on a uniform. But we cannot expect them, or anyone, to allow themselves to be beaten to death any time someone tries to do so. so after armed people have actually KILLED with the weapon,, what constitutes compliance? would it be non compliant to stop running and turn around? The compliance of which I speak, is during the arrest. To answer your question compliance would involve ceasing the attack and surrendering. In Brown's case he would be compliant by stopping and turning around, but the moment he started running at the cop, he became a threat once again. It seems there was evidence of a point blank hand wound received by Brown in the officer's car, along with gun powder residue and blood, all collaborating the officer's story. Would find it hard to explain what Brown's left hand was doing inside the police car on the opposite the window near where the officer's gun would be. Also, not sure why Brown never put his hands in the air to show he was surrendering. IF he were, in fact, surrendering. Makes more sense to me the Brown, who had a history of violent, aggressive behavior, would turn and charge the cop out of anger, than a scenario in which ran, almost got away, then turned to surrender without putting his hands in the air. |
The compliance of which I speak, is during the arrest. To answer your question compliance would involve ceasing the attack and surrendering. In Brown's case he would be compliant by stopping and turning around, but the moment he started running at the cop, he became a threat once again. It seems there was evidence of a point blank hand wound received by Brown in the officer's car, along with gun powder residue and blood, all collaborating the officer's story. Would find it hard to explain what Brown's left hand was doing inside the police car on the opposite the window near where the officer's gun would be. Also, not sure why Brown never put his hands in the air to show he was surrendering. IF he were, in fact, surrendering. Makes more sense to me the Brown, who had a history of violent, aggressive behavior, would turn and charge the cop out of anger, than a scenario in which ran, almost got away, then turned to surrender without putting his hands in the air. Exactly, that is enough evidence to bring in reasonable doubt and that is all that is needed. Also what is the National Bar Association going to do? He can't be retried as double jeopardy would apply. |
it is amazing how those who do not define nor enforce the laws, speak as if they are somehow in charge of all happenings when discussing the "laws" and happenings, as if they them self are deciding what shall next happen or exist today and tomorrow.
smiles |
whatever the brain choose to sea be what it self create more of.
Edited by
Thu 12/04/14 09:17 PM
..."The National Bar Association is questioning how the Grand Jury, considering the evidence before them, could reach the conclusion that Darren Wilson should not be indicted and tried for the shooting death of Michael Brown. National Bar Association President Pamela J. Meanes expresses her sincere disappointment with the outcome of the Grand Jury’s..." I'm extremely disappointed that the President of the NBA has forgotten so much about The Law and the purpose of a Grand Jury to pander to *popular*, ill-informed opinion. ANY Grand Jury's ultimate end-goal is determine if prosecution is worth the time, money, and effort to possibly secure a conviction. Since the law in Missouri says that any citizen may shoot - to kill, if necessary - anyone whom they believe is about to commit a felony AND allows for police officers to shoot - to kill, if necessary - fleeing suspects and the forensic evidence shows the halted suspect was fleeing and then back-tracked towards the officer successful prosecution to a desired 'guilty' outcome could not be achieved. Oh, and if you feel like I'm repeating myself - and the facts of the matter - incessantly...I am. Every single time you bring up another *fascinating* aspect of this same, old, tired story which ignores all the facts of the matter in an attempt to spin it into something it is not... ...and can never be. Wonder which one of us will grow tired of it, first? ![]() |