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Topic: Who lights my fire and why - part 2
Goofball73's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:07 PM

7.5 ladies on here light my fire. :thumbsup:

surprised Slut!......

I've been called worse. :tongue: laugh

In the bedroom or out?....Wait!!!!!!.... It's both, isn't it...:tongue:


I'll never tell. :tongue: pitchfork laugh waving

:angel: :angel: :angel:

no photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:38 AM
Reynolds Wolf...love

Hes Reynolds Wolf, thats why...smokin

theseacoast's photo
Thu 05/28/15 05:58 AM
some characters Michael Greyeyes played smitten

no photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:12 AM

no photo
Thu 05/28/15 03:57 PM
waving flowerforyou
(((Pink))) You are more than awesome, you're amazing. :heart:

no photo
Fri 05/29/15 02:51 PM

waving flowerforyou
(((Pink))) You are more than awesome, you're amazing. :heart:

Aweblushing ....Thx lu:heart: .....You are more awesome and amazing!flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/29/15 03:10 PM

Astrid's photo
Sat 05/30/15 11:37 AM
>>-----:heart: Huseyin:heart: ----->>

smitten :heart: smitten :heart: smitten

theseacoast's photo
Sun 05/31/15 06:06 PM
and I won�t tell, won�t and won�t :laughing:

no photo
Mon 06/01/15 09:17 AM

theseacoast's photo
Tue 06/02/15 03:22 PM
Edited by theseacoast on Tue 06/02/15 03:24 PM
Tasunke Witko smitten

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 03:27 PM

MelMaxx's photo
Thu 06/04/15 06:35 AM
He does because He is willing to get to know me and let me learn about him. :wink:

It also helps that he is very sweet and very sexy love flowerforyou

theseacoast's photo
Fri 06/05/15 04:37 AM
Edited by theseacoast on Fri 06/05/15 04:39 AM

Tasunke Witko smitten

no photo
Fri 06/05/15 02:49 PM

theseacoast's photo
Sun 06/07/15 11:26 AM
my friends :heart:

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Sun 06/07/15 02:19 PM
My match

no photo
Mon 06/08/15 10:57 AM

dreamerana's photo
Mon 06/08/15 11:06 AM
a man who's sweet, funny, cooks and already knows what I like and makes sure to have it on hand.

no photo
Tue 06/09/15 09:01 AM

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