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Topic: Bush warned of Iraq Pullout
Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/21/14 02:34 AM

Well i do give a crap about his opinion.
And i am not the only one that share's his opinion about this.



Cool, I ad you give a crap. Whatever you Libbos need to feel all warm and fuzzy.

BTW I would find a more credible source then Wikipedia to back up your claims.

Just sayin'

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 09/21/14 07:11 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Sun 09/21/14 07:14 AM

There is bombings, obductions, torture. intimidation.

Infrastructure is still damaged. The oil ministry was the only thing that
was protected by the Americans during the invasion of Iraq.

Area's are radioactively poluted from the shellings the USA used with depleted uranium.

Women's rights ?


Almost every day i hear something bad happened there. I did not hear
those things before when Saddam was in power. Well at least not on
the same scale that i hear nowadays.

If the US wants to be the judge of the world then why not go to
Africa ? There is cruel dictators there also. Or Uzbekistan ?

You did not hear those things because Saddam censored them, since he was behind most of it...

You forget, Saddam's idea of torture is REAL torture, not waterboarding. His intimidation involved slaughtering families of those who oppose him.

I am getting my information from personal experience, not from propaganda.

Infrastructure is not as damaged as you think since we spent trillions rebuilding most of it. There were some areas, however, in which the Wuhhabi attacked our workers (not fighters, but workers) were attacked to the point we decided to pull out before the job was done.

Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I don't necessarily agree with our country's attempts at being the world police. I am simply saying that the citizens of Iraq are not necessarily as worse off today as propaganda would have you believe. You make it sound like it was an island paradise before we got there.

michelake's photo
Sun 09/21/14 07:47 AM
Edited by michelake on Sun 09/21/14 07:48 AM
I appreciate your point of view. You clearly speak from the heart.
My friend he is a US soldier. And i have no doubts that he is a genuine and good person. That will risk his life to liberate others.
There is not much more noble a person can do in my view.
I am not standing up against people like that. But i believe that
soldiers are being used for political goals that they would never
support. But just have to execute. I agree that it was not a paradise
with Saddam either. He did horrible things. Like using chemical weapons on that village. And many more attrocities.
But my opinion is that Middle east history is very complicated.
And if the USA wanted to make a change then it should have stayed
out of this conflict. Rather then fueling it now. What the USA could
have done is to put pressure on Saddam from outside. For example South Africa. Their regime of apartheid ( dutch word... and i am ashamed of it ) got overthown too. By the people itselve. They can appoint leaders themselves. Maybe it does not look like enough what a country can do. But invading any country is against the will of the people.
For example say that Obama is a cruel leader. What would you think if
a country attacks the USA to liberate you from Obama his terror.
Would it not be better if the people of the USA do it themselves ?
I think that the majority would still concider the people that invade the USA as agressors. Despite their good intentions.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/21/14 08:12 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Sun 09/21/14 08:12 AM

I appreciate your point of view. You clearly speak from the heart.
My friend he is a US soldier. And i have no doubts that he is a genuine and good person. That will risk his life to liberate others.
There is not much more noble a person can do in my view.
I am not standing up against people like that. But i believe that
soldiers are being used for political goals that they would never
support. But just have to execute. I agree that it was not a paradise
with Saddam either. He did horrible things. Like using chemical weapons on that village. And many more attrocities.
But my opinion is that Middle east history is very complicated.
And if the USA wanted to make a change then it should have stayed
out of this conflict. Rather then fueling it now. What the USA could
have done is to put pressure on Saddam from outside. For example South Africa. Their regime of apartheid ( dutch word... and i am ashamed of it ) got overthown too. By the people itselve. They can appoint leaders themselves. Maybe it does not look like enough what a country can do. But invading any country is against the will of the people.
For example say that Obama is a cruel leader. What would you think if
a country attacks the USA to liberate you from Obama his terror.
Would it not be better if the people of the USA do it themselves ?
I think that the majority would still concider the people that invade the USA as agressors. Despite their good intentions.

Africa isn't a good model to use. They have just as bad of a situation there, it's just not reported by the Liberal Media. Al Qaeda controls and has controlled major parts of it since 9/11 (and we kept our hands clean of that situation with the exception of say some peace keeping troops here and there). Same outcome except that wouldn't have happened under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam and his two sadistic sons who had to be stopped. There is no comparison between the racial segregation in Africa and the brutal repression of the Hussein Regime. Girls weren't being picked up off the streets to be raped and tortured by the leaders in Africa while their husbands and family were killed. They weren't using Chemical Weapons on their own people. They weren't still developing advanced WMD's, Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and others as Iraq was (which ISIS has some of those weapons now BTW)

Not everything is what you see on the news. I know many people who were in Iraq, and they were out in the streets celebrating and thanking out troops while we were there. We only heard about the bad stuff, which really didn't out weigh the good.

You also got to remember that between 70% to 80% of the Active men and women in the military supported President Bush and the mission where as right now only 10% support Obama. That's a huge difference. Also under President Bush people were joining the military left and right to go and fight the evil in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We cant ignore this now either. They are now reporting that a minimum of 40 ISIS fighters who were in Iraq and Syria fighting and training are now in the United States, those are the ones we know about and not the ones who snuck across the border.

Just remember "The reason evil exists is because good men do nothing".

michelake's photo
Sun 09/21/14 09:55 AM
I appreciate your point of view.

And i know that there is a lot of things that we hear in the press that
are untrue. So your right when you say that i should not believe everything the press tell me.

But attrocities like you say, do happen in Africa. So i do not agree on that.
I know someone that survived a massacre in Africa. And there was never any US military there to help.

In Uzbekistan the president will boil his opponents to death.

My latter point is that it is better if a country changes his government from within.

You say that the soldiers support Bush. But Bush does not respect you. He made
a joke about it too. When he looked under his desk looking for the Weapons of mass destruction.

There has never been any evidence found that they did find any weapons of mass destruction.
Which was the reason for Bush to start the war.

Bradlee34's photo
Sun 09/21/14 11:06 AM
HERE,HERE,,,listening to those indoctrinated LIBTARDS spewing out words of others,never any proof,Take a good look at the states that prosper,sure isn't tard states,,

Peccy's photo
Tue 09/23/14 04:30 PM

I'm don't approve of everything the Bush administration did, but this was on the money. http://youngcons.com/megyn-kelly-just-shared-a-2007-george-bush-iraq-speech-and-its-going-viral/

Tag needs to be URL,not LINK.:smile:
Been a long time for me Con.....I forgot that........lol

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