Topic: dependency on oil | |
if you read the headlines in the news about exxons 10.5 billion dollar
PROFIT you start to get the feelin that dependency on oil is government talk for i own stock in exxon lol. we don't really have a dependency on oil because the options are available but the oil companies and the government are neglecting to do enough research and development because it would cut the oil companies profit margins. i mean, how do you compare indepence from oil and a cleaner environment with less profits for the oil tycoons and less buying power for the government lobbyists lol. |
if the oil companies pumped all that money into R&D for alternative fuel
sources, they could corner the world energy market and make the profits from oil look like chump change |
i think initially it would make it look like chump change but unless
they jaceked up the price per gallon i don't think it would add up in the long run. i still think they should do it though because not only would it help the economy and the environment but if they market it correctly(not hard)they would be the only distributor til everyone else caught up with their own plants. i understand that where ethanol is concerned the sugar version is cleaner but if they went with corn it would make the us independent and put money back into the us economy by involving the american farmers. how much you wanna bet they'd still import corn tho lol. |
there's a new fuel out called eco-diesel, it uses rendered animal fats
and vegetable oils to produce "gasoline". A Canadian farmer "discovered" it one day when his tractor ran out of fuel. He had an abundance of vegetable oils so he filled his tank with it and it worked. Then he tried it with his VW and it worked too. Now, one of the boroughs in the Greater Toronto Area has all of it's public works vehicles running on it. The irony? They are buying the refined product from the US cuz even tho it was a Canadian idea, no one here appears to have any forsight when it comes supporting the growth of this important industry. |
there are a bunch of bio diesels available and alot of government
vehicles in the states are turning to them. we just have to get more vehicles to use them. i work for one of the big three and they are making them but there isn't enough demand and there never will be unless the government steps in. |
this is why they are holding back th development of cars that don't NEED
gas like th hydrogen car from GM that's only by-product is h2O...and th "bio" cars that now run on food oil wastes...and Bush is sittin' there rakein'it all in too....? |
What amzaes me is Brazil got tired of being at Opecs mercy and did
something about it. they decided and put it into law that any vehicle that comes into the country has to have a duo porpuse valve for the injectors. Now it you pour gas in the tank the valves work and if you Ethanol it wirks just as well then they went out and seeded more than 3 million ares of corn for the ethanol. Funny how when they show the video of a local gas statin it said Gas 2.99 and Ethanol .99 So which one do you suppossed sold the most and for the real good part... Guess what manufacturer sell the most cars there with the dual injector system? GM......Makes you wonder why we cant or wont do the same ah? |
Damn I need to proof read this crap before I hit the post reply button.
sorry folks. |
that is a good point taino and i think brazil did the right thing. the
only thing stopping us from doing it is the government. the oil companies have huge lobbyist powers and they are not ready to let go of their huge profits. it was reported the other day that exxon had a 10.5 billion dollar profit after all the bills were paid, that's a ton a money man. doesn't brazil produce sugarcane as well? if we got into ethanol til something cleaner came along or until the hydrogen powered car was brought along further the us farming industry would boom and between the us and brazil producing corn(if that were the way they went)both nations could be free of the dependency on crude oil and have enough left over to export to the rest of the world to improve all sides. |
No shit guys...we only have 4 oil companies in Canada, and the gov't IS
ONE OF THEM!!!! and I don't mean that our leader is an owner of one, I mean the gov't owns it as a crown corporation. The funny part is, corn is the nation's largest cash crop. In Ontario alone it brings in up to $2 billion per year. I would think that A) the cost "of doing business" would be substantially less than it is in the crude oil industry and B) the initial oulay to get a federal program for eco-diesel up and running would pay for itself in no time, for everyone. Even rendered fats work very well, so well that they produce even less pollution than grain based fuels. Think of all the fast food and other restaurants in any city of 250,000 or more. They all have used up cooking oils and fats. What a racket THAT could be. Charge all these places a small fee to remove those wastes, refine them, (which also causes next to no pollution ) and sell it again as fuel. A nice double end income which causes absolutely NO environmental damage on the retrieval end, and negligable environmental damage at the user end. The amazing thing with the "fat fuels" is, no engine modifications are required(keep in mind we're talking diesels). Am I stupid cuz I just can NOT see the fascination with petroleum based gasoline? The hydrogen car scares me tho, can you imagine the headline if there was a car accident: "Two car collision in Downtown Toronto. 120,000 people killed" lol |
i haven't read much about the hydrogen cars but from what i hear the
fuel cell is very stable but i need to read more. the bio diesel is funny because the us has an almost unlimited supply of corn and fat people lol. don't forget about the waste from all the cosmetic surgery animal lol our cars would run off our own glutton and vanity lol it would be an endless fuel source. |
lmaoooo good point KB...never thot of for the hydrogen cars, I
dunno if that would happen..just kinda playin with the idea lol |
I need the oil so I can lub up and jerk off to see my oil stock go up. LOL |
hey "Ghost?...good party huh?...........M.
| REALLY don't wanna be stroking them potroleum based products
into yer wangeroo....real bad for it lmao |
hydrogen batteries,,,GREAT IDEA! wish I had thought of it!
GM already has prototype cars out now,some form of a "skateboard"lookin' thing that you may interchange th body styles for differing conditions of your drivin' habbits...M. |
that comment about lubing up and jerking off goes perfectly with your
fat cat picture lol. |
morning KB just readng the new forums thought id say hi
hey jen
like the new community forum a true voice for something other than |