Topic: What are you thankful for?
no photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:10 AM
It is Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. It is always nice to take a moment to reflect on what we are grateful for. flowerforyou

Mdarlene's photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:20 AM
I am grateful to family, my son is getting married in 2 1/2 hours and now my family grows

Astrid's photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:28 AM
Having a happy heart
A positive mind
The beautiful people I've known
The difficult people I've met, bcoz they've shown me who I dont want to be.

stingraycity's photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:30 AM
Edited by stingraycity on Sat 10/11/14 10:30 AM

no photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:43 AM

I am grateful to family, my son is getting married in 2 1/2 hours and now my family grows

Congrats to you son and his bride, Mdarlene!

no photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:50 AM
I am grateful
For the lovely people in my life, far and wide.flowerforyou
For my wonderful and amazing family.
For all of the simple things I sometimes take for granted.
For home, food, warmth and safeness.
For creativity
For opportunity in all ways.

And most of all - For Love :heart:

no photo
Sat 10/11/14 10:59 AM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Sat 10/11/14 11:00 AM
Too many things to list.

After working with more unfortunate persons, I am thankful for having most of the physical faculties that I do still have and what I was born with.

a roof over my head
still on the right side of the grass

no1phD's photo
Sat 10/11/14 11:25 AM
1#.. my boys.. and their continued good health..
#2.. my family and friends
#3... that I live in such a beautiful and great country...
#4.. for my online family..
#5... and that the price of silver is staying lower right
.#6.. and the fact that you only get one day at a time.. and you never know if its the last one you will ever get... so enjoy it... because you only get one at a time.... god bless you all.. and may he keep you and your family safe... and hold you always in his warm embrace..... now pass the peas and let's eat...lolflowerforyou drinker :thumbsup: :angel:


Astrid's photo
Sat 10/11/14 11:39 AM
I am grateful for being here in M2:heart: - for the good laughs and good friends I've met here. Kudos!:heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 10/11/14 11:53 AM
I'm grateful that I'm British

clouseau31's photo
Sat 10/11/14 12:10 PM
That I am alive and healthy and have managed to last this long and hope to last a longer time with good health and maybe a great gal too???

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 10/11/14 12:28 PM
I CHECK myself ALL of the TIME!!.......My petty little worries...

I actually have to give myself PERMISSION for biootchin about my day!! It IS "my" reality, and I have a RIGHT to my emotions.

I'm a a well fortified home with clean running a country that seems to favor WHITE....MALES........In a most INCREDIBLE age, when we are (talking about it) here on our computers and smartphones.

If I biootch about my hard day, hug me. If I biootch about my (plight in life), punch me in the throat!

no photo
Mon 10/13/14 10:37 AM
Many thanks to all of you! flowerforyou

We are all really very blessed and fortunate for the most part aren't we. :smile:

I like to think that,for myself "While I may not have everything, I have everything I need." biggrin

And for that I am grateful. :heart: