Topic: Opinions on the Death penalty | |
adj - was agreeing w/u
doubt my conscience would be clear enough to kill someone |
Jesus said "Ye have heard that it hath been said", not "It is written". Jesus was talking about vigilantism, which had been spawned by people taking the God given laws into their own hands. God gave those laws, so that they could be enforced by the government, not so that each individual person could enforce them on their own. So the death penalty is still viable for a government to use, if the people approve of that method of punishment. Regardless of what happens, we will each receive what we deserve. I oppose the death penalty because I believe that the longer someone has to live, the more chances they have to repent and be saved. This is all my opinion. MINE! NOT YOURS, MINE! THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE OPINIONS, RIGHT? I DON'T PREPOSE TO SPEAK FOR GOD, I AM SIMPLY STATING WHAT I BELIEVE GOD WAS SAYING IN THIS VERSE. (Gosh, it's really bothersome to have to type that into every post I make about the Bible, but I don't want to offend any of the delicate flowers here.) PS The above not NOT directed at you Mac60. |
I lived most of my childhood in Texas, where weekly on the news we were being reminded of how many "criminals" had been executed up to that date and when the next one was. The death sentence has always bothered me. What about the innocents? What about the people who are happy to die, who it makes no matter to and it is no longer punishment?
Death is permanent. No man can redeem himself to society when he's no longer a part of it. And whats with the alcohol swipe before lethal injection? "Don't want to get that last second infection now, do we!?" (To quote Robin Williams, lol) |
I say make it the decision of the victim/victims FAMILY left behind to clean up the WRECKAGE from the brutality of the killer.
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Don't you think that they get the death penalty for a reason?? And the ones that get life in prison whats the point of keeping them around. I didn't say just go around the jail cells and kill everyone but IF you know that they did it then do away with them!! That would be a few less hundred people that I'm paying for.
If you don't like that...How about this one...make them get jobs in jail and make them pay to stay! |
no victim should be able to have their say but not the choice
-------------- repost cause i am right ![]() ![]() ![]() ------------------ Fri 09/28/07 07:59 AM well i am not against the death penalty but i am in favor of strict regulation of it if someone is imprisoned for life for a capitol crime and commit another capitol crime in prison sorry charlie (no disrespect intended for people named charlie) if they commit habitual offenses of violent or sexual nature against multiple victims again to bad but for single instance or victim i don't think so but hey what do i know |
How about we do it like the Israelites did, require that the accusers perform the execution. I believe that the number of executions would go way down, I don't think many would have the stomach to kill someone.
this one to Fri 09/28/07 07:59 AM well i am not against the death penalty but i am in favor of strict regulation of it if someone is imprisoned for life for a capitol crime and commit another capitol crime in prison sorry charlie (no disrespect intended for people named charlie) if they commit habitual offenses of violent or sexual nature against multiple victims again to bad but for single instance or victim i don't think so but hey what do i know |
Yes the death penalty is there for a reason...but what if the conviction is wrong?... we kill an innocent. I think for the most part they get it right...but to me that doesn't get it. It needs to be 100% accurate.
I'm not sure the death penalty is right to begin with, I would not want another persons blood on my hands. And then you have "thou shalt not kill" are the courts exempt from that commandment? Are any of us? I think in defense of family and home, yes we are...other than that I have to believe we all have to follow it. |
1) It's "Thou Shall not Murder", not "Thou shall not kill"...KJV got the translation wrong.
2) God allowed that people who commited certain crimes to be punished by execution. 3) Only the Government is allowed to convict and kill someone, but all Christians are allowed to use deadly force to save their own or someone elses life. 4) By Hebrew tradition, the death penalty was only applied if two witnesses could testafy to the crime and the two witnesses were the ones who had to perform the execution. Understanding the Talmud really helps to shed light on some events in Jesus' life and the Bible as a whole. |
I go by the KJV and nothing more spider
your translation means nothing to me do not start on me..I will not be as kind as abra |
in theory im for it, but with our f%$#^& up court system, which i dont trust one bit, im not sure anymore from a practical standpoint. I like the biblical system of law, which lays the punishment at the feet of the victom. (relatives)
in a crime worthy of the death penalty, the victom may either ask for death, or chattle, but not both. Mabe they would be happy with the perpetrator's lands or thier Gold, or labor for so many years, or whatever. The condemned has one (1) chance to make a counter offer, which makes the victom the condemned's new best friend. This to me seems a more fair system. |
I think if the ones who do get the death penalty and do die then there would be less crime. The people now think it all a joke and that we wont do anything about it and well there right!!!
The death penalty is live and well cats219 and it has not served as a deterrent yet. To be honest I don't think anything will.
Too easy to make a mistake in a conviction. Life without parole is reversible, death penalty is not. It is hard to define a threshold of proof that is acceptable.
stevewm, ============================================================= Q. I am studying the 10 commandments. Please explain the Sixth commandment "thou shall not kill." A. The commandment "thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17), is better understood to mean "you shall not murder," most modern translations of the Bible rendered it this way. According to the Bible not all killing, the taking of a life, is murder. Murder is the unlawfully taking of human life. The command not to murder applies to human beings, not to killing animals or plant life for food. God gave animals to mankind for his use (Genesis 1:26-30; 9:1-4). But, this does not mean that humans have the right mistreat animals and the environment (Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 22:6-7; 25:4; Proverbs 12:10). Under the Old Covenant God allowed the Israelites to kill other humans under very special circumstances such as punishment for certain sins, for example, murder (Exodus 21:12-14, Leviticus 24:17, 21) and adultery (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22-24). God also allowed the Israelites to engage in warfare and even gave them instructions about waging war (Deuteronomy 20:1-20). God also recognized that humans might accidentally kill each other, and he made provisions for this (Numbers 35:9-34; Deuteronomy 19:1-13). The primary reason God hates murder is that out of all creation, only human are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:4-6). Even before the codification of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai the murder of other human beings was wrong (Genesis 4:8-12; 4:23-24; 9:4-6; Exodus 1:16-17). While on earth, Jesus spoke out against murder (Matthew 5:21-26; Mark 10:17-19). We also see in the writings of Paul (Romans 1:18, 29-32; 13:8-10; Galatians 5:19-21), James (James 2:8-11; 4:1-3), Peter (1 Peter 4:15-16) and John (Revelation 9:20-21; 21:7-8; 22:14-15) that murder is wrong. ============================================================= "do not start on me..I will not be as kind as abra" I don't respond well to threats. |
murder is wrong??? well, duh.
i agree with spideys last post, except the old covenant/ new covenant stuff... whats wrong in Gods eyes is wrong, period. doesent matter when. as for executions, they should be done near the scene of the crime, in public, mabe at the local courthouse or post office... not behind prison walls. Theres a deterrant... watching someone else swing live and in color. If the criminals dont get the hint then, mabe they can be next. |