Topic: Sitting On The Fence
Ploduwa03's photo
Tue 08/05/14 02:58 AM
Sitting On The Fence - Author
There was an incredibly large group
of people assembled. On one side of
the group stood Jesus. On the other
side of the group stood Satan.
Separating them, running through
the group, was a fence.
The scene set, both Jesus and Satan
began calling to the people in the
group and, one by one, each having
made up his or her mind, each went
to either Jesus or Satan.
This kept going, and eventually Jesus
had gathered around him a group of
people from the larger crowds, as
did Satan. But one man joined
neither group. He climbed the fence
that was there and just sat down on
it. Then Jesus and his people left
and disappeared. So too did Satan
and his people.
And the man on the fence sat alone.
As this man sat there, Satan came
back, and appeared to be looking for
something that he'd lost. The man
said, "Have you lost something?"
Satan looked straight at him and
replied, "No, there you are. Come
with me."
"But," said the man, "I sat on the
fence. I chose neither you nor Him.
"You don't understand..." said
Satan. "I own the fence."
"No man can serve two masters: for
either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the
one, and despise the other. You
cannot serve both God and
mammon." Matthew 6:24
Have a glorious day!

noeleena's photo
Wed 08/06/14 04:44 AM

Satan owns nothing and never did he to is a servent and will serve the Most High , and is , as every one will , The Lord owns all and even if you come to Him or not ,None will be lost, .


Toks88's photo
Wed 08/06/14 09:59 AM

Sitting On The Fence - Author
There was an incredibly large group
of people assembled. On one side of
the group stood Jesus. On the other
side of the group stood Satan.
Separating them, running through
the group, was a fence.
The scene set, both Jesus and Satan
began calling to the people in the
group and, one by one, each having
made up his or her mind, each went
to either Jesus or Satan.
This kept going, and eventually Jesus
had gathered around him a group of
people from the larger crowds, as
did Satan. But one man joined
neither group. He climbed the fence
that was there and just sat down on
it. Then Jesus and his people left
and disappeared. So too did Satan
and his people.
And the man on the fence sat alone.
As this man sat there, Satan came
back, and appeared to be looking for
something that he'd lost. The man
said, "Have you lost something?"
Satan looked straight at him and
replied, "No, there you are. Come
with me."
"But," said the man, "I sat on the
fence. I chose neither you nor Him.
"You don't understand..." said
Satan. "I own the fence."
"No man can serve two masters: for
either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the
one, and despise the other. You
cannot serve both God and
mammon." Matthew 6:24
Have a glorious day!

Good to read this post Pastor Ploduwa03. It sounds a bit funny when Satan appeared to the man on the fence that he wanted him to go with him.
The Bible says: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walking about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Truely, there is no middle ground. For neither one belongs to God nor he/she belongs to the devil.

no photo
Wed 08/06/14 12:24 PM


Satan owns nothing and never did he to is a servent and will serve the Most High , and is , as every one will , The Lord owns all and even if you come to Him or not ,None will be lost, .

actually satan is in charge of the earth, dont know about who owns the title deed, but remember when Jesus was offered the earth by satan, when he was tempted in the desert,,?