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Topic: What Three words really go together 111 - part 2
no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:18 PM
Lars is hurting!

Sorry bro, seriously!

Not my fault!

They invited me!

and started messing!

Hell broke lose!

They cannot stop!

Bunch of girls!

Love them all?!

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:20 PM
Hugs for zippyflowerforyou

Baboon needs spanking

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:21 PM
Wow, Asstrid, wow!

That is misspelled?!

Not on purpose!

True story, honest!

L O L !

Astrid's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:21 PM
Damn it! Exterminate!:laughing:

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:22 PM
Baboon-mandrill hybrid!

Dammit people, please!

Get that right!

Just three words!

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:26 PM
You are reading?

Well stop, already!

Get to writing!

Cannot do it?!

Then come here!

Want a kiss!

Hugs too, welcome!

What the heck!?

Where are you?

Fell a sleep?

Drinking scotch now?

Where is mine?

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:28 PM
Blah blah blah...

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:29 PM
ha ha ha

Astrid's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:29 PM
Well It's you...
Who seem drunk...:laughing:

Over and out!:tongue:

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:30 PM
Edited by Criollo99 on Fri 08/08/14 12:29 PM
Storm is here!

Geez woman no!

Go a way!

Messing my grove!

She is good!

Oh my G--!

Kill me know!

Drunk cannot type!

I am fast!

Not drunk, Astrid!

Spelled it right!

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:30 PM
I don't know
what has happened ?
Zippy in pain
why is that ?

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:30 PM
Buha ha ha!

Oh good grannies!

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:32 PM
Babe, my spanking?

What happened now?

I am waiting!!!

Spank me babe!

L O L !

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:33 PM

it rains here

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:35 PM
I want you!

Here right now!

What happened babe!?

Scared now, no?

Too real, huh?

Where are you?

no photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:38 PM
Edited by Criollo99 on Fri 08/08/14 12:40 PM
Lars is laughing.

Way too much.

Stomach in pain!

Pobrecito muchacho gracioso!

Poor funny guy!

I translated that.

You are welcome!

Well done babe!

I am home!

With my cousins.

Eating pizza, really!

It is good!

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:38 PM
monkey is spanked
and also tied
I had pizza
that is true
but no beer
like that baboon

where are you ?

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:41 PM
what a copycat
I said that
I am here

are you alive ?
monkey is killed
I hope not
I like animals
I really do

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:42 PM
who is Lars ?

Maxisu's photo
Fri 08/08/14 12:43 PM
no Spanish please
Does it count ?
I speak french
Can we try ?

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