Topic: 18-24? any one
no photo
Tue 07/29/14 04:20 PM

theodouk's photo
Tue 07/29/14 04:25 PM

no photo
Tue 07/29/14 04:32 PM
<- what is this? lol

Welcome newbies! Jessie, this is for you:

"Add a new photo
Photo Guidelines

No suggestive photos, nudity, or obscene gestures
No disturbing images or images of illegal activities
No copyrighted material
You should be in all photos
Photos should be in .gif, .jpg, or .bmp format
Make sure the file size of the photo is not too large or it will not upload properly

If you are attempting to upload from a pc:
If you are trying with a mobile device:

And if having difficulties, try a different browser."

Sleekdiva25's photo
Wed 07/30/14 08:10 AM