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Topic: Things to do when it is raining. A-Z
mzrosie's photo
Thu 06/23/16 03:08 PM
Heat some leftovers

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 06/23/16 03:08 PM
Hug my puppy

adivorcedone's photo
Thu 06/23/16 03:45 PM
I dont think I put a ring on it....so maybe single again....after I leave off course....lol...

no photo
Thu 06/23/16 04:10 PM
Just have to go and find out .. with a red rose in my hand .. ;))

adivorcedone's photo
Thu 06/23/16 05:00 PM
kiss her on the nose...she will remember me....so dont....

no photo
Fri 06/24/16 02:13 AM
Love to kiss her lips .. but won't do that either .. your advice seems wise ..

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 06/24/16 06:07 AM
Make up your mind and make your music , she is still single and it's raining....

no photo
Fri 06/24/16 06:23 AM
Neighbourhood girl might wait for the other guy .. who knows .. will my song touch her heart ..

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 06/24/16 09:13 AM
Okay... I will make the move..and go in with your red rose, and hope to hear the same music that touched my soul to...it's pouring, need some protective cover for my head....lol...

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 06/24/16 09:21 AM
Put both men's nose out of joint have serious talk with Lady and let her know one has to step up or cut bait with both...laugh

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 06/24/16 11:09 AM
Question the Minglers ' motive, as to why would she upset this apple cart of a situation ?

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 06/24/16 12:39 PM
Pursue other threads...To whole else I can aggravate.laugh

kenny621's photo
Fri 06/24/16 12:58 PM
Q-uickly &
R-ambunctiously Run around in circles chasing my tail waiting for it to stop

Love ya dearly Sitka, but R comes after P. :p :)

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 06/24/16 01:18 PM

Q-uickly &
R-ambunctiously Run around in circles chasing my tail waiting for it to stop

Love ya dearly Sitka, but R comes after P. :p :)

Dang I am batting a thousand todaylaugh
Thank you so muchflowerforyou

T... Take a moment and regrouplaugh

mzrosie's photo
Fri 06/24/16 02:31 PM
Unpack suitcases from last year's vacation laugh

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 06/24/16 08:14 PM
Very well then, time to re-visit that single lady next door, and check to see if Mr Bee left any of his honey behind

no photo
Fri 06/24/16 08:31 PM
Wait for the sexy lady to come visit and share a bottle of wine...

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 06/24/16 08:35 PM
X Ray the package that came today
The return address is my address..

no photo
Fri 06/24/16 08:39 PM
Yell at Rains to leave my package alone!!

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 06/24/16 08:43 PM
Yell at Rains to leave my package alone!!

Hey quit yelling at me or I will shake this package...

Zest a lemon to top my lemon poppy seed muffins

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