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Topic: What's the last thing you've eaten today? - part 11
Rock's photo
Sun 10/12/14 07:16 PM

no photo
Sun 10/12/14 07:24 PM


Johnsonville is the best.

I had leftover breaded pork chop, since I had no one to feed it to last night with me. :tongue: Course, the dog would surely have loved it, but naw....like she thinks I don't feed her or something. Starving girl.

no photo
Mon 10/13/14 09:11 AM
Blueberry Oatmeal. Coffee and Juice.

bashajones's photo
Mon 10/13/14 09:18 AM
My meds...haha...laugh

no photo
Mon 10/13/14 09:39 AM

no photo
Mon 10/13/14 04:16 PM
Arugula... Tons and tons of arugula...

Rock's photo
Mon 10/13/14 04:17 PM
Spotted Owl drumsticks

no photo
Mon 10/13/14 04:20 PM
chips and a coke

bashajones's photo
Mon 10/13/14 08:51 PM
baked potato with extra butter....

no photo
Tue 10/14/14 09:45 AM

bashajones's photo
Tue 10/14/14 10:42 AM
some candy corn!...

no photo
Tue 10/14/14 01:39 PM
chips candy and a coke

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 10/14/14 05:35 PM

Hello Jeff:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: waving waving

topherj37's photo
Tue 10/14/14 06:27 PM
Handful of berries, sandwich and a glass of milk

bashajones's photo
Wed 10/15/14 12:09 AM
blueberry bagel

mikey5360's photo
Wed 10/15/14 12:19 AM
and half a bottle of tomato sauce

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 12:19 AM
spinach, green onion veggie dip on crackers with summer sausage and tomatoes.

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 07:46 AM
Oatmeal with a tablespoon of chai and flax seeds, drizzled in honey.. Coffee... Now a hot tea...

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 04:45 PM
oreos and a coke

no photo
Thu 10/16/14 06:32 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 10/16/14 06:36 AM
Last night was 4 small sliced apples with plain Greek yogurt as a dip...

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