Topic: Up to date! | |
According to the organization "research arms struggle" American that nearly half of the weapons and ammunition used by the organization "ISIL" in Syria and Iraq are American and Chinese industry.
She said with the organization, within the research sponsored by the summary before the disclosure of the results, with weapons that pose, with arms originating in the Russian and Serbian 0.80% of the total weapons used by the organization to light battlefronts. |
Forks don't make you fat
Forks don't make you fat I don't understand !that meaning?! |
do we care, guns kill and they certainly know how to use them, don't they
Forks don't make you fat I don't understand !that meaning?! Guns don't fire themselves. Or perhaps you'll understand this a little easier, knives don't behead people on their own. |
I'm not following the logic..., the world should stop manufacturing cars, because terrorists like to use them as methods of delivery? Motorola should be held responsible for making the first cell phone, which terrorists now use as detonators? Proctor and Gamble for making shampoo, lotions, toothpastes, and other liquids that can be carried on planes? Mexico for making matchbooks? Or, Italy for making the shoes that a certain airline-passenger suicide-bomber wannabe was wearing? ![]() |
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Mon 10/06/14 06:41 PM
he's sayin what I always have to read it a couple of times we trained em... we fund em... we ARMED em... now they went out and RAIDED every one else;s ARMORIES; throughout the sandbox... and got more of OUR goodies,,, that the lefties dont want us good, honest, hard workin, tax payin citizens to have... |
he's sayin what I always have to read it a couple of times we trained em... we fund em... we ARMED em... now they went out and RAIDED every one else;s ARMORIES; throughout the sandbox... and got more of OUR goodies,,, that the lefties dont want us good, honest, hard workin, tax payin citizens to have... Correction: "the lefties" didn't do this; you "righties" wanted 'em trained, wanted 'em funded, and wanted 'em armed so you could play big-boi war games on a global stage, instead of on a folding cardboard game board with plastic military pieces. |
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Mon 10/06/14 07:14 PM
I did not want
and I fought legislation that caused this to happen.. Can give you the history... But Now that all this has popped out of the box and more people know about it than you could ever imagine... why do the lefties/globalists george soros , bill gates types and more. I can name em.... want to attack hard workin, honest tax payin citizens... I know the answer to that... DO YOU??? |
I did not want and I fought legislation that caused this to happen.. Can give you the history... But Now that all this has popped out of the box and more people know about it than you could ever imagine... why do the lefties/globalists george soros , bill gates types and more. I can name em.... want to attack hard workin, honest tax payin citizens... I know the answer to that... do you Of course you "know the answer to that". And what you DON'T know, you'll simply make up. Of course I can't know the answer to the puzzles you put together in your head, which have no pieces that can be inter-connected, since they're all circular in nature. *Mind* you, I am A-OK with the fact that I "don't know that answer". ![]() |
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Mon 10/06/14 08:01 PM
Have to think about it your challenge is duly noted.. from last night and you will turn red... will think about it till tomorrow... thats why its more fun to joke about it. its pretty sick stuff but meticulously documented... want me to do it??? it won't be a joke any more plus... I dont know who your coverin for.... you act like a communist operative... you really dont have fun here. I'll think about it.. by the way I bet you don't even know who bill ayres or bernedine dorn is, or who the weather underground is or who george soros is,,,, |
Have to think about it your challenge is duly noted.. from last night and you will turn red... will think about it till tomorrow... thats why its more fun to joke about it. its pretty sick stuff but meticulously documented... want me to do it??? it won't be a joke any more plus... I dont know who your coverin for.... you act like a communist operative... you really dont have fun here. I'll think about it.. I have a challenge for you. Seein's how you fought legislation and all. In what decade, before you were legally old enough to fight at the ballot box, did the U.S. first fund and arm a middle eastern nation? What was the political affiliation of the president? Which political party, had control of the house and senate? No president, or Congress since, has put a stop to it. |
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Mon 10/06/14 08:19 PM
According to the organization "research arms struggle" American that nearly half of the weapons and ammunition used by the organization "ISIL" in Syria and Iraq are American and Chinese industry. She said with the organization, within the research sponsored by the summary before the disclosure of the results, with weapons that pose, with arms originating in the Russian and Serbian 0.80% of the total weapons used by the organization to light battlefronts. eh, been done for thousands of years. Give BOTH sides munitions to kill themselves off FIRST. So what? That's war. Go back to Romans and Greeks. Forks don't make you fat ![]() |
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Mon 10/06/14 08:27 PM
Have to think about it your challenge is duly noted.. from last night Don't recall even being ON last night...let alone issuing a challenge to you or anyone else. and you will turn red...
will think about it till tomorrow... Please don't strain yourself on my behalf. thats why its more fun to joke about it.
its pretty sick stuff but meticulously documented... want me to do it??? Ummmmm...this may come as quite a shock to you, but - personally - I don't really care much what you do - or don't do - let alone invest much "want" into my *nonplusseddom* over it. it won't be a joke any more
plus... I dont know who your coverin for.... you act like a communist operative... Really? ONLINE, I act like something?!? Nifty trick. you really dont have fun here.
Au contraire. I have quite a bit of fun on Mingle2; most of it right here, as a matter of fact. I'll think about it..
by the way I bet you don't even know who bill ayres or bernedine dorn is, or who the weather underground is or who george soros is,,,, I have heard and/or are familiar with most of them; radical, underground movements aren't really my thing, though. As a matter of fact, the one and only time I went to a "weatherunderground" website for some additional information, my computer caught a nasty virus, so I can only imagine the state of your information-collector, since you hang out on their sites all day (and night). (Oh, and when I say "your information-collector", I'm referring to your computer, by the way.) However, in my defense, even Google hasn't heard of "bernedine dorn": "Showing results for who is Bernadine Dohrn Search instead for who is Bernedine Dorn" One would think that if you're going to worship the wife of your idol, you'd at least get his lovely bride's name *right*. ![]() |
{{ there was a movie with the greek guy}}}
he said you worry me like a woman...what was the name of that movie??? was filmed in the middle east. it;s on the tip of my tounge Laurence of Arabia... you know thats pretty much how it was back then... My question for you have you ever fought the Left??? I have and you might as well forget it ... the gop rinos are tough cookies but nothing compared to the left I fought city hall graduating to state then on to John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchinson calling,,, write weekly cant fight the left can only fight the right... the answer to your question Probably Coolidge he wanted oil; and production and had ties with the british who started all of this.. all we did was fund the British intelligence at that time... they did the dirty work for us Oh by the way he was a republican... but things more more innocent at that time.. not so out of control... wish I had a challenge for you but can't think of one |
I know you know who these people are
so don;t play dumb or play your games with me am glad that I provide so much entertainment for you... I work and am working now |
You cant have a simple
a simple talk with out goin off the deep end maybe thats your fun... but its sick to propagate your love of the left by...... acting like you don't know anything and if we spell a name wrong you act all professor you must know who I am talkin about... right? |
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Mon 10/06/14 08:52 PM
I know you know who these people are so don;t play dumb or play your games with me... ![]() *Odd*. 49 minutes ago you were betting the farm that I didn't: the way I bet you don't even know who bill ayres or bernedine dorn is, or who the weather underground is or who george soros is,,,, Why the sudden about-face? ![]() Annnnnnd yet another flip, 7 minutes later: ...acting like you don't know anything and if we spell a name wrong you act all professor you must know who I am talkin about... right? First you bet I don't know, then you know I DO know, then you're asking me to clarify FOR you, if I know or not. I I know? ![]() |
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Mon 10/06/14 09:00 PM
YOU ARE A COMMUNIST.. One would think that if you're going to worship the wife of your idol, you'd at least get his lovely bride's name *right*. HIS LOVELY BRIDE... HIS LOVELY BRIDE IS A SICK TERRORIST YOU KNOW THE SPELLING.... LOVELY BRIDE... LADY YOUR SICK YOU CANT USE THAT USE REVERSE PSYCO STUFF ON ME LOVELY BRIDE... THE LOVELY "BOMBER" BRIDE... SEE YOU PLAY STUPID.. I KNEW. I KNEW... YOUR A CARD CARRYIN HOMEGROWN COMMUNIST Lovely bride his lovely bride HIS LOVELY BRIDE gotcha... aaaahhhhhbhahahahahahahahahahah end of this transmission have a nice home grown communist evening and maybe light a candle to your heroes |
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Mon 10/06/14 09:03 PM
GOTCHA YOU ARE A COMMUNIST.. One would think that if you're going to worship the wife of your idol, you'd at least get his lovely bride's name *right*. HIS LOVELY BRIDE... HIS LOVELY BRIDE IS A SICK TERRORIST YOU KNOW THE SPELLING.... LOVELY BRIDE... LADY YOUR SICK YOU CANT USE THAT USE REVERSE PSYCO STUFF ON ME LOVELY BRIDE... THE LOVELY "BOMBER" BRIDE... SEE YOU PLAY STUPID.. I KNEW. I KNEW... YOUR A CARD CARRYIN HOMEGROWN COMMUNIST Lovely bride his lovely bride HIS LOVELY BRIDE gotcha... aaaahhhhhbhahahahahahahahahahah Guess you missed this part of what I'd stated in your zeal and zest to get to your Happy Pantz Dance: ...I have heard and/or are familiar with most of them; radical, underground movements aren't really my thing, though... You DO realize it's possible to be familiar with many, MANY different things AND to not become consumed by them, don't you? Oh. My bad. You DON'T realize it's possible. ![]() ETA: You may be almost *right* about the "card-carrying Communist"-thingy, though. From 1978 - 2008, I WAS registered as a Republican; I burned my card when I registered with the OTHER major party, mostly out of protest over what my party had become. |