Topic: Donald Sterling... HECK NO, I WON'T GO!!! | |
u know how many times I have heard the word Cracker from blacks? its normal speech. Blacks I hear calling each other the N word to each other all the time and that's ok. I do not use the N word and most whites do not. Yet he says in a private conversation and does not use the N word and you would think the world was falling apart. I do not have the physical abilities that mostly black people do who r in the NBA. I am being abused and looked down on. I should make millions on a all White team as has been talked about by Black NBA players to start and well that is ok. I do not see organizations for the advancement of white people. No their would be an out cry this is racism. I do not see a White Miss USA pageant. No this would be racism. I do not see a White People College Fund. No that would be racism. No I wish their really was equal rights and I wish the word Cracker would get attention. When will we just be people. Judged by our actions and not by our speech? Welcome to the Miss Black America Pageant, the oldest and most prestigious pageant for women of color. The national 2013-14 campaign has commenced. Participate in “The Rebirth”. Join the Sisterhood of Miss Black America where you "Sow the Seeds of Positivity and Reap the Flowers of Success". Women of color. I guess white women do not have color. they do not exist? Racism would have died long ago had it not been for those desiring to remain a slave and demand they are entitled because of events that happened to generations passed. They are entitled to continue the acts of racism hoping to trigger a response of moral rejection, so they can claim racism. The sad part is that it is but a small percentage of the black population that keeps this so stirred up, with people like Jay-Z, Magic Johnson, Odumbo, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to the helm. so, jim crow, segregation, housing discrimination, ,,,etc all happened 'generations' ago? Approximately what historical date would racism have died if not for those pesky individuals who pointed it out if you don't point it out, ,it dies out,, is that along the same lines of if you don't object you agree? ![]() |
so, jim crow, segregation, housing discrimination, ,,,etc all happened 'generations' ago? Approximately what historical date would racism have died if not for those pesky individuals who pointed it out if you don't point it out, ,it dies out,, is that along the same lines of if you don't object you agree? ![]() Yep, along the same lines, that you understand neither and choose to remain ignorant of the truth. The mantra of the perpetual victim. And all the above happened, it had to in order to get things into the light and addressed and addressed they were, each in their time. When things come into the light, the truth is discovered and with truth becomes awareness and healing. It is the individuals that play on the weak minded that keep reopening the scars that deny the truth. And just to insure that it remains a long time, they instill the entitlement class that keeps one in perpetual slavery. |
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Tue 05/20/14 02:00 PM
this isn't about what 'whites' did,, or what 'blacks' did this is about what DONALD STERLING Did,,,, yes, 'whites' helped in the civil rights fight but how does that change that minorities continued to be barely represented INCLUSIVELY, and that 'seperate' but equal remained the 'norm' throughout most of the non traditional entertainment and business world,,,? men have helped women gain womens rights too, but the NBA is still for men yes? and so , because of that specific HITORY , even without it being called the MALE BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION, women who wished to see themselves or other women in that sport had to BEGIN (and then maintain) their own Womens National Basketball Association if he had said it and been the OWNER of a team of mostly CHINESE People, yes, it would have been an 'outrage' and those Chinese players would no doubt become disinterested in their work lining his pockets any longer,,,,yes No that is exactly what this is all about? Racism at it's most extreme so that some entitled a-hole that can't even take care of himself can steal another man's property. There is nothing else. And I hope Sterling uses his wealth to sue that piece of crap back down the gutter from which he came. And no what what spin is applied, doesn't change the facts, if a white person says what he feels, it can be converted into a slur and declared racist. But if a black person blatantly uses a racial slur in public in front of everyone, it's ok. Welcome to the slanted world of the entitled, where everyone but them is a racist. |
LOL,, no excuses, just an ENTIRELY different scenario mainly because it is only UNVERIFIED Gossip, as opposed to a verified audio source of evidence, admitted to by the party accused. the way Sterlings past RACIST allegations remained just allegations that didn't result in NBA fiasco, until this VERIFIED AND ADMITTED To instance occurred,,,lol This is nothing but excuses, in fact beyond excuses, purely pathetic lies. Just because you choose to keep your head in the sand, doesn't mean everyone else does the same. But the pathetic part is that with the head in the sand, one can claim to see things clearly. It must be the smoke signals being blown up the rosy red that keeps ones with their heads buried informed. My at how Odumbo has so advanced that art. |
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Tue 05/20/14 02:00 PM
how are the idea of ignoring something means there is consent to it and the idea that pointing things out makes them worse anything less than COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY?
what are you talking about? what was 'stolen'? who cant take care of himself? what has this to do with random jane and john does deciding to use racial slurs? what black person used a racial slur and 'got away with it', where it concerned those they employed or had authority over? |
how are the idea of ignoring something means there is consent to it and the idea that pointing things out makes them worse anything less than COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY? Wouldn't have any clue whatsoever or would you? You keep inserting things into a context and then pretending they mean something else. Ignoring things is the root of ignorant, which is to choose to ignore that which could be known. But to ignore law is no excuse: "Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one")". Love the twist being put on the later statement though. Pointing something out, no this is pointing something out. Race baiters don't point things out, they instill some action be deemed racist to gander undue feelings of bias. They demand that anything that has any interaction between anyone and particularly the black race be elevated beyond truth to pure emotional judgement. And then they get the ignorant masses to ignore all the real facts and substitute emotional facts well beyond any rational basis of logic. This is and has been on the rise since Odumbo started his lying ideology. what are you talking about? what was 'stolen'? who cant take care of himself? Sorry to confuse, I forget that the entitlement crowd labels stealing as a "privilege". When the morality is to have the government steal at the point of their gun and they see that as their right, then stealing has no real significance. Anyone that can take something not earned from another by using the government has no moral concept of the act. The very concept illogically elevates the concept of malum in se, a wrong in it's self, to an entitlement. And why would it be you proclaim to know all about this issue but then pretend to claim ignorance of facts not to be acknowledged? what has this to do with random jane and john does deciding to use racial slurs? what black person used a racial slur and 'got away with it', where it concerned those they employed or had authority over? Again, And why would it be you proclaim to know all about this issue but then pretend to claim ignorance of facts not to be acknowledged? |
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Tue 05/20/14 03:24 PM
A question is a request for information. I did ask a question, so, yeah einstein, I have NO CLUE how in on case deciding not to respond to something is accepting it and in another case deciding to 'shine light' on something is making it worse. It sure would be nice to live in a world of simple answers instead of all this unnecessary runaround,, but I do know better. I will search through the next 'look how many college words I know' diatribe to see if there is actually an answer to the question posed.
AD hominem stated: Ignoring things is the root of ignorant, which is to choose to ignore that which could be known. But to ignore law is no excuse: "Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one")". yeah, uhhuh, got it,, you know some legal terms and ignorance is about ignoring things,,, kind of like ignoring the ACTUAL question in favor of ad hominem verbosity,,, AD hominem stated: Race baiters don't point things out, they instill some action be deemed racist to gander undue feelings of bias. They demand that anything that has any interaction between anyone and particularly the black race be elevated beyond truth to pure emotional judgement. And then they get the ignorant masses to ignore all the real facts and substitute emotional facts well beyond any rational basis of logic. This is and has been on the rise since Odumbo started his lying ideology ok, when it comes to racism, its only 'baiting' to shine a light on it because it 'ganders' undue feelings of bias. Gee, I could say the same about anti government baiters, or entitlement crowd baiters,,,, which the 'ignorant' masses turn into pure emotional judgment, ignoring real facts, and substituting emotional facts beyond rational basis of logic. This is and has been on the rise since Ronald the Dutch started his culture of fear with the 'welfare queen' AD hominem stated: Sorry to confuse, I forget that the entitlement crowd labels stealing as a "privilege". When the morality is to have the government steal at the point of their gun and they see that as their right, then stealing has no real significance. Anyone that can take something not earned from another by using the government has no moral concept of the act. The very concept illogically elevates the concept of malum in se, a wrong in it's self, to an entitlement oh glory another legal term ![]() ![]() I see now how one can empathize with Sterling. The original questions were what was 'stolen' and who cant take care of himself? AD hominem asked: And why would it be you proclaim to know all about this issue but then pretend to claim ignorance of facts not to be acknowledged? I haven't 'proclaimed' to know ALL ABOUT 'this issue',,,,nor have I pretended to claim (whatever that means, one either claims or they don't) 'ignorance of facts not to be acknowledged' but anytime the ad hominem is replaced with actual answers,,,,I will be glad to see them,,,, |
u know how many times I have heard the word Cracker from blacks? its normal speech. Blacks I hear calling each other the N word to each other all the time and that's ok. I do not use the N word and most whites do not. Yet he says in a private conversation and does not use the N word and you would think the world was falling apart. I do not have the physical abilities that mostly black people do who r in the NBA. I am being abused and looked down on. I should make millions on a all White team as has been talked about by Black NBA players to start and well that is ok. I do not see organizations for the advancement of white people. No their would be an out cry this is racism. I do not see a White Miss USA pageant. No this would be racism. I do not see a White People College Fund. No that would be racism. No I wish their really was equal rights and I wish the word Cracker would get attention. When will we just be people. Judged by our actions and not by our speech? Welcome to the Miss Black America Pageant, the oldest and most prestigious pageant for women of color. The national 2013-14 campaign has commenced. Participate in “The Rebirth”. Join the Sisterhood of Miss Black America where you "Sow the Seeds of Positivity and Reap the Flowers of Success". Women of color. I guess white women do not have color. they do not exist? I would expect that if you WORKED for some 'black person' who you found thought you were beneath being seen with for your race,, you may feel differently that is the SPECIFIC situation here, it is not a general stranger and their bigoted view,, it is not some random powerless idiot who doesn't affect your wellbeing or life,,,its an OWNER and his sentiment rightly offends those to whose livelihoods he contributes and who work hard contributing to his,,,both players and fans as to all the stuff about things that happen to carry the label of 'black',, we can really only thank the WHITE ancestors who gave us all the racial labels and the history that made such events historically only for WHITES as the UNDERSTOOD NORM for that most of my life there has been white entertainment television, but being that whites were the majority creating and being represented , they had no reason to call it that just like the Brazilians have no reason to call their nuts brazil nuts,,, even though in America , we feel he need to make the distinction,,, similarly, minorities in America, need to make a distinction to locate these things that are not the Standard/Norm and have more guarantee to represent them and their experiences/interests If I worked for a black man who in his private life didn't want his girlfriend to take pictures with white people or be friends with them and bring the over to his house I would have no problem with that. Is it any of my business what he says in the privacy of his own home? Obviously my work is worth to the black man who hired me. And as long as he doesn't discriminate against me I'm going to stay employed by the black man. |
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Tue 05/20/14 04:16 PM
to each their own
I wouldn't have my work 'owned' and profited from by someone who thought I was beneath them (Except when it came to making their money) even slaveowners were happy to allow slaves to make them money,, there is something called 'morale', and in a 'free society' , hearing from an colleague that they think your gender/race/nationality makes you beneath them would definitely kill that morale for me. apparently The clippers and NBA are feeling the same,,,, |
to each their own I wouldn't have my work 'owned' and profited from by someone who thought I was beneath them (Except when it came to making their money) even slaveowners were happy to allow slaves to make them money,, there is something called 'morale', and in a 'free society' , hearing from an colleague that they think your gender/race/nationality makes you beneath them would definitely kill that morale for me. apparently The clippers and NBA are feeling the same,,,, Like you said to each their own. No one is forcing the players to play for him. I'm sure they could get out of their contracts. I don't see how the NBA can fine him. Let the players out of their contracts, Sterling has no team makes no money problem solved. |
to each their own I wouldn't have my work 'owned' and profited from by someone who thought I was beneath them (Except when it came to making their money) even slaveowners were happy to allow slaves to make them money,, there is something called 'morale', and in a 'free society' , hearing from an colleague that they think your gender/race/nationality makes you beneath them would definitely kill that morale for me. apparently The clippers and NBA are feeling the same,,,, Like you said to each their own. No one is forcing the players to play for him. I'm sure they could get out of their contracts. I don't see how the NBA can fine him. Let the players out of their contracts, Sterling has no team makes no money problem solved. exactly right there was a contract/agreement signed by Sterling when he became an owner in the NBA franchise,,, Im sure they will follow the contract provisions which I believe allow them to vote him out of the franchise and sell the players as a team to someone else,,, the fines are part of what Sterling agreed to signing on to be a franchise owner,,,, |
Donald Sterling Fighting Back Refusing to Pay Fines to NBA Looks like the NBA after party is just getting started. Now that the LA Clippers owner is being represented by counsel his new lawyer(s) will have to work for their share of his $ too. For those who are following this Hollywood style drama the next few months should/could become very interesting as lines and sides are drawn and taken. Hot topic controversies always have a way of taking on publicity grabbing lives of their own as they unfold. And I for one am looking forward to see who gets mud in their eye, chips knocked off their shoulders, secrets exposed, and ultimately the gold. ![]() Shelley Sterling Will Take Donald Sterling to Court I think this new move that's keeping the fight in the family is priceless. ![]() Who better to spar with Mr. $ than the one person who knows him the best? ![]() |
AP Source: Donald Sterling hires investigators Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling's team of lawyers has hired four private investigation firms to dig up dirt on the NBA's former and current commissioners and its 29 other owners, said a person familiar with Sterling's legal strategy. The person said the investigators also are looking into whether other owners made any off-color jokes, or racist or sexist remarks. "The gloves are off, as they say," the person said. "Have them dig up all the dirt they can find." The suit alleges the league violated Sterling's constitutional rights by relying on information from an "illegal" recording. It also said the league committed a breach of contract by fining Sterling and that it violated antitrust laws by trying to force a sale. Sterling's attorneys will also be facing off with his wife's attorneys in probate court during a four-day hearing scheduled for July. The probate court hearing centers on whether Shelly Sterling had the right to unilaterally negotiate a $2 billion deal to sell the Clippers to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Shelly Sterling's attorney, Pierce O'Donnell, said she made the deal as the sole administrator of The Sterling Family Trust, which owns the team, after two doctors determined her estranged husband was mentally "incapacitated." Donald Sterling is fighting that conclusion and her authority to sell. The NBA submitted a legal filing Wednesday urging a judge to confirm Shelly Sterling's authority to sell the team. "He realized these guys will literally go to any low to get this sold," the person said. "Even if it gets (him) nothing other than exposing all these guys and shaking up the league and seeing a change in the leadership of the league, it'll be worth it to him." The firms will be engaged in an "audition" of sorts, the individual said: "whoever delivers the best (material) is going to stay on for the next round and it might be all four of them...29 owners is not a small undertaking." ![]() |