Topic: Happiness
Vitsec's photo
Thu 10/09/14 09:59 PM
A Mind may Seek to Arise

From it's Deep Pit

Of Dark Surmise

A Frantic Scream

Begging for Light

While Wishing for Death

In a Coffin Tight

An Oblivion without A Door

From a Life

That .. Always Expected More

But Wished it Away

In Disbelief

The .. Happiness

That .. Always Expected Grief.


technovative's photo
Thu 10/09/14 10:54 PM
Edited by technovative on Thu 10/09/14 11:00 PM
Such an illusory dilemma that is far too common. Great poem.

Vitsec's photo
Fri 10/10/14 12:13 AM
Thanks Techno .. in some respect we all need to learn to not expect the expected .. :-)

no photo
Tue 11/09/21 01:35 AM
N:cherry_blossom:I:cherry_blossom:C:cherry_blossom:E :thumbsup:

JulieABush's photo
Tue 11/09/21 03:48 AM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

Laska Paul 's photo
Tue 11/09/21 04:36 AM

I read and read this Poem 10 times but did not understand the meaning , bcoz its highly pitched and written . Only Poets and writers can Understand this Poem. Good