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Topic: Reticence And My Inner Being - ( tommy boy moran )
tommyboy1101's photo
Sat 08/09/14 03:27 AM


Reticence And My Inner Being

In this bold opera of my being you may see my life as fleeting,

Shackled by my very existence, in this reticence, this limping, clambering
Toward the essence of my Soul's believing -

Both here, but most predominantly in the beyond, these lesser fields of
Summer's dwindling gold,
Do now find me here among the broad axe and a warrior's shield of old,

Solemn premonitions, all! These gifts beyond all I say,

Whereupon olden meadows brightly lit in their calm visual array,
Issue forth their rhythms - in their times,

And my warm Poet's breathing now streaming, fleeting exhalations,
Owning exhortations, all remain resident beyond the church bell's chimes.

Thom Douglas Carlisle ( Irish Tommy Moran ) - Ireland


mowildflower's photo
Sat 08/09/14 06:47 AM
:thumbsup: well presented and written, I would expect nothing less.
I eagerly wait for your next posting.

galaxyhitchhiker's photo
Sat 08/09/14 07:46 AM
wow! this is a great piece of art. oh how i wish i could also write wonderful poems as you do!

no photo
Sat 08/09/14 08:09 AM
Rich in history, equally rich in pride, with the spirit of the culture.
Visions of this line.

" Owning exhortations, all remain resident beyond the church bell's chimes."
Makes want to explore more.
drinker drinker drinker

tommyboy1101's photo
Sun 08/10/14 03:30 AM
galaxyhitch'er, mo darling, tazzops,

Thanks so much for your warmth, your kindness for I, a Poet, shall never forget ye. As for galaxyhitch's remarks, It occurs to me that if she found a simple style in writing, something perhaps bred of another's style, it would be easy enough to use that style as an outline. Something to think of when writing. I think that very outline would get her started. And, I wish her well as she moves forward. My best, galaxyhitchhiker.

Mo, you beautiful 'Rose In a Garden of Thorns', I'm so glad to hear from ye. And I remaine warmed by you. Thank you, mo, very much.

Tazz, I agree, this piece does feel rich in both history and self pride. Equally, with the spirit of common culture. An otherwise fine dwelling place. Thank ye, Tazzops. Thanks, pal.

tommy boy moran / Ireland

tommyboy1101's photo
Sun 08/10/14 03:48 AM
smokin :heart: smokin