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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 49
1j9b6c5's photo
Tue 12/16/14 08:56 AM
No excuses needed for vodka. drinks

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 12:24 PM
Thinking it is indeed another beautiful December Day. drinker drinker drinker

graywolf55's photo
Tue 12/16/14 12:54 PM
frustrated What i am thinking is non-possible!! How i feel (very bad) What is feasible won't be acknowledged! So without anything Good to say,I say nothing!!frustrated

1j9b6c5's photo
Tue 12/16/14 01:33 PM

still thinking of her

Maxisu's photo
Tue 12/16/14 01:52 PM

Why did I have that 2nd glass of winesurprised ? what

LOL...you just gave me an idea...ha,ha...I know:

there are the scammers and there are the NO PICTURE guys...that I think are the worst.
They dare write some serious BS...

on one hand I want to vent on the other: I am SO happy right now I couldn't care less

cheers drinker

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:26 PM
I am thinking I need an hour session of Reiki...

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:30 PM
I'm thinking ....

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:31 PM

I'm thinking ....


no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:34 PM
^^^you know what I mean..lol

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:35 PM
Im thinking...^^

Dude! Totally know what you mean... I am sure someone else does too...

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:41 PM

Im thinking...^^

Dude! Totally know what you mean... I am sure someone else does too...

Uh huh...smokin

no photo
Wed 12/17/14 04:06 AM
I'm wondering if he's okay.

Jarsno's photo
Wed 12/17/14 05:38 AM

Why Why Why ???????? slaphead :laughing:

no photo
Wed 12/17/14 05:54 AM
General Discussion >> What makes You Happy - part 2

Last post by: theseacoast


277 14

1j9b6c5's photo
Wed 12/17/14 06:31 AM

graywolf55's photo
Wed 12/17/14 08:21 AM
My future here!

no photo
Wed 12/17/14 10:06 AM

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 12/17/14 11:26 AM

Why Why Why ???????? slaphead :laughing:


no photo
Wed 12/17/14 11:34 AM
Thinking about how grateful I am!

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 12/17/14 02:16 PM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Wed 12/17/14 02:17 PM
i have just cooked the worst meal ever in my life , i am thinking of what on earth made me cook it like this sick

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