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Topic: Sign the petition! Term Limits Now Act!
Lpdon's photo
Sat 05/24/14 06:26 AM

the shorter the better
the tighter the sweater
the better we see
the sting of the Bee

keep them dudes on a quick AM radio style rotation gets my vote:thumbsup:

They should get two terms as a senator (12 years) and 4 terms as a Congressman (8 Years).

Unfortunately, a person with the most noble intention will eventually get sucked in to the power and greed there and all's they worry about when they vote is starting in office another term, which is wrong. They are more concerned about staying in office then doing their job right.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 05/24/14 06:33 AM

"Sign the petition! Term Limits Now Act!"

Good luck in getting enough members of Congress to vote in favor of a Constitutional amendment that would impose term limits.

you get around the Congress!

Constitutional Convention!



Congress need not be involved!

At a Constitutional Convention State delegations)Assembly and Senators) can add to and amend the Constitution completely bypassing congress and my understanding it goes around the President, if not the Republicans I believe 29 State's with both House's under their control. 6 more stated have an equally divided statehouse between Republican's and Dems. So I have a hunch it would get things done like bye bye Obamacare!

That is true.
However, the petition mentioned in the OP pertains to members of Congress, not members of state legislatures.

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