Tue 10/14/14 07:55 AM
That is what we Muslims believe that women should cover their head - it is very modest and it is God has ordered the women to do and men to do in other ways like to keep beard and to only be close to women that are related to him, to protect her etc..
i would like you to start reading www.islam-guide.com
it is a good website that would explain modesty in Islam
me wanting to cover my head is purely a modesty thing something I want to do. plus I don't believe in a god or any god.
covering your hair or not has nothing to do with modesty. It is lieth inside ultimately decides who or what one is.
I don't understand ?
what i meant by what lieth inside is when Jesus said let your yeah be yeah and your nope be nope. What is implies is that there are ppl who on the inside not what they appear to be on the outside. So physical appearance shouldn't be a basis to acertain modesty.
oh well I try to live the rest of my life in a certain way that is good and moral. I mean im only human and I never get it right a hundred per cent of the time but I try. covering my head and dressing modestly will make me remember that there are more important things than make up and hair. plus I feel a lot more "free" now than I ever did.
offcourse, behaving or even dressing a certain way can make one feel more secure. But what does truely set one free is the Truth which comes by revelation thru the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to disrespect you but I think that god stuff is a load of old rubbish. I deal in facts.
I understand use to have same believe. What fact do you believe in?
Tue 10/14/14 11:15 AM
That is what we Muslims believe that women should cover their head - it is very modest and it is God has ordered the women to do and men to do in other ways like to keep beard and to only be close to women that are related to him, to protect her etc..
i would like you to start reading www.islam-guide.com
it is a good website that would explain modesty in Islam
me wanting to cover my head is purely a modesty thing something I want to do. plus I don't believe in a god or any god.
covering your hair or not has nothing to do with modesty. It is lieth inside ultimately decides who or what one is.
I don't understand ?
what i meant by what lieth inside is when Jesus said let your yeah be yeah and your nope be nope. What is implies is that there are ppl who on the inside not what they appear to be on the outside. So physical appearance shouldn't be a basis to acertain modesty.
oh well I try to live the rest of my life in a certain way that is good and moral. I mean im only human and I never get it right a hundred per cent of the time but I try. covering my head and dressing modestly will make me remember that there are more important things than make up and hair. plus I feel a lot more "free" now than I ever did.
offcourse, behaving or even dressing a certain way can make one feel more secure. But what does truely set one free is the Truth which comes by revelation thru the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to disrespect you but I think that god stuff is a load of old rubbish. I deal in facts.
I understand use to have same believe. What fact do you believe in?
evolution, the fact that the bible does not make any sense its all hearsay, the horrible things that were condoned. I don't believe in all that rubbish and I never will. I do however believe that I should live my life a certain way.
Tue 10/14/14 01:17 PM
That is what we Muslims believe that women should cover their head - it is very modest and it is God has ordered the women to do and men to do in other ways like to keep beard and to only be close to women that are related to him, to protect her etc..
i would like you to start reading www.islam-guide.com
it is a good website that would explain modesty in Islam
me wanting to cover my head is purely a modesty thing something I want to do. plus I don't believe in a god or any god.
covering your hair or not has nothing to do with modesty. It is lieth inside ultimately decides who or what one is.
I don't understand ?
what i meant by what lieth inside is when Jesus said let your yeah be yeah and your nope be nope. What is implies is that there are ppl who on the inside not what they appear to be on the outside. So physical appearance shouldn't be a basis to acertain modesty.
oh well I try to live the rest of my life in a certain way that is good and moral. I mean im only human and I never get it right a hundred per cent of the time but I try. covering my head and dressing modestly will make me remember that there are more important things than make up and hair. plus I feel a lot more "free" now than I ever did.
offcourse, behaving or even dressing a certain way can make one feel more secure. But what does truely set one free is the Truth which comes by revelation thru the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to disrespect you but I think that god stuff is a load of old rubbish. I deal in facts.
I understand use to have same believe. What fact do you believe in?
evolution, the fact that the bible does not make any sense its all hearsay, the horrible things that were condoned. I don't believe in all that rubbish and I never will. I do however believe that I should live my life a certain way.
Tue 10/14/14 01:33 PM
That is what we Muslims believe that women should cover their head - it is very modest and it is God has ordered the women to do and men to do in other ways like to keep beard and to only be close to women that are related to him, to protect her etc..
i would like you to start reading www.islam-guide.com
it is a good website that would explain modesty in Islam
me wanting to cover my head is purely a modesty thing something I want to do. plus I don't believe in a god or any god.
covering your hair or not has nothing to do with modesty. It is lieth inside ultimately decides who or what one is.
I don't understand ?
what i meant by what lieth inside is when Jesus said let your yeah be yeah and your nope be nope. What is implies is that there are ppl who on the inside not what they appear to be on the outside. So physical appearance shouldn't be a basis to acertain modesty.
oh well I try to live the rest of my life in a certain way that is good and moral. I mean im only human and I never get it right a hundred per cent of the time but I try. covering my head and dressing modestly will make me remember that there are more important things than make up and hair. plus I feel a lot more "free" now than I ever did.
offcourse, behaving or even dressing a certain way can make one feel more secure. But what does truely set one free is the Truth which comes by revelation thru the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to disrespect you but I think that god stuff is a load of old rubbish. I deal in facts.
I understand use to have same believe. What fact do you believe in?
evolution, the fact that the bible does not make any sense its all hearsay, the horrible things that were condoned. I don't believe in all that rubbish and I never will. I do however believe that I should live my life a certain way.
Haven't read whole of the bible so can't be able to defend or accuse it. But, i do know that the gospel of Jesus has been compromise by worldly preachers of today. Yet, the true gospel still is in the bible.So most of the bible is true and yes God do exist. But there are many gods, so it depends on which you belong to or worship. Fallen angels became gods here on earth even their offsprings lives as gods too. About evolution, only nephilims evolved.
Tue 10/14/14 01:40 PM
see to me that's insane evolution is all around us happening every day.
Tue 10/14/14 02:03 PM
I don't understand
Tue 10/14/14 02:05 PM
I don't understand
what definition of nihilisms are you using
Tue 10/14/14 02:15 PM
Nephilims were offsprings of 'sons of god' fallen angels and daughters of men. GEN 6
Tue 10/14/14 02:18 PM
we came from apes
Tue 10/14/14 02:37 PM
No we didn't
Tue 10/14/14 02:39 PM
yes we did
Tue 10/14/14 04:45 PM
.. I am very modest...
Wed 10/15/14 09:50 AM
yes we did
Where did apes come from then?
Wed 10/15/14 01:36 PM
yes we did
Where did apes come from then?
I don't know how to get pictures up on here of the net I did try though. all you have to do to learn about the actual evolution of the modern man is type in (the human evolutionary scale) and it will enlighten you. there is also written fact in fact everything you need or want to know, every answer for every question you have not hear say just pure fact.
Thu 10/16/14 11:26 AM
were you refering to me with abt the pic thing? Well, i wasn't laying.Lol
Thu 10/16/14 12:11 PM
were you refering to me with abt the pic thing? Well, i wasn't laying.Lol
no I wasn't lol. and im sure you think everything you believe is real but just because I believe im the next Beyonc� doesn't make it real
Thu 10/16/14 12:29 PM
you are the one who has the power to choose whether you spend your life doing good things or bad, you are the one that pays your bills buys your food, gets up in the morning you should be giving credits where credits due. im not a perfect person I am flawed just like everyone else but I choose to not revel in bad things like drugs, or anything like that and I surround myself with people who think the same and we don't believe in a god. I cover my head out of respect for the body I have (even though I should really cut down on the fry ups in the morning lol) and I give thanks not to a god but to everyday I wake up healthy and being able to watch my kids break all my things lol.
Thu 10/16/14 03:12 PM
Offcourse, you have the will to choose what to believe in and how to live. That is probably the most powerful way to live but you have to acknowledge that there are other forces here on earth other that man.
Fri 10/17/14 12:44 AM
'other than man' i meant to say. These forces can influence even control the choices one make if without knowing it or been their subject. eg Acts 19 vs 35 , there they ppl worship a something that came from jupiter.'an alien being' I like morning fry ups too.lol
Fri 10/17/14 02:54 AM
Offcourse, you have the will to choose what to believe in and how to live. That is probably the most powerful way to live but you have to acknowledge that there are other forces here on earth other that man.
science has proven that the way we think and act who we are is due to our brain, hormones and chemicals running around are body. I very much doubt that we are the only intelligent life in the universe because there are infinite planets and we have only discovered a miniscule amount of them. the higgs boson particle has simply smashed all theory of "religion". and with each year that passes we gain more scientific knowledge which will ultimately smash more theories of gods. I like fry ups with scrambled or fried egg not poached