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Topic: Say Something Vague - part 6
no photo
Wed 06/18/14 10:40 AM
One bad onion... Yeppers... *smirking*

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 10:48 AM

one bad tater...


Quoted for emphasis...EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW! :laughing:

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/18/14 04:35 PM
You're not very sneaky...And your geography is horrible.

Jarsno's photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:05 PM

Copper Nitrogen Titanium's photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:45 PM

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:50 PM
Gentle on my mind...

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:50 PM

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:55 PM


no1phD's photo
Wed 06/18/14 09:56 PM
who left the bathroom light on again

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 10:03 PM
...& the back door unlocked?

Copper Nitrogen Titanium's photo
Wed 06/18/14 10:03 PM
Well it wasn't me. I am an innocent standbyer. smokin

no photo
Wed 06/18/14 10:08 PM
Op is my fav.....

starr_n_love's photo
Wed 06/18/14 11:01 PM
I think I'll just hang here :-D

no1phD's photo
Wed 06/18/14 11:21 PM
has anybody seen my glasses..hmm

machug's photo
Thu 06/19/14 12:06 AM

has anybody seen my glasses..hmm

On top of your head...


no photo
Thu 06/19/14 07:49 AM

has anybody seen my glasses..hmm

Oh good grannies phD... slaphead
In the kitchen, on the counter...

Jarsno's photo
Thu 06/19/14 07:53 AM

old school shades

no photo
Thu 06/19/14 07:59 AM

no photo
Thu 06/19/14 08:04 AM
I can give you a precise estimate slaphead

Copper Nitrogen Titanium's photo
Thu 06/19/14 08:09 AM

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