Topic: why do some think or thought | |
There's a whole bunch of people who, even today, are convinced the world is flat, if anyone's truly interested in the answer to the posed question... When reading their *logical* explanations, I suspect they may, very well, share membership lists with other online discussion board providers. no.. they are not kidding and take it very seriously ...that the earth is flat ... I guess if you feel the space projects for the last umpteenth yrs are not real ... then sure the world is flat ... but I believe we are in space and the universe and we are in the universe as a revolving globe ... held on this sphere with gravity ... flat just does not make it with me ... but opinion is mine.. |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 12:22 PM
If the Egyptians used formulas and the Greeks and Roman's for architecture, why couldn't they apply it to the horizon back then? We have formula's now that explain. Within 1* degree refracture, usually was used for maritime navigation. They did know that earth was a sphere and Eratosthenes was the first to calculate the earths circumference with remarkable accuracy. It wasn't a miracle really. Its just that Ancient Greco-Roman world had education and mathematics. |
I want to go back 2000 years and ask those people what they thought was on the bottom side of the flat earth?
Maybe they thought the earth was flat because of all the sailors that disappeared when they went too far out to sea. They figured the sailors fell off the earth, not being sophisticated enough to figure out the real truth which was that the mermaids took 'em. |
The flat earth is more of a medieval thing- a result of the destruction of the collective knowledge of greco-roman civilization by catolic church. Ancient greeks knew the earths shape and size, had advanced cartography (though limited by capabilities of mediterranean galleys, which were ill suited for ocean voyages). Greeks were also first to suggest that the world is made of atoms (!!!!) and started the classification of plants and animals. And as an open society, they made their ideas known to the others. The schools, the Academy, the Lyceum were working at full throttle. They had good thing going, but it didnt survive the dark times. |
"a result of the destruction of the collective knowledge of greco-roman civilization by catolic church."
Hey now I'm Catholic. Don't blame us when it was clearly the fault of one of former president George Bush's ancestors. |
If the Egyptians used formulas and the Greeks and Roman's for architecture, why couldn't they apply it to the horizon back then? We have formula's now that explain. Within 1* degree refracture, usually was used for maritime navigation. They did know that earth was a sphere and Eratosthenes was the first to calculate the earths circumference with remarkable accuracy. It wasn't a miracle really. Its just that Ancient Greco-Roman world had education and mathematics. ah, that explains it. Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall back then? He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. Knowledge was too much power for the sheeple back then. |
allright looks like I was clouded by some biased reading...
Late Antiquity suffered the Emperor Crisis and row of wars that all did their part to end their world as they knew it. Once rome was divided into the west and east and the language gap between Byzantine and Latin only widened in time so the knowledge no longer traveled freely. Having no printing press to ensure the survival of enough copies of books didnt excacty help either. So yeah it was not as monks and priests stormed one city after another torching all the libaries they could find but it was more like disinterest of continuing the tradition of ancient philosophers to find thruths by logical reasoning rather than by faith. Unless it was beneficial as St. Augustine incorporated Plato's ideas into christianity where he saw fit. So philosophers died without the offspring and church wasnt really interested to pick up their fallen quill. they had better things to do. doesnt sound too harsh now. |
Edited by
Sat 09/20/14 04:26 PM
biased? Yes, people babbled, but found communication to each other still. This man taught the pharisees children and yet the dark ages persisted into the 13th century.
hummmm, where did I hear, that it only takes 5 generations for people to completely forget their ancestors teachings and history. |
The world was flat ? when I am out side...while looking at the sky it totally seems like it surrounds us a circle ... and does not seem flat to me at all ... gravity is the only thing that makes me feel like it is flat or be mistaken for flat ... which its not ... your thoughts ? So the world we live on isn't flat it's a spericalish shaped thingy thats more like a melon then a frisbee. With that said, we live on the surface which can be described as a plane wrapped around the melon so to speak. that plane also isn't flat as it has contours, elevation, and valleys and such. but generally speaking one could say that we live on a flat surface that is stretched around a three dimensional object that's known as the earth. This is the same reasoning as to why we can theorize that the universe isn't "flat". |
There's a whole bunch of people who, even today, are convinced the world is flat Yes, most of them can be found in the political threads ![]() They believe anything in there. |
.. it simply has to be flat... and I'm not talking about Frankies
which is beautiful by the way... I'm just guessing cuz I never seen.. her what was I saying I got yeah the world is flat... if it was around... the people on the bottom would fall off.....D... |
The world is flat...*smashes you with a club*.....Flat like your head!
The world is flat...*smashes you with a club*.....Flat like your head! Ouch! that smarts! Don't make me go all Bambam on you! The world flat because we live in Flatterland. Don't you know that! |
Maybe they think the live on a minecraft server
I just took cody out for a walk, and it was flat to course its round, if its not then when a boat sailed to the horizon it would just fall off, but it doesn't...