Topic: why do they call it pms? | |
because mad cow was already taken
Dude ... expect some hate mail now
aww, could never
Just a joke everyone.
I don't know why they call it that but I do know another name for it PMS putting up with men's .... Um Um Um Im sure you can fill in the blank but trust me us men have one too PWS
<----is trying to be funny so please don't take that wrong lol
PMS really isn't so scary as long as the meaning is understood...
P-lease M-ake a run to the S-tore for rolo's see how polite that is .... it is soooo misinterpreted |
Tell that to my fiancee when shes going through it trust me I would rather face a Tornaodo.
sorry Jennsbaby .... Rolo's works for me
um artgurl if they work be so kind to send me 100 pounds of rolos cause I need them right now LOL cause I need em.
um um I have just one weird question whats a rolo
Arrr.... I say we make im walk the plank.... arrrr...
hehehehehe thats only if you can catch me
Arrr... he thinks he can outrun me? arrrr....
Draw your sword matey... a duel we shall have!
that time of month rolls around it stands for pack my shi* ill be back in a week