Topic: are athiests what they are because | |
To the comments I have read. I am an atheist. I have no desire to be my own God. I don't shove my non belief of God down a religious person's throat and I wish they would give me the same courtesy. I don't do what I want as I have a sense of morality. I try not to hurt people, I respect people, try to help people, and just live my life as a decent person. Being an atheist doesn't make me a bad person; its just a choice not to believe in God.
The philosopher John Locke who wrote on toleration and is considered the father of liberalism advocated religious tolerance with one exception; atheists. Rousseau went further and said that it deserved the death penalty.
Very well put. Sadly most Christians never read the bible from cover to cover and even worse most never look to the history before 2000 years ago. To bad if they did they would discover that the bible and the god in it they so badly want to believe in would be considered the worlds most jealous, psychopathic, narcissistic serial killer of all time. Worse than 1000's of times worse than Hitler and all others combined. Most people in this group talking against Atheist are talking out of their *** holes and know jack **** about it. I was a hard believer as a kid and as I got a work assignment back a fee years before the Arab spring in Egypt where I was able to get to visit the town of Luxor and first hand view carved in stone scriptures from 5900+ years ago that are all the same BS stories in the bible only diff is that the gods are star configurations. The Jesus story has been repeated dozens of times dating back to 4000BC. We are born programed to and reinforced by are parents when we are kids which blocks many people to dig deeper and research history. Religion is now falling and it is amazing how many ministers, priests etc. are Atheists and the clan they preach to weekly know nothing about it. Many that taken the time to read the bible cover to cover and then do some research discover that no historical records show the kings mentioned in the bible during such period 2000 years ago existed. The passover died and rose from the dead comes from the solstice cycle when winter moves to sprint and a 3 day hold cycle moves from a non growing season for food (dead/died) to the start of the growing season Rising up/Life again. Sadly the Vatican holds most the blame for the misleading of man kind and religion as it was them going back to 500 year and more that would kill scientists and destroy records that showed advancements in knowledge. All for the fear of risk that could destabilize believers and the followers. There is a reason a mass exodus is happening and that is people are starting to do historical background checks. around 700 Ministers etc. are still preaching that are Atheists in hiding Another site with around 22,000 also . Plus the big secret (Freemasons, Illuminati and others are hiding is that they were privy to see lots of material that shows the biggest crutch that can be exploited an is fake is religions) Sadly the narcissistic within the groups will let many around think they are believers just for a self serving cause themselves.) It amazes me how many Christians believe but know nothing about the god they worship and have never done any historical background research. Scary. Christan religions stem off of Plagiarizing previous belief systems from the middle east and other areas of the world. Such as the Catholic faith and the sign of the cross adopted from pagan symbolism and faith's dating back to 2300BC along with doing the sign was also used as a group hypnotic suggestion phase from India around 800BC. Having a group make gestures together lowers the resistance level of those in a group. Where to start with this wall of misinformation ?? I suppose your talking about ISIRIS / SET and HORUS ? or MITHRA ? You need to look at some research , becuase Christianity is not a copy ... [Religion is now falling] Dont be so fast to cheer , 9/11 was orchestrated by the NWO to bring ppls attention to RELIGION , invent a bogey man , Al-queada , then ISIS , then it will be ISLAM , then CHRISTIANITY , it is planned and orchestrated to and for the gullible who swallow whole the illuminati agenda ( Satanists ) So while you are cheering the fall of religion . be forewarned this is predicted in the bible you so hate as one of the last prophecies , everyone will be sucked into the NWO with its one world government , one world religion and one world currency all cheering thinking the age of aquarias is here ... Then when you,s have willingly given away your freedom for'peace' you,s will then be turned on , there agenda (agenda 21) is to rid the world of 7 billion ppl , yup , this is the great tribulation predicted in the bible ... 10 commandments of the NWO #1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Lucifer is pushing this planet to extinction and he has ppl in high places ... "Many that taken the time to read the bible cover to cover and then do some research discover that no historical records show the kings mentioned in the bible during such period 2000 years ago existed." Maybe you should have becuase i have , and inscriptions have been found for KING david and pontius pilate and he had 3 coin designs minted to commemorate the crusifiction of Jesus Christ , i had one in my possesion until i had to sell it , i researched them thourally before i purchased , minted in jeruselum aroun 29=30 AD. BTW dont use the catholics when discussing Christianity becuase they are not christian and the bible condemns them .... They are pagan to the core and Lucifarian ... I,ve researched this for 20 years , everything Atheists have put foward to debunk Christianity is groundless if they themselves want to do some in deapth research rather than just beleiving what 'other' atheist schollars are saying , groundless . The biggest Lie and accusation is God is a monster ? You have no idea about the mosaic law , abramic law or Jesus ... I doubt you,ve actually looked into this yourself it seems to me a typically parroted Atheist Argument , which is a copy of a copy .. People actually think Christians are Dumb , Christians who have faith without knowledge ie Just beleive what the church says , thats just dangerous regarding some cults etc ...Jesus said 'test ALL things' including the bible ... |
where do humans get their thoughts?
from their brain. do not thoughts create all humans do? then the brain is each humans "own god"... in such all are than a "god"... as one self has the "most power", or is a god, over "it self" the term "god" was just one way of describing the elemental structure of the human species. thought patterns of the mind that provide "options" of creation... of give the self the choice to create. there is not a human born, that has any other gods, before it's own brain. to define word meanings into "some as holy", and some as "not holy", due to the chosen choice of creation of that being, is referred to as a elemental structure of thought of a brain of the "devil"... or that which divides it's own species into two groups, defining one group as being better than the other... hence, this mind frame will create a "waring" of the species against it's own kind... like lions eating other lions and their own young... so still in evolution as a more animalistic, or "beastly", or "devil" mind frame. anyhow |
well,Hooddah Thunkit?
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Sat 01/10/15 05:04 PM
where do humans get their thoughts? from their brain. do not thoughts create all humans do? then the brain is each humans "own god"... in such all are than a "god"... as one self has the "most power", or is a god, over "it self" the term "god" was just one way of describing the elemental structure of the human species. thought patterns of the mind that provide "options" of creation... of give the self the choice to create. there is not a human born, that has any other gods, before it's own brain. to define word meanings into "some as holy", and some as "not holy", due to the chosen choice of creation of that being, is referred to as a elemental structure of thought of a brain of the "devil"... or that which divides it's own species into two groups, defining one group as being better than the other... hence, this mind frame will create a "waring" of the species against it's own kind... like lions eating other lions and their own young... so still in evolution as a more animalistic, or "beastly", or "devil" mind frame. anyhow "where do humans get their thoughts? from their brain." Interesting you say that as scientists do not know the difference between the BRAIN and the MIND , Consciousness from matter , thought is something given to us from our creator imo , along with morality , guilt , empathy etc etc ... just look at what is in one human cell or one animal cell for that matter , chance creates chaos 9.99.99 times out of 10 ... What science does is reduce humans to mere animal what God has done has shown man his brilliance , just under the Angels . |
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Sat 01/10/15 08:41 PM
have you ever read about islam?
read the following .froom quran . And when Allah said: '( Prophet) Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to the people: "Take me and my mother for two gods, other than Allah?" 'Exaltations to You, ' he said, 'how could I say that to which I have no right? If I had said that, You would have surely known. You know what is in my self, but I do not know what is in Yours. Indeed, You are the Knowledgeable of the unseen. [5.117] I spoke to them of nothing except that which You ordered me, that you worship Allah, my Lord and our Lord. I witnessed them whilst living in their midst and ever since You took me to You, You have been the Watcher over them. You are the Witness of everything. [5.118] If You punish them (for their disbelief), they surely are Your subjects; and if You forgive them, surely You are the Almighty, the Wise. ' [5.119] Allah will say: 'This is the Day the truthful shall benefit by their truthfulness. They shall live for ever in Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the great winning. ' [5.120] To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is in them. He has power over all things. |
have you ever read about islam? read the following .froom quran . And when Allah said: '( Prophet) Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to the people: "Take me and my mother for two gods, other than Allah?" 'Exaltations to You, ' he said, 'how could I say that to which I have no right? If I had said that, You would have surely known. You know what is in my self, but I do not know what is in Yours. Indeed, You are the Knowledgeable of the unseen. [5.117] I spoke to them of nothing except that which You ordered me, that you worship Allah, my Lord and our Lord. I witnessed them whilst living in their midst and ever since You took me to You, You have been the Watcher over them. You are the Witness of everything. [5.118] If You punish them (for their disbelief), they surely are Your subjects; and if You forgive them, surely You are the Almighty, the Wise. ' [5.119] Allah will say: 'This is the Day the truthful shall benefit by their truthfulness. They shall live for ever in Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the great winning. ' [5.120] To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is in them. He has power over all things. Yes i have read about Islam and the Quran ... |