Topic: Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown | |
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Sun 06/15/14 05:20 AM
We wonder why they are militarizing our police, buying guns and ammo in unheard of amounts, why EVERY agency of govt has it's own LOCAL SWAT team, and they are buying and stock piling food stuffs. Of course if we the public do that, we're either breaking the law or "someone of interest" to DHS and other alphabet agencies! Why are military bases once closed, now active and fortified by FEMA, not our military. Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown Social science is being militarised to develop 'operational tools' to target peaceful activists and protest movements The push for gun control has never been stronger against law abiding citizens, the NSA is spying on every aspect of our lives, media and free speech are being regulated and confined, common core implementation programing our young, our healthcare being "controlled" and our most personal information being conveyed to all branches of govt with Drs now tasked with being more like "govt agents" than your "personal" physician! One also has to wonder why all of a sudden our border is being overrun by children. The news says it's because Obozo promised them amnesty, but like a hat-trick, diversion allows many things to happen concealed while the viewer is distracted..... and me thinks it has more ulterior motives than just trying to cover over a few scandals that are simply a dog and pony show for the public. Anyone who can't see the writing on the nation-sized wall is either blind, medicated, or foolish! Simply put, it's we the people who are under siege, under a role reversal to one of power over the people instead of service to the people.... almost complete! There are many threats to our nation! We are vulnerable on many fronts from natural disaster, economic, viral, biological, chemical, nuclear, or perhaps attacks to our power grid and communications.... I get it! But being manipulated, abused, and spied on by our own govt, lied to by our media and leaders (on a daily basis) is NOT bringing us closer together, it's distraction.... and one must wonder why they want our guns, our liberties, and every bit of our personal information they can gather on us rather than being truthful and uniting us in common cause, preparing us, rather than seeking to victimizing us, for what might lie ahead. They have armies and militarized police units, arms and food, SUPER bunkers and flying fortresses in case of attack, but they want our guns and liberties, to label and register us for easy identification and confiscation..... much like an incident that took place in the 30's and 40's in another part of the world...... Laugh and call me paranoid, I'll laugh with you if I'm wrong, and gladly, but my "bug out" bag is packed and my back is to an ocean with a marina full of 1000's of boats just down the road..... An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure! |
This does sound a wee bit paranoid. If you are so worried about the government spying and cracking down, why do you post on the internet? Don't you think they are watching these forums? Or could it be you are part of some covert op trying to lure out other unsuspecting anti government people on this forum? Hmmmmm
We wonder why they are militarizing our police, buying guns and ammo in unheard of amounts, why EVERY agency of govt has it's own LOCAL SWAT team, and they are buying and stock piling food stuffs. Of course if we the public do that, we're either breaking the law or "someone of interest" to DHS and other alphabet agencies! Why are military bases once closed, now active and fortified by FEMA, not our military. Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown Social science is being militarised to develop 'operational tools' to target peaceful activists and protest movements The push for gun control has never been stronger against law abiding citizens, the NSA is spying on every aspect of our lives, media and free speech are being regulated and confined, common core implementation programing our young, our healthcare being "controlled" and our most personal information being conveyed to all branches of govt with Drs now tasked with being more like "govt agents" than your "personal" physician! One also has to wonder why all of a sudden our border is being overrun by children. The news says it's because Obozo promised them amnesty, but like a hat-trick, diversion allows many things to happen concealed while the viewer is distracted..... and me thinks it has more ulterior motives than just trying to cover over a few scandals that are simply a dog and pony show for the public. Anyone who can't see the writing on the nation-sized wall is either blind, medicated, or foolish! Simply put, it's we the people who are under siege, under a role reversal to one of power over the people instead of service to the people.... almost complete! There are many threats to our nation! We are vulnerable on many fronts from natural disaster, economic, viral, biological, chemical, nuclear, or perhaps attacks to our power grid and communications.... I get it! But being manipulated, abused, and spied on by our own govt, lied to by our media and leaders (on a daily basis) is NOT bringing us closer together, it's distraction.... and one must wonder why they want our guns, our liberties, and every bit of our personal information they can gather on us rather than being truthful and uniting us in common cause, preparing us, rather than seeking to victimizing us, for what might lie ahead. They have armies and militarized police units, arms and food, SUPER bunkers and flying fortresses in case of attack, but they want our guns and liberties, to label and register us for easy identification and confiscation..... much like an incident that took place in the 30's and 40's in another part of the world...... Laugh and call me paranoid, I'll laugh with you if I'm wrong, and gladly, but my "bug out" bag is packed and my back is to an ocean with a marina full of 1000's of boats just down the road..... An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure! I for one support what those who want to get over on others consider to be paranoid ideology if and when there is documented evidence to substantiate such claims. Working tirelessly myself for the last 30 years to gather, organize and post for public viewing what I have personally experienced in a country where my own father served honorably in its military I can attest to the tyrannical quality of our governing bodies. When I was young and naive I trusted the status quo until I learned that money and control is the only motivating factor, not character, integrity and working for the common good. Its always been about the haves vs the have nots and what those in power will do to get and keep their own way regardless to who they hurt. My voice has never been silent, and I see no need to hide my point of view when the evidence can speak for itself without my help. Kudos to all those who see what they see and share their insight and experiences in a land where we're supposed to be free but are we? REALLY? |
This does sound a wee bit paranoid. If you are so worried about the government spying and cracking down, why do you post on the internet? Don't you think they are watching these forums? Or could it be you are part of some covert op trying to lure out other unsuspecting anti government people on this forum? Hmmmmm I'm no Paul Revere, but why did he ride? Why did the Sons of Liberty dump tea in the Boston harbor? The internet is the only remaining venue not totally controlled where opinion can be voiced and shared on a global scale, and while they watch and build their case against me a few famous words come to mind..... "Give me liberty or give me death!". Being a combat vet I fought for one risking the other, for everyone to enjoy the rights guaranteed (not granted) by our Constitution. Sadly, people have lost hope, but fail to realize they have given their rights away rather than them being forced from them. So yes, you could say I am part of some covert Op.... I'm an American veteran with morals and a conscience who doesn't like what is happening to the country he loves by evil men/women in positions of power.... Those who would silence their opposition by whatever means available to them.... and being the power, they have an unequaled ability. Even the thought of that should alarm people! How does a people overcome the power of big banks, corporate power and manipulation, their sponsored media, corrupt courts, lawless statesmen, and a brainless sock-puppet leadership at the wheel? Our founding fathers were faced with that very question. The results of their decision and actions gave us our Republic and our Constitution. Do you desire to so easily allow it to be diminished to an after-thought, memory, or a subject for history books (stricken from required reading under Common Core and replaced with "Fundementals Of Islam" now) or value it enough to stand in its defense? I am only one vote, and if I sit on my hands, keeping my opinions, observations and responses to myself I become part of what I believe to be the problem rather than the solution. I don't have the answers nor do I claim to, but I don't like what my country has become, and as a former soldier sworn to it's defense, and that of the Constitution, against ALL enemies, both foreign AND DOMESTIC, I would love to see a little "civil unrest" solve the problem rather than other options possibly being required..... I do not wish violence as the only means or option to success |
This does sound a wee bit paranoid. If you are so worried about the government spying and cracking down, why do you post on the internet? Don't you think they are watching these forums? Or could it be you are part of some covert op trying to lure out other unsuspecting anti government people on this forum? Hmmmmm I'm no Paul Revere, but why did he ride? Why did the Sons of Liberty dump tea in the Boston harbor? The internet is the only remaining venue not totally controlled where opinion can be voiced and shared on a global scale, and while they watch and build their case against me a few famous words come to mind..... "Give me liberty or give me death!". Being a combat vet I fought for one risking the other, for everyone to enjoy the rights guaranteed (not granted) by our Constitution. Sadly, people have lost hope, but fail to realize they have given their rights away rather than them being forced from them. So yes, you could say I am part of some covert Op.... I'm an American veteran with morals and a conscience who doesn't like what is happening to the country he loves by evil men/women in positions of power.... Those who would silence their opposition by whatever means available to them.... and being the power, they have an unequaled ability. Even the thought of that should alarm people! How does a people overcome the power of big banks, corporate power and manipulation, their sponsored media, corrupt courts, lawless statesmen, and a brainless sock-puppet leadership at the wheel? Our founding fathers were faced with that very question. The results of their decision and actions gave us our Republic and our Constitution. Do you desire to so easily allow it to be diminished to an after-thought, memory, or a subject for history books (stricken from required reading under Common Core and replaced with "Fundementals Of Islam" now) or value it enough to stand in its defense? I am only one vote, and if I sit on my hands, keeping my opinions, observations and responses to myself I become part of what I believe to be the problem rather than the solution. I don't have the answers nor do I claim to, but I don't like what my country has become, and as a former soldier sworn to it's defense, and that of the Constitution, against ALL enemies, both foreign AND DOMESTIC, I would love to see a little "civil unrest" solve the problem rather than other options possibly being required..... I do not wish violence as the only means or option to success I live in small town Arizona and am trying to figure out exactly what freedoms I have lost? This entire town is heavily armed and drink lots of whiskey that you can buy freely at any gas station or convenience market. There is a gun shop about every couple miles and more bars than you can shake a stick at. There are no gun permits required and you can carried concealed weapons anywhere except where prohibited like the county courthouse. I haven't seen any tanks, armored vehicles or black helicopters around up here in the hills but at the parades at the town square, there are more farm tractors and horses entered than carter has pills. They did install a permanent speed camera for a bit but people raised hell so they took it out. The cattle ranchers here all pay there grazing fees as most of the state is forest service, state or BLM land. The town council and mayor are just regular folks are very neighborly and like to drink. You do hear people ***** about Obamacare but then you ask them what kind of health care they have and many are on AHCCCS (that's AZ's form of medicare for the poor). Even our Governor, Jan Brewer, signed up for the fed handout to increase coverage for hundreds of thousands of poorer residents. Seems to be pretty free out here. We aint a scared of no danged terrorists and nobody seems to be all that worried about being stripped of our freedoms by the government rolling in with tanks and helicopters. I think there are many out there that feed on fear. They want people to be afraid and in a constant state of OMG! A lot of the 24 hour news cycle seems to be dedicated to keeping fear alive. Just my opinion. Stay brave. ![]() |