Topic: A to Z...things you see at a school
mikey5360's photo
Wed 09/17/14 02:15 PM
Smoking on the oval

Datwasntme's photo
Wed 09/17/14 02:25 PM

no photo
Wed 09/17/14 03:48 PM

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/17/14 05:08 PM
vegetarian lunches

Argo's photo
Wed 09/17/14 05:33 PM
water fountain..

m3k4y's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:07 PM
Xerox machine

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:12 PM
yellow No. 2 pencils

m3k4y's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:14 PM
Zipper n school uniform

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:29 PM
an abacus?

dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:34 PM

mikey5360's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:35 PM
Edited by mikey5360 on Wed 09/17/14 06:33 PM

bashajones's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:39 PM
dissected frogs

dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 09/17/14 06:40 PM
Edited by dcastelmissy on Wed 09/17/14 06:41 PM
Evaluation reports

Argo's photo
Wed 09/17/14 09:36 PM
fire alarms....

Astrid's photo
Wed 09/17/14 09:46 PM
Graduation rites

Serverousprime's photo
Wed 09/17/14 09:47 PM
Hall monitors.

cha7385's photo
Thu 09/18/14 05:30 AM

Astrid's photo
Thu 09/18/14 05:51 AM

no photo
Sat 09/20/14 09:11 AM
Edited by jagbird on Sat 09/20/14 09:10 AM
knickers..., when the 1960's elementary teacher in the mini-skirt bent over..

(I swear that all the guys in the class gasped in unison)

no1phD's photo
Sat 09/20/14 09:18 AM
leather strap...

.. 1960 school teacher.. that makes her 54... those aren't knickers..
the called granny panties now..lmao

. hey man long time no talk to you..drinker waving