Topic: I have an idea for a TV show
TBRich's photo
Thu 08/07/14 04:55 PM
A bunch of college kids graduate with their degrees in English Lit and Philosophy. When they leave the campus, they fine the streets crawling with zombie like people; working for 25K a year and go home to find their banshee wives just bought a $450 vacuum cleaner and they have to pay for the neighbors window that their kid broke with a baseball. I call it the Working Dead

Mrberlean's photo
Thu 08/07/14 06:10 PM
No kidding there.
Great TV show, just we would not know how long it would last , by showing in
a George Carlin way how naive we have become, one generation after the other.

Nothing against education. But we learn how to count and write , for the benefit
of the Corporation and the Gregorian Calendar so we can pay bogus bills on time, by the end of every month.

And lets not forget how the Elite Corporations is looking at us not as people but zombies that have to seek for a Job on Find Jobs , Yea ! Good place for you to start boy.

No no no of course not, they do not call us Monster, no no this is just a
Website named this way, just for fun and curiosity out of creativity.
No no that is not true. They would not do this to us. Now go watch
some soccer game and drink more soda, the sugar is good for you....
And do not forget to drink some of that fluoride water, it bleaches you inside out and is good for you.We give you some GMO food, this way your Brain
will smoothen more out, you do not need the cerebral cortex ridges.

Tap tap tap on the head...Now go go it's getting late again....