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Topic: sex
TawtStrat's photo
Sat 05/10/14 03:23 PM
You crack me up Franky.

My brother is rather superstitious and he considers the number six to be very unlucky and if you give him a bank note with sixes in the serial number he complains about it. I think that there's some sort of conspiracy alright. Six minutes is **** ridiculous. That can't be right. "The average dude" is just a sweaty fat *** and it's these women telling them to get it over with and get off.

PAJOKY's photo
Sat 05/10/14 03:38 PM
it one sharing of mutual feeling between two people. mostly emotional

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 05/10/14 03:46 PM

what is sex

If you don't know by now, then ... Oh, forget it. You are a Human.

Thankfully, I am a Melmacian. Da-dee Da-dum

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 05/10/14 09:40 PM
Sex and Seniors: The 70-Year Itch
By Loren Stein, M.A.
Summarized by me;
Sexual intimacy among older Americans is a subject that people don't talk about much. The silence, say experts, allows misconceptions to flourish -- including the widespread assumption that seniors lose interest in sex and are, or should be, asexual.
But armed with a spate of studies that help dispel the myth that older people don't have sex or enjoy it, experts say the negative stereotypes couldn't be farther from the truth.
"There is no age limit on sexuality and sexual activity," reports Stephanie A. Sanders, PhD, associate director of the sexual research group The Kinsey Institute. While the frequency or ability to perform sexually will generally decline modestly as seniors experience the normal physiological changes that accompany aging, reports show that the majority of men and women between the ages of 50 and 80 are still enthusiastic about sex and intimacy.
An expert says "If you stay interested, stay healthy, stay off medications, and have a good mate, then you can have good sex all the way to the end of life,". A Duke University study shows that some 20 percent of people over 65 have sex lives that are better than ever before, he adds.
And although not everyone wants or needs an active sex life, many people continue to be sexual all their lives. "There's strong data all over: It's a matter of survival," says Dr. Bortz. "People that have sex live longer. Married people live longer. People need people. The more intimate the connection, the more powerful the effects."
But older people may encounter an obstacle they hadn't expected: their adult children, who may be less than pleased to see their aging parents as sexual beings. Such judgmental attitudes prevent many older people from moving in with each other or even having their partner over, according to Dr. Jack Parlow, a retired clinical psychologist in Toronto.

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 05/11/14 12:46 AM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Sun 05/11/14 12:49 AM
Want to improve your sex life? Eat this, not that;
"One-third of young married have fertility problems today and instead of seeing men with performance problems at age 70 the way we did a few decades ago, we now see it at age 40," says an expert. "Fifty percent of 40-year-old men cannot perform."
Skip: Bacon, sausage and other fatty meats, Dairy. Processed baked goods and Soy-based products.
The better sex diet;
Food that's high in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are tops. Improved circulation results in greater erectile response, helpful for improving sexual function in men — and in women, too, since blood flows to the clitoris and surrounding vulva.
What you should reach for:
Carrots, a well-known libido enhancer, loaded with vitamin E
Green leafy veggies, which clean blood and open capillaries effectively
Avocados are fuel for cells with their essential fatty acids
Watermelon contains phytochemicals to open blood cells
Dates are among those fruits which help increase your sexual stamina.

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 05/11/14 08:39 PM
Danger of casual sex
Too many men and women in their late teens and early twenties do not consider the implications of their one-night stands and first-date hookups.
Casual sex is not a problem of promiscuity as much as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Past history is a fair topic. As embarrassing as it may be to have that talk with a partner, it is worse to end up having that talk with a doctor.
Having sex with someone is comparable to having sex with everyone the other person has been with. This opens the disease floodgates. There are more than 25 known STDs and some of the most common ailments do not yet have a cure.
STD carriers do not always know they are infected and a potential partner may have no way of being able to tell visually because there are not always signs or symptoms. Half of the newly infected are between the ages of 15-24.
Once someone is infected, gender plays a role in how they are affected. Women are less likely than men to show symptoms for common diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Often the infection will remain even if the symptoms go away. STDs can damage a woman’s ability to have children. They can be passed on to children, causing serious injuries or death.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sun 05/11/14 11:47 PM
I mentioned sex to a dude once with an STD unbeknownst to me
he got livid with me
i told him i wasn't the one who gave it to him
and walked away

no photo
Mon 05/12/14 03:31 AM
Sex ia achivement ya adventure?

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