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As the War in the Middle East continues, our military is experiencing enormous strains and unprecedented social change at the same time. The 2008 Presidential Election is already underway, but little attention has been given to military personnel issues that affect morale, discipline, and readiness in the volunteer force.
This website has posted several new articles that explain the issue of homosexuals in the military. The difference between the 1993 law that Congress actually passed, and Bill Clinton’s convoluted and expendable “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” enforcement regulations that are inconsistent with that law, are explored thoroughly. The Center for Military Readiness is also working on unresolved controversies regarding the illicit “employment” of female soldiers in or near direct ground combat. Our servicemen and women are serving with courage and distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all soldiers are “in harms way.” The missions of infantry, armor, Special Operations Forces, and Marine infantry, however, have not changed. These direct ground combat units, and battalion-level forward support companies that embed or “collocate” with them 100% of the time, are required by Defense Department regulation to be all male. Nevertheless, the Army is using semantics and sophistry to justify their “employment” of many female soldiers in or near direct ground combat positions that are required to be all male. If Army leaders believe that these rules should change, they need to secure approval from the Secretary of Defense, and then comply with the law requiring formal notice to Congress 30 legislative days (about 3 months) in advance. The law also requires an analysis of the effect of proposed changes on young women’s exemption from Selective Service registration. In 2005 Congress mandated a report on the current assignments of female soldiers, which was due on March 31, 2006. None of these legally mandated requirements have been met, but most members of Congress are looking the other way. Active duty, retired military and civilians who agree that Congress and the American people should exercise oversight on these important issues should contact their own members of Congress at and President George W. Bush, who is ultimately responsible for the Defense Department’s violations of policy and law, can be reached at This website presents background information and commentary on additional issues of concern to CMR, the principles that guide us, and the contributions we plan to make in this unique field of public policy. Because the War on Terrorism is still in progress, CMR will continue to display the American Legion Blue Star flag in the “window” of our website as a symbol of our support for the troops. |
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