Topic: Bush hates the children of Poor people! | |
fitness if we would kick all the illegals and their kids out we wouldnt be in such dire straights with health care OR other issues. For one i am SICK of supporting illegal aliens!!!!
bushco dose NOT HATE childeren!!!
It is a well known fact that Reptilians like to eat kid's up to 10 years old,if bushco gives young kid's health care, they will be healthier, more allert and they will run faster, making them much harder to catch... Thus bushco must veto the childerend health care bill, so him and all his reptilian friends can still have their little snackiepoo's... |
I don't know if he hates kids
but for children to lose their healthcare coverage is just wrong |
Fitness, I took the time to think through the issues and give you a considered opinion. You responded by attacking me personally. I disagree with you but I gave you the courtesy of a thoughtful response. So now I am going to have to be more pointed in my critique.
First of all if 35 billion dollars is chump change to you, what the hell are you doing here? I suggest you go buy yourself a villa in France or whatever. You should be beyond local politics. Second, the numbers are in your original post. I simply divided one by the other. Read it. Read it. Finally, the government has not got a really good track record in private enterprise. In fact no governments have. This is not limited to the United States. Even China had to legitimize private industry in order to move into the modern world. Keep in mind that this program is for children only. And it is for children of low income families only, so it is a small portion of the population. But health care such as this is needed primarily for high cost health issues, such as emergency or special disease. Ordinary health services like checkups and colds and simple needs are typically not the issue with these types of plans. For the case of serious illness or emergency care, it is just as urgent a 35 year old woman, or a 25 year old man as it is for a 4 year old child. And for emergency situations such as this, the young adults are very likely to be no better at providing for their own emergency situation than the child of 4 years old. So on the issue of 'have a heart' your program falls way short in my opinion. Now as to whether I am as smart as Bush or whatever, that shouldn't matter to you because you have the intellectual depth of a teacup. When you look at the broader spectrum of issues you will gain a lot more respect. For now stay home and meditate. Or go spend your 35 billion of chump change on a new hairdo. If you want a civil discourse consider the comments rather then simply noticing that I disagree and then attacking me personally. |
why is it the govts job to support your kids? isnt it the parents job?
NEW YORK Accompanying her husband, former President George
H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them." The former First Lady's remarks were aired this evening on American Public Media's "Marketplace" program. She was part of a group in Houston today at the Astrodome that included her husband and former President Bill Clinton, who were chosen by her son, the current president, to head fundraising efforts for the recovery. Sen. Hilary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama were also present. In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to Houston." Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them." ______ these are the comments of the matriarch of the Bush family...and you have to ask if Bush cares about poor children without health insurance?..These arrogant self diluted elitists care nothing about the average american family... They only care about 2 & power...and it's not just the Bush's..but 95% of the congress as well...mostly millionaires |
i can't afford to put my son on my health plan at work,thank god he is on his dads but i 'm glad i have the option of healthy kids if i ever lose my job.Its state funded amd has 3 levels of coverage based on income.I doubt an eighty grand a year family would be eligible.keep it real please.
I am glad your son has some coverage cutelildevilsmom. This is so important and such a BIG ELECTION ISSUE until AFTER the election is over. Funny....that always gets forgotten.
Lets face get some insurance for our kids and even something standard for ALL americans. |
Nobody is picking up on something I said so I am going to repeat it. Hopefully it won't be too much of an annoyance.
For the case of serious illness or emergency care, it is just as urgent a 35 year old woman, or a 25 year old man as it is for a 4 year old child. And for emergency situations such as this, the young adults are very likely to be no better at providing for their own emergency situation than the child of 4 years old. I love children and I want the best of care for them, but to get on a high moral ground for children while forgetting the rest of the population is just a lie. In some cases the people you take money from in order to pay for insurance for others, may actually take away that person's ability to have insurance himself or herself. |
This "Childrens" healthcare bill has raised the eligiblity age to 25....It also has no limitations as to what guidelines states can use to give this money away...basically it can be used for illegal immigrants and anyone else each state wants covered...just another attempt to decieve Americans out of their tax money. Sorry if your over 18 your not a child anymore...and there should be a American citizen clause in it.
I was helping my friend fill out her papers she can't use her right hand very well. ( welfare papers)
& there is a ton of stuff in there differnt now. you have to be from here to get the benifits & her help care papers all changed too.. |
Phil wrote
I love children and I want the best of care for them, but to get on a high moral ground for children while forgetting the rest of the population is just a lie." Look my friend no one cares if you don't put special attention to poor children who have no health insurance. Even if you say you love children and what the best of cared for them but would rather you are against an expansion of health insurance for those poor 4 million ininsured children then you sir are a hypocrit. |
But Bush has promised a veto, saying the measure is too costly, unacceptably raises taxes, extends government-covered insurance to children in families who can afford private coverage, and smacks of a move toward completely federalized health care. He has asked Congress to pass a simple extension of the current program while debate continues, saying it's children who will suffer if they do not."
Did you all not see this paragraph in the original post. Congress could continue the existing program whiel they continue debate on a different program but then they would lose an issue for the election and a means of buying votes from the poor. There are alternatives but Congress can't make political hay from them. |
forge it only costly to people who smoke, the tax is on cigerettes remeber. But Bush doesn't care about the smoking taxpayer but instead of the tobacco companies who would lose money on selling cancer sticks to people.
Now defend big tobacco Mr. Forge and how they raise the cost of healthcare due to lung cancer, asthma, and other health risk associated with tobacco. |
Bush doing something
to hurt the kids of the middle-class and lower-middle-class? Why, I'm shocked. No, not really. This President has been screwing the middle class his whole presidency. |
Hypocrisy has a different definition. Choose your words more carefully. Just because you have an agenda to support every expensive liberal issue and claim moral high ground to do so does not make you right or your causes reasonable or your programs affordable.
And put on a shirt. I'm getting pretty tired of looking a the picture you cobbled off the web somewhere. It really takes away from your credibility.
excuse me, you lost me again, we went from "Bush Hates Children of the Poor" because he said he would veto a new bill. Then he asked congress to continue the old bill while further debate takes place which they haven't considered. That takes the air out of your "Hate" argument and now we are off on cigarette tax you change the direction of your rant more often than most people change sox.
As for cigarette tax, we raised the cigarette tax here in SD by a substantial amount in Jan of this year. The result lots of people quit smoking or went to bootleg cigarettes the end result they are taking in less tax money off cigarettes than they did prior to the raise. Excellent idea creat another market for contraband merchandise and make more crooks rich in the interest of humanity. |
Forge the only crimial here is Bush who vowed to deny signing of a bill which would help 4 million children.
what about the liberals who control congress, they have the option of continuing the present program while a compramise is worked out bu tthat don't fit your argument does it. The fact is if Bush had said get the bill to me asap so I can sign it, you would still jump on him because it wasn't enough. For the sake of brevity, why don't you just post a thread with a subject line and then in the body of the message type in "I hate Bush" and just leave it at that because all of your posts boil down to that eventually anyway.