Topic: U.S. Housing Market... | |
I have been fighting for my rights as an outsider looking in for 3 decades. And I can personally attest to the facts that without the right connections and money to defend your position no matter how right you might be the doors to opportunity stay closed by the status quo. For someone who does a lot of talking you really don't appear to know very much. Doesn't seem so, you have just been another protestor standing on the sidewalk with a sign, hardily fighting, more like crying. It takes no connections and the money is minimal. I can file a case up to $5000 in small claims for $35 plus the $40 cost of service unless I take care of service myself. And more than likely you would hire a lawyer and if you couldn't afford one, you lose three times, the lawyer, the amount of the suit and the cost. Or I could file in Federal court and dance you around for the five years necessary to actually come to trial for a few hundred. So no it's not status quo, it's failure to know, the choice to remain ignorant of what is going on around you. And lawyers in a common law court of record haven't a clue about what hit them between the eyes. It's a real comedy show. And I can see how you would think that another doesn't seem to know very much from your point of view. It's all based on a point of reference, when the starting point of that judgement is a fallacy, all conclusions drawn on that starting point can be none other than a fallacy itself. And a little hint, rights must be understood and asserted before they can be defended, they never need to be fought for as to fight for a right is a proclamation that one doesn't have that right unless one win's it. |
While the masses are being blamed for their ignorance it is those in power who are intentionally keeping them that way, uneducated, specifically to make them more malleable and amenable to being taken advantage of and then blamed for being so human and/or stupid. In my opinion, it is those with the knowledge between good and evil and still choose to practice evil so they can prosper above the rest that are far more accountable for their educated actions. Again the confusion on cause and effect. You are but looking at the effect and deducing symptoms, totally ignoring the cause. Within the realm of knowledge, there are two elements that keeps one from discovering the truth, nescience and ignorance. Nescience from the Latin verb nescience, is to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable. Nescience is based on the principle that there is no new knowledge in the universe, just that it is not yet known to man, hence all these new and wonderful things man keeps discovering, discovering being the operative word. Now we come to the disease of the masses, ignorance, from the Latin verb ignorare, to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or discarded. So to blame ignorance on some power other than oneself is the refusal to take responsibility for one's actions, the whole basis of ignorance. You attempt to lay the blame on some mystical power, just the thing the elite depend upon to maintain that power, for there can be no power over other except with that person's consent. If you want to discover the cause of this power, just look in the mirror, there is the cause, the consent to be governed by another, the shirking of responsibility. Yeah, some are going to protest. They will go out on the street with their little signs and slogans while the statist watch on TV and laugh their butts off. And when it's not funny anymore, they send the thugs to bust a few heads, send some to jail and then to add insult, they are allowed to pay some fines to cover the cost of getting their heads busted. Oh the marvel of the ignorance of the masses. And your conclusion will always be so for as long as the masses remain ignorant. Thankfully, that the number rising from the masses and accepting responsibility are on the increase, sadly it may not be fast enough to preclude a peaceful resolution. But thank you for your participation. |
What about the current bubble? And all those pins. It's only a matter of time before all the pricks take us down yet again, and deeper in debt. Really, what time would that be? Do you even understand debt? When the debt stops, bend over and kiss the old keister goodbye, it's over. We will enter a new era of depravity never know on this earth. It will be far worse than even Ayn Rand portrays. Millions, possibly billions will perish. And I will sit on the sidelines, enjoying the comedy until the end. But what the heck, I'm an old man that had a great ride along the way. I have resolved my differences and found peace, the end is but the formality not the struggle. I have no fear of the end, it is the natural flow of things. |
You can lead sheep to... but... Those who are wise won't be taken by surprise... They already have been.... |
And just what sellers market are you referring to? The last sellers market was the 2005 bubble that so ceremoniously exploded in 2008. Sellers market... those with homes/property to sell.. duh... Again what sellers market? Do you even know what it means, seems not. Duh, all you want that doesn't change the lack of knowledge of what you are trying to imply, there is no sellers market, hasn't been since 2008. |
![]() ![]() Well for sure about Odumbo being hand picked, he told a friend back in 1998 he would be president, not may, would. But Odumbocare was his price of admission, the price to be paid to be dictator. And he has not disappointed. He has played his part, just as those who follow him will likewise do the same in this land of the free and home of the brave game we all take bets on to see who loses and who wins. You really think that Odumbo had enough intelligence to do anything. Odumbo is about as bright as Woodrow Wilson, just another dupe that traded his soul for a little fame. Can't even say power, because that is an illusion for the ignorant masses. And when he is gone, if we make it that far, there will be another puppet in the office but the real power and owner will not change. And this is nothing new, it has always been so even before the revolution. Even as this nation became free, we had Hamilton as the puppet, thank god for duels or we would have been one statists advanced from today. |
Money is not the root of all evil, never has been, never will be. Ignorance is the root of all evil. Since only knowledge eradicates ignorance, it is our duty and moral obligation to educate ourselves, as well as the masses around us. It is the lack of selfishness that is the problem, not the abundance. That goes back to ignorance, the ignorance of not understanding selfishness, to mind ones own affairs. The ignorant are too busy minding everyone else's business while theirs is in complete disarray. Again, it is the ignorance of the masses that keeps them the perfect little victims, so easily shucked like a prime oyster. It is those same ignorant masses that bow before those that have no authority over them than that granted by the ignorant. It is only with the consent of the ignorant that any authority is granted at all. It is this ignorance that has granted the public "servant" the illusion of being the master over those they serve. But you are right on one thing, it is but a matter of time, a time now so advanced that the inevitable must occur before corrections can be made. And the inevitable will not be pretty, not will it be pleasant, but it will be. This country is but like the Titanic, some have seen the iceberg, the masses are not aware. It is too late to turn or to stop, the only thing remaining is the disaster and collecting the survivors. Too few lifeboats, too many too late to be saved. The first completely reasoned thing I've read from you in which I can totally agree. It's nice to see there is a semblance of reality and feel for humanity somewhere beneath all that bluster. ![]() No offense intended... ![]() I would totally disagree, you are trying to agree with something you ill understand, so how can that be agreement. First, I have no feel for humanity outside disdain. The large mass of what is deemed humanity are the ignorant masses, which in reality are a danger to humanity. It is these ignorant masses that make it possible for the psychopathic statist to achieve their power. So no our individual belief of reality are not even close to each other, nor will it ever be. But I take no offense because to take offense would be to reject responsibility and accept the ignorance of the masses as my fate. For as Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death". That is it, I will not accept any form of slavery. |
This is a matter of my own personal insight from my small window's view. The employed working class do not get handouts. Handouts are for the system dependent and then what they do get these days is far less than they once received because they too are being severely restrained from getting ahead in any way. That is the first fallacy. The working class is all about handouts or they would be the ownership class. Wallowing in the muck and the mire without proper education, employment, nourishment, housing, healthcare or attire seems to be the elite's only agenda for the majority of us at the lower end of the spectrum. Another fallacy, blaming the lack of education or any other knowledge on another. I learned in junior high that school was a bore but my father refused to let me ignore responsibility. So I changed boredom to excitement, for the subjects that I really cared for, I read the book on my own and used the library to answer the questions. There is nobody responsible for my education except me. The upper classes are only looking out for themselves and they've created the perfect system whereby they can screen and let in or deny access to anyone and everyone based on their own criteria and set of standards. And regardless to how much we fight or work hard to get out of the rut's we have made for ourselves or have been placed in by those who don't want us to succeed nothing is going to change until "we" as "the people" do from the inside out. IMO... Another fallacy, blaming another for not getting ahead. There are no classes in this country save for those based on accomplishment. Where there is a will, there is a way. |
Half of Americans Can't Afford their House Other articles by Quentin Fottrell: Middle class will struggle to buy a home this year America's least favorite neighbors: renters The kids aren't buying homes The worst markets for underwater mortgages |
Half of Americans Can't Afford their House Other articles by Quentin Fottrell: Middle class will struggle to buy a home this year America's least favorite neighbors: renters The kids aren't buying homes The worst markets for underwater mortgages "And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." - Thomas Jefferson in letter to John Taylor, 1816. "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." – Mistakenly accredited to Jefferson, not his. And of course people struggle with homes as they should, but nothing compared to what will be in the future. Everybody runs out and pays ridiculous sums for homes that strain their budgets hoping for prosperity in the future. Most do not even think about that commitment they have for the next 30 years, a commitment that over the past 20 to 30 years been unrealistic to expect. |
Personally I think until the people unite and decide to take back what is rightfully theirs then the government will continue to be owned by large corporations like the banks the oil companies and the insurance companies. After all they are the ones lining the pockets of politicians with campaign contributions (legalized bribes) and lobbying for laws that benefit their cause and profits. Until people are willing to step out of the norm as they have known for so long these companies will continue to milk the system for all it is me education and leadership are both key School curriculum needs to be revamped so that after twelve years one comes out with more knowledge than what it takes to work at McDonald's As far as the housing market I have to say that what was done to countless of people was one of the biggest scams since Bernie Madoff and showed people that there are those who indeed are above the law... This whole ripoff might have been orchestrated because of credit default swaps..of course this is my theory but the timing is quite suspicious I have often said that the government never freed the slaves they just found a way to enslave us all...ASC... ![]() |
I have often said that the government never freed the slaves they just found a way to enslave us all...ASC... ![]() Of course they have, just think about this one, there are so many more: Taxation Taxation is the claim that a group of people who call themselves "government" have been given the "right" to confiscate an arbitrarily-chosen percentage of the product of another individual's labor (a form of property), whether or not the other agrees to share that product voluntarily. Taxation is enforced by the threat of violence (behavior resulting in bodily harm) or imprisonment (the taking away of physical freedom of movement) from those from whom the product is being seized attempt to resist the confiscation. This practice is always "justified" (made into a right) by those who claim that such a practice is necessary and required to "uphold the common good". If we define slavery as the involuntary confiscation of one hundred percent of the product of the labor of another human being, we can clearly see that there is no magical percentage to which we could lower this number (other than zero percent) that would no longer constitute slavery. If we are being honest with ourselves, taxation is merely a euphemism for theft, violence, and slavery, the practices upon which it is actually based. Since no individual anywhere on earth has the "right" to claim ownership of the product of another's labor such behavior can never be "delegated" to a group and called a "right". Therefore, all forms of taxation are always wrong according to natural law. |
Personally I think until the people unite and decide to take back what is rightfully theirs then the government will continue to be owned by large corporations like the banks the oil companies and the insurance companies. After all they are the ones lining the pockets of politicians with campaign contributions (legalized bribes) and lobbying for laws that benefit their cause and profits. Until people are willing to step out of the norm as they have known for so long these companies will continue to milk the system for all it is me education and leadership are both key School curriculum needs to be revamped so that after twelve years one comes out with more knowledge than what it takes to work at McDonald's As far as the housing market I have to say that what was done to countless of people was one of the biggest scams since Bernie Madoff and showed people that there are those who indeed are above the law... This whole ripoff might have been orchestrated because of credit default swaps..of course this is my theory but the timing is quite suspicious I have often said that the government never freed the slaves they just found a way to enslave us all...ASC... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |