Topic: This is in the bible ... | |
science has but r reluctant to say. is this. They have found off of the African coast, Austrailian coast and elsewhere that their seems to of at one time been a collapse of the ocean floor. This is why they keep finding antient cities they believe on the ocean floor close to land. They have said that it is possible their used to be a lot more land than their is now. that if their was a lot of water under this land in huge cavities and as the Bible says the Fountains of the earth Sprang forth emptying these cavises under the ground that a world wide flood would probally cause these empty caverans to collapse. hence this would cause whole cities to disappear and sink to where they are now. This they have said would explain where all the water of the earth went. right back to where it was, except the land now would be under the water and our oceans much larger. Science does not want to believe in a world wide flood. But they will admit that their was a large collapse of land for some reason in times past. Science is funny how it is wrong constantly and then they say oh well we know more now. Yet the scriptures have to be right all the time or it is of no use. What if Science had to live up to that same standard? would it be useless, a fairly tale? Plate teutonics |
also in the bible: Isiah 5:19 19Who say, "Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near And come to pass, that we may know it!" 20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight!… Whoa, you are in trouble there then, aren't you? LOL |
Genesis 7:19-20 {the waters} They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
This would require steady, planet-wide rainfall at the rate of 6 inches per minute, 360 inches an hour, for 40 days and 40 nights, covering Mount Everest under 22 feet of water. How, exactly, did Noah measure this for the record? Where has all of the water gone since? And why is there no legitimate geological evidence of a global flood? Genesis 8:8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. Why did Noah require a dove to find land (Genesis 8) if he and God were on speaking terms in Genesis 6? Genesis 8:15-16 Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it." When the ark landed, what did the carnivores eat? All other animal life had been drowned. And vegetation would’ve also been wiped out in the flood, so what did the herbivores eat to survive? Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 8 people of middle-eastern descent practiced incest to produce over 5,000 of today’s ethnic groups in only a few hundred generations? Genesis 9:20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. The only guy worth saving spent his latter days drunk and naked? NOTE: Much of the biblical flood story was actually plagiarized from "The Epic of Gilgamesh," the mythical Sumerian account of Ut-Napishtim written on stone tablets around 2000 BC. In "The Epic of Gilgamesh, one righteous man was spared from a worldwide flood by building a large boat with a single door and one window. The ark contained a few other human beings plus plant and animal specimens. Rains covered the mountains with water. Birds were sent to find land. The boat landed on a mountain in the middle east. Ut-Napshtim sacrificed an animal as an offering, and the Babylonian gods expressed regret for flooding the earth. Sound familiar? |
Genesis 7:19-20 {the waters} They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
This would require steady, planet-wide rainfall at the rate of 6 inches per minute, 360 inches an hour, for 40 days and 40 nights, covering Mount Everest under 22 feet of water. How, exactly, did Noah measure this for the record? Where has all of the water gone since? And why is there no legitimate geological evidence of a global flood? Genesis 8:8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. Why did Noah require a dove to find land (Genesis 8) if he and God were on speaking terms in Genesis 6? Genesis 8:15-16 Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it." When the ark landed, what did the carnivores eat? All other animal life had been drowned. And vegetation would’ve also been wiped out in the flood, so what did the herbivores eat to survive? Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 8 people of middle-eastern descent practiced incest to produce over 5,000 of today’s ethnic groups in only a few hundred generations? Genesis 9:20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. The only guy worth saving spent his latter days drunk and naked? NOTE: Much of the biblical flood story was actually plagiarized from "The Epic of Gilgamesh," the mythical Sumerian account of Ut-Napishtim written on stone tablets around 2000 BC. In "The Epic of Gilgamesh, one righteous man was spared from a worldwide flood by building a large boat with a single door and one window. The ark contained a few other human beings plus plant and animal specimens. Rains covered the mountains with water. Birds were sent to find land. The boat landed on a mountain in the middle east. Ut-Napshtim sacrificed an animal as an offering, and the Babylonian gods expressed regret for flooding the earth. Sound familiar? |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/14 08:51 AM
also in the bible: Isiah 5:19 19Who say, "Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near And come to pass, that we may know it!" 20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight!… Whoa, you are in trouble there then, aren't you? LOL nah, Im the first to say I don't understand everything, nor feel a need to I am comfortable admitting there are plenty of things I(mankind) will never duplicate or understand,,,,,because life is Created by a much higher intelligence,,,,, I am more in mind of those who say 'it cant be', because someone else ended up with THIS result instead of that one,,,,well, that's not totally true I do not believe that a toaster or a television could over hundreds or thousands or even millions of years just naturally develop into the working mechanisms they are, let alone reproduce themselves,,,, so,, there is that |
they say if we look at the world map all of where the water is was becouse of the flooding and one day land will reach across oceans and be all land again and water will have dried up ... ok that was the history channel talking or Cosmo's can't remember ... Noak may have built a ark but I do not believe he had the power to get each animal by twos in that ark... I believe in miracles but that one is a little hard to believe ... Don't forget, the bible clearly states that he took them by sevens not twos ok well something in a higher power will really have to prove that to me ... becouse it does not matter the no . I still do not believe he got all of them in the ark ... and that ark was not that freakin big ... but still not saying there was no ark but not in the way some say it is in the bible ... |
I do not believe that a toaster or a television could over hundreds or thousands or even millions of years just naturally develop into the working mechanisms they are, let alone reproduce themselves,,,, so,, there is that I am sorry, did I miss something, this statement appears to be a non sequitur. It is basically constructed to say something like: I do not believe that black is white; and why would you? Who would believe that inanimate objects could reproduce themselves? I am a bit sensitive to syntax and semantics as I have had to spend countless hours having conversations with psychotically delusional people- what we call "word salads"; ever see the cartoon where it shows the therapist's note pad and he is writing "I will not fall asleep"?, mine would have said "I am getting paid for this" LOL. Can you explain? Also, if I can make a personal note? In your everyday speech, do you use phrases like: "just saying" and "so, there is that"? I think that would be cute and endearing. |
Genesis 7:19-20 {the waters} They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. This would require steady, planet-wide rainfall at the rate of 6 inches per minute, 360 inches an hour, for 40 days and 40 nights, covering Mount Everest under 22 feet of water. How, exactly, did Noah measure this for the record? Where has all of the water gone since? And why is there no legitimate geological evidence of a global flood? Genesis 8:8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. Why did Noah require a dove to find land (Genesis 8) if he and God were on speaking terms in Genesis 6? Genesis 8:15-16 Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it." When the ark landed, what did the carnivores eat? All other animal life had been drowned. And vegetation would’ve also been wiped out in the flood, so what did the herbivores eat to survive? Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 8 people of middle-eastern descent practiced incest to produce over 5,000 of today’s ethnic groups in only a few hundred generations? Genesis 9:20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. The only guy worth saving spent his latter days drunk and naked? NOTE: Much of the biblical flood story was actually plagiarized from "The Epic of Gilgamesh," the mythical Sumerian account of Ut-Napishtim written on stone tablets around 2000 BC. In "The Epic of Gilgamesh, one righteous man was spared from a worldwide flood by building a large boat with a single door and one window. The ark contained a few other human beings plus plant and animal specimens. Rains covered the mountains with water. Birds were sent to find land. The boat landed on a mountain in the middle east. Ut-Napshtim sacrificed an animal as an offering, and the Babylonian gods expressed regret for flooding the earth. Sound familiar? Genesis 7:19-20 {the waters} They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. This would require steady, planet-wide rainfall at the rate of 6 inches per minute, 360 inches an hour, for 40 days and 40 nights, covering Mount Everest under 22 feet of water. How, exactly, did Noah measure this for the record? Where has all of the water gone since? And why is there no legitimate geological evidence of a global flood? Have no idea how he got the exact measurements of how much water there was. But could very well have been informed to him through God. And there is enough water on the face of this world to flood it to that exact including, but not limited to all the frozen water in the glaciers and such also the water that is underground. No evidence you say? |
Modern geology and flood geology
In the 18th century, finds such as Hutton's Unconformity showing layers tilted, eroded, and overlaid, demonstrated the "abyss of time" in the geologic time scale. Modern geology, its sub-disciplines and other scientific disciplines utilize the scientific method to analyze the geology of the earth. The key tenets of flood geology are refuted by scientific analysis and do not have any standing in the scientific community.[16][103][104][105][106] Modern geology relies on a number of established principles, one of the most important of which is Charles Lyell's principle of uniformitarianism. In relation to geological forces it states that the shaping of the Earth has occurred by means of mostly slow-acting forces that can be seen in operation today. By applying these principles, geologists have determined that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. They study the lithosphere of the Earth to gain information on the history of the planet. Geologists divide Earth's history into eons, eras, periods, epochs, and faunal stages characterized by well-defined breaks in the fossil record (see Geologic time scale).[107][108] In general, there is a lack of any evidence for any of the above effects proposed by flood geologists and their claims of fossil layering are not taken seriously by scientists.[109] Erosion The angular unconformity found by James Hutton in 1788 at Siccar Point demonstrated the time taken for erosion of tilted rock and deposition of overlying layers. The global flood cannot explain geological formations such as angular unconformities, where sedimentary rocks have been tilted and eroded then more sedimentary layers deposited on top, needing long periods of time for these processes. There is also the time needed for the erosion of valleys in sedimentary rock mountains. In another example, the flood, had it occurred, should also have produced large-scale effects spread throughout the entire world. Erosion should be evenly distributed, yet the levels of erosion in, for example, the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains differ significantly.[109] Geochronology This Jurassic carbonate hardground shows generations of oysters and extensive bioerosion, features incompatible with the conditions and timing postulated for the Flood.[104] The alternation of calcite and aragonite seas through geologic time.[110] Geochronology is the science of determining the absolute age of rocks, fossils, and sediments by a variety of techniques. These methods indicate that the Earth as a whole is at least 4.5 billion years old, and that the strata that, according to flood geology, were laid down during the Flood some 6,000 years ago, were actually deposited gradually over many millions of years. Paleontology If the flood were responsible for fossilization, then all the animals now fossilized must have been living together on the Earth just before the flood. Based on estimates of the number of remains buried in the Karoo fossil formation in Africa, this would correspond to an abnormally high density of vertebrates worldwide, close to 2100 per acre.[76] Creationists argue that evidence for the geological column is fragmentary, and all the complex layers of chalk occurred in the approach to the 150th day of Noah's flood.[111][112] However, the entire geologic column is found in several places, and shows multiple features, including evidence of erosion and burrowing through older layers, which are inexplicable on a short timescale. Carbonate hardgrounds and the fossils associated with them show that the so-called flood sediments include evidence of long hiatuses in deposition that are not consistent with flood dynamics or timing.[104] Geochemistry Proponents of Flood Geology also have a difficult time explaining the alternation between calcite seas and aragonite seas through the Phanerozoic. The cyclical pattern of carbonate hardgrounds, calcitic and aragonitic ooids, and calcite-shelled fauna has apparently been controlled by seafloor spreading rates and the flushing of seawater through hydrothermal vents which changes its Mg/Ca ratio.[113] Sedimentary rock features Phil Senter's 2011 article, "The Defeat of Flood Geology by Flood Geology", in the journal Reports of the National Center for Science Education, discusses "sedimentologic and other geologic features that Flood geologists have identified as evidence that particular strata cannot have been deposited during a time when the entire planet was under water ... and distribution of strata that predate the existence of the Ararat mountain chain." These include continental basalts, terrestrial tracks of animals, and marine communities preserving multiple in-situ generations included in the rocks of most or all Phanerozoic periods, and the basalt even in the younger Precambrian rocks. Others, occurring in rocks of several geologic periods, include lake deposits and eolian (wind) deposits. Using their own words, Flood geologists find evidence in every Paleozoic and Mesozoic period, and in every epoch of the Cenozoic period, indicating that a global flood could not have occurred during that interval.[114] |
all I have to add to this post is that, its my believe that girls have evil in them bc eve made it with fallen angels an so did a lot of other women.......therefor you can not trust a woman,,,EVER. IT SAYS EYE FOR AN EYE,,,,NOW SEE WHY WE 'TRICK
all I have to add to this post is that, its my believe that girls have evil in them bc eve made it with fallen angels an so did a lot of other women.......therefor you can not trust a woman,,,EVER. IT SAYS EYE FOR AN EYE,,,,NOW SEE WHY WE 'TRICK Finally, someone making sense!! LOL |
all I have to add to this post is that, its my believe that girls have evil in them bc eve made it with fallen angels an so did a lot of other women.......therefor you can not trust a woman,,,EVER. IT SAYS EYE FOR AN EYE,,,,NOW SEE WHY WE 'TRICK As you know, the bible says my people are destroyed by demon spirits, oh wait no it doesn't it says my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge |
Noah's Ark?
Confirmed not only in the Bible and the Quran, but by dozens of secular stories of various ancient cultures world-wide. What is more, it's still on Mount Judy in the Ararat mountain range and is guarded by the local Brothers (Muslim) who are there. It's mostly decomposed as the pitch that once covered it could only last so long as a preservative. There are thousands of wrought-iron nails still all over the place. Please don't think this is a tourist destination... You'll get stopped early on. |
Noah's Ark? Confirmed not only in the Bible and the Quran, but by dozens of secular stories of various ancient cultures world-wide. What is more, it's still on Mount Judy in the Ararat mountain range and is guarded by the local Brothers (Muslim) who are there. It's mostly decomposed as the pitch that once covered it could only last so long as a preservative. There are thousands of wrought-iron nails still all over the place. Please don't think this is a tourist destination... You'll get stopped early on. Like the those armed men guarding the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopea? Is it true the women in Canada have nicknamed you Sheik YerBooty? |
Noah's Ark? Confirmed not only in the Bible and the Quran, but by dozens of secular stories of various ancient cultures world-wide. What is more, it's still on Mount Judy in the Ararat mountain range and is guarded by the local Brothers (Muslim) who are there. It's mostly decomposed as the pitch that once covered it could only last so long as a preservative. There are thousands of wrought-iron nails still all over the place. Please don't think this is a tourist destination... You'll get stopped early on. Like the those armed men guarding the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopea? Is it true the women in Canada have nicknamed you Sheik YerBooty? Sheik YerBooty...? ![]() There aren't any armed men guarding the Coptic church in which the Ark Of The Covenant is allegedly said to be in Ethiopia. There are some Coptic Priests (Christian) but no armed Muslims. Let's try to stay on-board with the subject that was started, as it is the courteous thing to do. Noah's Ark... Did you know the word 'Ark' means Box or Chest? It stands to reason, when the flood waters came, the Ark had no actual destination and thus didn't need to be designed to slip-stream through the water like a boat with a bow. |
Edited by
Mon 08/18/14 12:58 PM
I do not believe that a toaster or a television could over hundreds or thousands or even millions of years just naturally develop into the working mechanisms they are, let alone reproduce themselves,,,, so,, there is that I am sorry, did I miss something, this statement appears to be a non sequitur. It is basically constructed to say something like: I do not believe that black is white; and why would you? Who would believe that inanimate objects could reproduce themselves? I am a bit sensitive to syntax and semantics as I have had to spend countless hours having conversations with psychotically delusional people- what we call "word salads"; ever see the cartoon where it shows the therapist's note pad and he is writing "I will not fall asleep"?, mine would have said "I am getting paid for this" LOL. Can you explain? Also, if I can make a personal note? In your everyday speech, do you use phrases like: "just saying" and "so, there is that"? I think that would be cute and endearing. yes, I do,, my kids find my vernacular to be one of my more endearing qualities actually,,,especially when discussing things with know it all types and bad listeners who only see things their way,,,,,, ![]() |
but do you believe in the story of Noah's Ark ? Noah's Ark theme park gets preliminary approval for millions in state tax incentives MS Harmony... Where were You going with this last comment. I'm sorry You've lost me or were You assuming your on another form heading. (This Happens, Honest Mistake) ![]() |
She was insulting me because she thinks I am a know-it-all, as I happen to disagree with the veracity of the topic on hand. You have me confused with the ark- I assume Coptic Xians and you mention Muslims?
The Coptic Church is one the oldest formats of Christianity.
All of Christendom and all of it's branches of various reformation come from three primary 'would-be original' congregations. They are the western Roman Catholic, the eastern Greek Orthodox, and the southern Egyptian Coptic. All claim apostolic secession. Hey TB Rich, You really the 'Captain Ahab' of the Mingle Forms? |
She was insulting me because she thinks I am a know-it-all, as I happen to disagree with the veracity of the topic on hand. You have me confused with the ark- I assume Coptic Xians and you mention Muslims? I would never insult you, I was just explaining the situation that my children are fond of,, when people are talking down to them as if they cant possibly know anything,,, |